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jump_attached 1 & 2 updates

Dr Gains

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Update Notes:
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DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8yc9nqersay40th/jump_attached_rc11.bsp?dl=0


Update Notes:
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DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q61kig3hak6oyd3/jump_attached2_rc15.bsp?dl=0

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Old DL:

Old threads:
attached: https://jump.tf/forum/index.php/topic,685.0.html
attached2: https://jump.tf/forum/index.php/topic,2067.0.html

Hopefully both maps are better, give me your opinion and let me know if I missed anything.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2019, 04:49:27 PM by Dr Gains »


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Well, since you are going on a anti-cheat spree might as well report all the bugs I know
1-3 and 1-5 can skip pogo->wallpogo and first corner by jumping straight up
1-4 and 1-6 can do with walljumps
2-1 still has ceiling smash crouch bounce
2-3 can skip last downpogo by just jumping across to the finish wall
2-8 can be skipped with walljumping
4-1 still exists REEEEEEEEE
4-4 I think is way too easy for even c3
4-5 still exists REEEEEEEEE
4-7 could probably use a bit lower wallpogo part so that there is more speed for climb, there is just barely enough to make it
RIP the unholy abomination that is b5, you will be missed
new 1-8 is quite cool-looking
3-4 and 3-5 are probably too early, they are definitely harder than 3-6 and 3-7 and 3-5 is probably harder than 3-8

Dr Gains

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1-3~2-1 Im fine with
2-3&2-8 Might prevent these cheats, unsure
2-4 I think I might remove the antisync now that Ive played it a couple times again. Kind of a boring jump...
4-1 I know :/
4-4 Ill try to find a couple people around my wallpogo skill level to test this, its mid c3 at the very least in my own opinion. Still havnt beat it.
4-5 Im fine with this jump staying tbh
4-7 I could go right to floor (2 more blocks down) or you want it even lower. It is suppose to be an edgepogo still.
I might need to try to get word from people who have completed c3 (and not c4) for this too. Ive seen a handful of people really struggle with 3-6. Ive seen people quit at 3-7.

Also, whats everyones opinion on 2nd last and last on both maps, should they be switched on 1 or the other?


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4-5 Im fine with this jump staying tbh
My long standing problem with this jump is that it's high precision (unless I am super shit at walljumps) if you want to go walljump route which is much easier than the wallpogo one

4-7 I could go right to floor (2 more blocks down) or you want it even lower. It is suppose to be an edgepogo still.
I just remember that when I was doing this jump I had to be quite precise with my setup or otherwise I would either hit the telepad or be too slow to climb up so extra space will help, yeah
Though do keep it above the floor still, bunnyhops and whatnot

I might need to try to get word from people who have completed c3 (and not c4) for this too. Ive seen a handful of people really struggle with 3-6. Ive seen people quit at 3-7.
But it can't be worse than 3-4 and 3-5, can it? If we compare to first attached, the edge descend(3-4) was at the end of c3 + it had solid sidewalls to go against, had much more space, wider wall and had to end in a pogo instead of wallpogo (+ bounce-bug) and alt-walls were at the very very end of c4 though alt-walls on attached2 are much shorter I guess
Here you are trying to put both in the middle of c3, people will just quit the second they see alt-walls I would say

Also, whats everyones opinion on 2nd last and last on both maps, should they be switched on 1 or the other?
I am fine with both of them the way they are if you mean c4

Dr Gains

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-switched 4-2 and 4-4
-2-4 removed antisync
-2-7 raised tele height
-2-8 made bottom part of wall longer
-3-2&3-6 have nogrenade walls at bottom
-3-4 has ceiling > uncrouch bounce for start
-4-6 is slightly longer to help with recovery (probably unnoticeable)
-4-7 made wall go right to floor before the upward edgepogo
-bonuses have caps

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qrncmdwk0at6hyw/jump_attached_rc5.bsp?dl=0


-reorder course 3 again
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
-added red spawn room that leads nowhere
-bonuses have caps

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nexpuv0vo2ysw6n/jump_attached2_rc11.bsp?dl=0
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 03:00:48 PM by Dr Gains »

Dr Gains

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-added a new jump to replace 4-1
-moved old 4-1 to bonuses
-old b2 removed completely
-made 180 wall jump go both ways
-made red spawn room same as attached2
-added some more lighting (probably unnoticeable)

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dc5jvdc8uq7p32/jump_attached_rc6.bsp?dl=0


-gave 3-6 a bigger indicator (wallpogo, go over 1unit walls)
-I know, ultra small update...

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1jqkpo76hvvbie/jump_attached2_rc12.bsp?dl=0

Dr Gains

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-added a new jump that is at 4-1 (catch edgepogo up, wallclimb jump in (similar to squared))
-moved old 4-5 to bonus (fast wallpogo horizontal)
-gave 4-7 (edgepogo) more recovery space
-removed bonus 1
-reorder in course 4 and bonuses
-made old 4-1 (now 4-3) easier (64hu indent)

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ehzxpzim27ulg5v/jump_attached_rc8.bsp?dl=0


-added more indication on 3-1
-reorder course 3 and 4 (180 over wall is now last)

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7xw8p2bay5561cg/jump_attached2_rc14.bsp?dl=0

Dr Gains

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Hello everyone, just here to clear your save files and fill your maps folder again!


-added another generic jump to remove wallsync from the main course (4-2)
-changed 4-7 again, slightly
-wallsync is now bonus 4 and the old (pogo random bounce skip skip) is removed

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u19l820kw4phsn1/jump_attached_rc9.bsp?dl=0


-made the 3 holes jump start with a droppogo to prevent start skip
-fixed tele on 1 door of 3-4 skipping to jump 3-6

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q61kig3hak6oyd3/jump_attached2_rc15.bsp?dl=0

Dr Gains

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-removed upward edgepogo on 3-8, since the downward part is all that really matters
-added a bunch of playerclips to potentially stop random wallbugs mid jump
-added additional lighting to 4-1

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/44gfka6sg8u1jvw/jump_attached_rc10.bsp?dl=0

No update for attached2.

Dr Gains

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-created a wallpogo practice room, features 90 and 180 cornerpogo in circles and a long 1 wall for recoveries. located in ceiling in course warp, backwards of spawn
-made 2-3 wider
-moved 4-1 ahead 2 levels
-made (current) 4-1 less tall (normal 2 blocks (128hu))
-taking another stab at wallbug fixes using displacments and playerclip mostly. fixes done to jumps 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 3-1, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 4-1, 4-2, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 and 4-7. let me know if youre still getting wallbugged anywhere
-cleaned up number decals and start/end grids

Heres what the practice room looks like:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

will be trying to add same style wallbug fixes to as many jumps as I can on attached2, and try to cram in the wallpogo practice room, atleast the cornerpogo part

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8yc9nqersay40th/jump_attached_rc11.bsp?dl=0
map fixed, use this download now

if youre interested in just the wallpogo practice:

No update for attached2
« Last Edit: January 16, 2019, 04:49:03 PM by Dr Gains »