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The Seldom Seen Kid - A Tragedy of the Commons

Guest · 17 · 1871

Not Vexon

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I am not Vexon, only a supporting member of his cause. I have been instructed by Vexon to post this on his behalf for Exile to see, and any others who may be curious as to what has been happening behind the curtains of this corrupt administration.
Thank you.

I know what you're thinking given the current situation; this conversation was going to happen in only a matter of time. Well, it's here. We find ourselves in a place we knew we would never get away from. No matter how hard we try and put it off, we both knew this was coming.
With this, I proudly announce to you, Exile, my unban request. This ban occurred at roughly 6:30 MST on September 15, 2019, and has been in effect for far too long already. I feel I was wrongly banned. I know you are a site admin, and I'm not sure if you were the one who pulled the trigger (I primarily suspect Syro-baby for this one), but I am coming to you. You Exile, as an old friend, as a fellow pansexual, as a brother. You are my guiding light. When darkness consumes me, you, were the one who brought me to the light. When times were hard, you, were the one who lifted me up as a person.
I stand before you today a foolish man, one striving for greatness but unable to achieve what I have laid out in front of me. I stand before you as a shell of a man, one damaged by the ones around me I hold dear.
If I may only beg of you, dear friend, an unban is what I seek. I do not believe I broke any rules of the forums. There are no rules stating I cannot post artwork from MS paint. MS paint, an application made to create art and bring happiness and joy to the world, which I intended to do with my creation from said application.
If you can take a step back and empathize, if you can put yourself into my shoes for this one. If you could just try and understand where I am coming from, we may reach an agreement, dear friend. I am here to spread happiness and joy, not hate and belittlement.
If this ban was about my artwork, I apologize to you and any others who may have misinterpreted the message I was aiming to create. You see when an individual plays "blackout" in bingo, they are aiming to fill the entire board, not just aiming for one bingo. This can be interpreted as symbolism, for what happened in Nazi Germany. They were aiming for blackout, total world domination. What they ended up with was only 4 bingo's. 4 countries they conquered. This can be seen in my artwork as the 4 hands of the Swastika. 4 hands, 4 bingo's, but it was not enough to fill the entire board; the world. The rest of the world being free spaces, or "free men". The rest of the world fighting against the strong hands of the Axis forces. Hitler can be seen fading in the background of the artwork, which can be interpreted as Hitler's fall. His last stand if you will. It was more than just a bingo board, it was a beautiful interpretation of the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, if you will.
If, by chance, I was banned from the post replying to Syro's stunning pictures, I am not sure what I can say. That reply was entirely truthful and accurate to what I was feeling when I first encountered those lovely images. She has a beautiful face and I hope she sees this and it instills confidence in her.
Final statements,
So, as you can see, I undoubtedly believe I was wrongfully banned and wish to have this ban overturned and be allowed to once again, post my historic, symbolic, deeply-emotional artwork.
Thank you for staying my friend all these years Exile, through the good and the bad. I have the utmost respect for you old friend.



Not Vexon

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Before we make any rash decisions, ask yourself this:

Was Vexon targeting somebody?
Was Vexon bullying anybody?
Was Vexon promoting racism or hate speech?
Did Vexon post NSFW pictures?
Did Vexon break any rules of the forums?
If the answer to these questions is no (which it is), this is a false ban as well as an outrage. An outrage the public will not stand behind!

I, stand with Vexon, do you?
« Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 09:30:02 PM by Not Vexon »