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newjuls TAS'd stage 3 of bg6

reero · 113 · 9243


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Alright, speaking up seriously after a very long time in this community:
Give Boshy his prize, he earned it fair and square. Syro, for once in your life, realize the position you hold in the community, and how that takes a certain level of responsibility. Before you go out as absolutely the worst owner this channel has ever had, try to act like a responsible adult and act how that is objectively right, and not how your (seemingly quite flawed) sense of justice dictates. Besides, newjuls is almost an adult, not a kid, so it shouldn't even matter what Papa Boshy told him to do. Just accept that you made a mistake alright?


Okay idk how it's so hard to get this through your thick-ass fucking skull dude but there is literally cause and effect evidence that Boshy was influential towards Newjuls. Also, for the prize money, I don't want to take away all of it if we decide to, but at least half. There are other rjweekly admins who would like him to see all of his prize money gone. But like way more importantly, how do you not understand why this should be done? He's partially responsible for something that's illegal in this competition, which means that he should take some kind of punishment. Seeing that and acting on it is what taking responsibility is. There are systems in place in other places like in sports to reward players with good sportsmanship and punish players without it. Boshy exhibited clear bad sportsmanship here. Although, he didn't actually do the tas, so I don't think that he should take the punishment that Newjuls is. So again, I don't want him to lose everything. If possible I would rather him lose all of his admin privileges in other places since he has breached the trust of a lot of people in jump a lot of times, as well as just done outright stupid things that an admin should not be doing. This, in my opinion, should be the last straw. And for everything else, it's not just my opinion or sense of justice, it's that of everyone around me.

Also mireal is a bigot and most people don't want him around so please don't think that having that # will get you anywhere.

I'd like to clear some things up before it gets ridiculous. I did not ENCOURAGE newjuls to do any of this, I only gave him an idea during a casual conversation. I was venting about rjweekly admins to him because bg6 had an unbelievable amount of mess ups and I was upset after how I was treated trying to get my time on the bromelia run fixed, so I said something along the lines of "they are extremely irresponsible, I wouldnt be surprised if they let a tas run through". THAT is what caused the rest of this, obviously I knew about it but I think its pretty normal to not rat out your friend considering all he was gonna do is get a funny meme time that wasnt going to win. I would understand if you'd want to punish me for not telling early enough but there were quite a few people who knew about this other than me. For example I could've waited until I got my prize money and then "exposed" newjuls but I told reero he can make a forum post if he wants (which is what happened). On top of that I feel like I actually deserve the winnings with the amount of effort I put into my runs compared to literally anyone else (with the exception of soup). As for losing my admin powers on TEMPUS that's just ridiculous, I didnt cheat myself and I didnt break any tempus rules, the so called "breach of trust" is irrelevant as im pretty sure 90% of NA already disliked me before all of this. Furthermore, if that were to actually happen you'd lose your only active admin who's been putting lots of work into making tempus better recently (as well as adding new maps), so I really dont get what it would accomplish. In fact I was the only one who was able to add bg6 maps to tempus at the time as scotch was gone. I completely understand the urge of wanting to penalize my winnings but I think its not anywhere near justified enough. If anyone has any additional questions I can answer them here.

"he has breached the trust of a lot of people in jump a lot of times" also whats this part about lol 
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 03:46:45 AM by Boshy »

Dr. Heinz

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The amount of childish and petty people in this community is pretty unbelievable


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Don't give newjuls his prizes, obviously he doesn't deserve them.
Give Boshy his prizes, he didn't cheat.

Boshy should keep any admin powers as he is easily the most devoted and active member of the tempus community (in my view).

The lesson here is that when accepting runs, don't just blindly accept them or even make exceptions for people you think you can trust. Anyone remember the account sharing drama from a few years ago? Several 'senior' members of the community broke the rules, and before that we all trusted them. People lose interest and start doing stupid things.
Saying that, I don't want to flame whoever accepted newjuls' run. I totally understand why it was done - seemed like they should have been trustworthy. Just something to think about in the future.

As for any petty drama, don't do anything rash without thinking and sort it out privately instead of airing your business to everyone. Remember that some people just try to fuck with you just to get a reaction - don't rise to it, they aren't worth the effort.


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The lesson here is that when accepting runs, don't just blindly accept them or even make exceptions for people you think you can trust. Anyone remember the account sharing drama from a few years ago? Several 'senior' members of the community broke the rules, and before that we all trusted them. People lose interest and start doing stupid things.
Saying that, I don't want to flame whoever accepted newjuls' run. I totally understand why it was done - seemed like they should have been trustworthy. Just something to think about in the future.

Also worth mentioning that for BG4 eun had a neptune time that was faster than his winning time, however he forgot to record the pov. He only had the stv demo. It was like 6? seconds faster iirc but because he only had the stv the run was not accepted. At this point he had already been emperor so clearly had proved his skill and that he could be trusted but rules are rules.


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also btw i dont think boshy should be penalized. for one he didnt cheat, but also where is the rest of the money going? all 3 stages getting penalized for winnings is a lot of money and I don't think it should go to the owner's pockets (esp given they let this slip through), nor should it go to anyone who got a worse time than boshy. if you want to make the argument to de-platform boshy after doing this thats a different convo but newjuls should be the only person getting punished here


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Glad to see the tradition of every Beginnings being a shitshow is continuing. Keep it up, Bros!

If you punish Boshy for this you're pretty pathetic. People are allowed to vent about things that get them upset. Do a better job of vetting the runs and stop whining about your "breached trust". Sure, Newjuls made a shitty (but funny, at least to me, considering the outcome) decision, but that's not really the problem is it. Since when has "proving your jump abilities over the years" or whatever ever been a way to judge someone's character. Were you all born yesterday? This community has a long history of top jumpers doing really stupid things and just generally being distrustful fucks, myself included. If someone doesn't comply with the submission requirements, deny them on the spot. Jeeze. Just like Zike said here:
Also worth mentioning that for BG4 eun had a neptune time that was faster than his winning time, however he forgot to record the pov. He only had the stv demo. It was like 6? seconds faster iirc but because he only had the stv the run was not accepted. At this point he had already been emperor so clearly had proved his skill and that he could be trusted but rules are rules.
This isn't complicated at all. Give the prizes to the people who EARNED them. Boshy did nothing more than vent some frustrations, but he worked fucking hard for what he earned. Everybody knows how hard Boshy works for his times, to the point that it's become a meme. Put this shit to rest and just accept that you guys fucked up. Taking away prizes because you're upset over this weakens this doomed competition even further. The point of this competition is to separate out the best players. It's not quite that interesting anymore when the best players keep getting pushed away because the people running BG always seem to be, across the years, people who have nothing to contribute past their own opinions and by extension their personal biases. This is just like 2017 when Mireal got fucked over in the trickjump competition despite having, by an order of magnitude, the best jumps, but he was still given completely shit scores. That was mostly Lambda's fault, but the point still stands. One of the best players there ever was, especially in that era of jumping, was pushed away from Beginnings because of the organisation. Haru, you obviously have a personal problem with Boshy if you're trying to get him stripped of Tempus admin too.  You're not setting an example by trying to punish Boshy. You're using this as an excuse to take a shot at him, for something that really isn't a big deal. Just do your fucking job and penalise Newjuls, and leave it at this.


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Glad to see the tradition of every Beginnings being a shitshow is continuing. Keep it up, Bros!

If you punish Boshy for this you're pretty pathetic. People are allowed to vent about things that get them upset. Do a better job of vetting the runs and stop whining about your "breached trust". Sure, Newjuls made a shitty (but funny, at least to me, considering the outcome) decision, but that's not really the problem is it. Since when has "proving your jump abilities over the years" or whatever ever been a way to judge someone's character. Were you all born yesterday? This community has a long history of top jumpers doing really stupid things and just generally being distrustful fucks, myself included. If someone doesn't comply with the submission requirements, deny them on the spot. Jeeze. Just like Zike said here:
Also worth mentioning that for BG4 eun had a neptune time that was faster than his winning time, however he forgot to record the pov. He only had the stv demo. It was like 6? seconds faster iirc but because he only had the stv the run was not accepted. At this point he had already been emperor so clearly had proved his skill and that he could be trusted but rules are rules.
This isn't complicated at all. Give the prizes to the people who EARNED them. Boshy did nothing more than vent some frustrations, but he worked fucking hard for what he earned. Everybody knows how hard Boshy works for his times, to the point that it's become a meme. Put this shit to rest and just accept that you guys fucked up. Taking away prizes because you're upset over this weakens this doomed competition even further. The point of this competition is to separate out the best players. It's not quite that interesting anymore when the best players keep getting pushed away because the people running BG always seem to be, across the years, people who have nothing to contribute past their own opinions and by extension their personal biases. This is just like 2017 when Mireal got fucked over in the trickjump competition despite having, by an order of magnitude, the best jumps, but he was still given completely shit scores. That was mostly Lambda's fault, but the point still stands. One of the best players there ever was, especially in that era of jumping, was pushed away from Beginnings because of the organisation. Haru, you obviously have a personal problem with Boshy if you're trying to get him stripped of Tempus admin too.  You're not setting an example by trying to punish Boshy. You're using this as an excuse to take a shot at him, for something that really isn't a big deal. Just do your fucking job and penalise Newjuls, and leave it at this.


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Glad to see the tradition of every Beginnings being a shitshow is continuing. Keep it up, Bros!

If you punish Boshy for this you're pretty pathetic. People are allowed to vent about things that get them upset. Do a better job of vetting the runs and stop whining about your "breached trust". Sure, Newjuls made a shitty (but funny, at least to me, considering the outcome) decision, but that's not really the problem is it. Since when has "proving your jump abilities over the years" or whatever ever been a way to judge someone's character. Were you all born yesterday? This community has a long history of top jumpers doing really stupid things and just generally being distrustful fucks, myself included. If someone doesn't comply with the submission requirements, deny them on the spot. Jeeze. Just like Zike said here:
Also worth mentioning that for BG4 eun had a neptune time that was faster than his winning time, however he forgot to record the pov. He only had the stv demo. It was like 6? seconds faster iirc but because he only had the stv the run was not accepted. At this point he had already been emperor so clearly had proved his skill and that he could be trusted but rules are rules.
This isn't complicated at all. Give the prizes to the people who EARNED them. Boshy did nothing more than vent some frustrations, but he worked fucking hard for what he earned. Everybody knows how hard Boshy works for his times, to the point that it's become a meme. Put this shit to rest and just accept that you guys fucked up. Taking away prizes because you're upset over this weakens this doomed competition even further. The point of this competition is to separate out the best players. It's not quite that interesting anymore when the best players keep getting pushed away because the people running BG always seem to be, across the years, people who have nothing to contribute past their own opinions and by extension their personal biases. This is just like 2017 when Mireal got fucked over in the trickjump competition despite having, by an order of magnitude, the best jumps, but he was still given completely shit scores. That was mostly Lambda's fault, but the point still stands. One of the best players there ever was, especially in that era of jumping, was pushed away from Beginnings because of the organisation. Haru, you obviously have a personal problem with Boshy if you're trying to get him stripped of Tempus admin too.  You're not setting an example by trying to punish Boshy. You're using this as an excuse to take a shot at him, for something that really isn't a big deal. Just do your fucking job and penalise Newjuls, and leave it at this.


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I feel that changing the prize money even for newjuls will spark a far greater debate on how it will be distributed which is bound to go nowhere. I do not feel comfortable with my money potentially going into the hands of people who didn't take part in the competition. How would that even be done? Instead, I feel that using this as an experience on how to better the next beginnings would be a more beneficial lesson.


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I feel that changing the prize money even for newjuls will spark a far greater debate on how it will be distributed which is bound to go nowhere. I do not feel comfortable with my money potentially going into the hands of people who didn't take part in the competition. How would that even be done? Instead, I feel that using this as an experience on how to better the next beginnings would be a more beneficial lesson.

Controversial opinion from me: Give it to the 4th place.


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I feel that changing the prize money even for newjuls will spark a far greater debate on how it will be distributed which is bound to go nowhere. I do not feel comfortable with my money potentially going into the hands of people who didn't take part in the competition. How would that even be done? Instead, I feel that using this as an experience on how to better the next beginnings would be a more beneficial lesson.

Controversial opinion from me: Give it to the 4th place.

Yes give it to me yummy