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newjuls TAS'd stage 3 of bg6

reero · 113 · 9244


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False (who controls all of the money) has decided to give boshy all of his prize money. I and some others still think that he should take some kind of hit because he supported and knew about the cheating but false's idea was that trust in him is now nullified, so that's enough punishment.

Also about the money, Newjuls's prize money will be going to Vice (this was decided before any discussion in this thread).

A lot of people knew about this, it's only now tf2rjweekly has found out, that's why it was so funny when stage 3 demo vids came out

If alot of you knew about this why didnt you speak up about it? i dont see how its such a big funny joke that argueably the best (2nd best) cheated a run and the admins had enough goodwill to believe him and you're acting like the admins are fools for believing he couldve gotten third place on an airpogo map. Everybody that knew, didnt say anything and thinks they were playing a big joke on the admins is a fucking moron. I'm honestly not suprised that a bunch of retards that grind wallpogo maps with the original and third person airpogo all day think they're proving a point by being a part of this, honestly pathetic.


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If alot of you knew about this why didnt you speak up about it? i dont see how its such a big funny joke that argueably the best (2nd best) cheated a run and the admins had enough goodwill to believe him and you're acting like the admins are fools for believing he couldve gotten third place on an airpogo map. Everybody that knew, didnt say anything and thinks they were playing a big joke on the admins is a fucking moron.


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If alot of you knew about this why didnt you speak up about it? i dont see how its such a big funny joke that argueably the best (2nd best) cheated a run and the admins had enough goodwill to believe him and you're acting like the admins are fools for believing he couldve gotten third place on an airpogo map. Everybody that knew, didnt say anything and thinks they were playing a big joke on the admins is a fucking moron.


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False (who controls all of the money) has decided to give boshy all of his prize money. I and some others still think that he should take some kind of hit because he supported and knew about the cheating but false's idea was that trust in him is now nullified, so that's enough punishment.

Also about the money, Newjuls's prize money will be going to Vice (this was decided before any discussion in this thread).

A lot of people knew about this, it's only now tf2rjweekly has found out, that's why it was so funny when stage 3 demo vids came out

If alot of you knew about this why didnt you speak up about it? i dont see how its such a big funny joke that argueably the best (2nd best) cheated a run and the admins had enough goodwill to believe him and you're acting like the admins are fools for believing he couldve gotten third place on an airpogo map. Everybody that knew, didnt say anything and thinks they were playing a big joke on the admins is a fucking moron. I'm honestly not suprised that a bunch of retards that grind wallpogo maps with the original and third person airpogo all day think they're proving a point by being a part of this, honestly pathetic.
i didnt speak up because i didnt think the run would actually get accepted, and i waited to release this info until after bg6 was completely finished to prevent any headaches for rjweekly admins while the event was still underway

(also i dont use thirdperson btw :) )
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 03:48:57 PM by reero »


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to prevent any headaches for rjweekly admins while the event was still underway

great job!
wew lad


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to prevent any headaches for rjweekly admins while the event was still underway

great job!
there would be no difference if i had revealed this immediately after the s3 video or right now, I made sure to reveal it when i did so that newjuls wouldnt get the prize money. Yes, i could have told ppl before s3 was out but i really honestly didnt think it would get in esp cus newjuls mentioned to me that exile asked him about the 0kb demo.
hope this clears up my intentions
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 04:23:13 PM by reero »


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Disclaimer: The following is only my opinion

At the end of the day, both sides are in the wrong here.
  • When money is involved in an event, rules need to be adhered to by players, and checked meticulously by the event organisers. So morally, Newjuls shouldn't submit a cheated run, trying to get it past checks, and his invalid demo should have invalidated the run.
  • Boshy deserves all his winnings, whether Newjuls acted on something they discussed is entirely on Newjuls, it has nothing to do with Boshy.
  • I agree that vice should get the #3 winnings, since Newjuls run is disqualified, moving all the other times up a place.


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Ya what Hona is saying is how I more honestly feel


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to prevent any headaches for rjweekly admins while the event was still underway

great job!
there would be no difference if i had revealed this immediately after the s3 video or right now, I made sure to reveal it when i did so that newjuls wouldnt get the prize money. Yes, i could have told ppl before s3 was out but i really honestly didnt think it would get in esp cus newjuls mentioned to me that exile asked him about the 0kb demo.
hope this clears up my intentions
Afaik Newjuls was always going to give the prize money to Vice anyway, he wasn't doing it for money. I heard one thing about it and then like a month later s3 vids came out and there was newjuls racing against soup and kater lmao not like i was hiding info, legit forgot until the vids came out (which were super late)


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I disagree, I think that it doesn't matter that the run was submited because they planned on admiting it so nobody loses anything.
And it doesn't matter that it was accepted because why would someone capable of getting first by actually trying, lie to get 3rd? It's too odd to be expected by anyone.
If it were first then that would be shitty for both sides but in this weird case none of it matters. Also 3rd person is more fun than normal airpogo thanks


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i do not believe for a single second that this was planned to be admitted at any point. once again, if the point was to embarrass tf2rjweekly (and that was the only goal) the correct time to reveal it is after the video was released. when it was clear that the time was completely accepted, what reason could there possibly be to wait longer?
also im very glad that betraying someone's trust is actually *them* being stupid, that's a really cool and normal way to think about relationships lmfao grow the fuck up


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also im very glad that betraying someone's trust is actually *them* being stupid, that's a really cool and normal way to think about relationships lmfao grow the fuck up