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Zyphon · 11 · 1383


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Hey, so this is my new map jump_demania.

It's my first demo map and i'm not good at demo at all lol so feedback and testing much appreciated.

It's probably t3 demo and is probably a bit different to normal maps for demo.
I haven't really decided on textures yet, but tried out different designs over different jumps and lighting isnt totally done yet so might need fullbright in some  narrow connectors atm.

I tried to make connectors interesting and require specific strafing/ manoeuvres to do most effectively
Hopefully it's just a fun different map for demo!

How to do jumps:
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« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 09:36:06 AM by Zyphon »


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Despite the criticism, lots of good ideas in here.


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12: Don't really know what you expected to happen here; giant nonade room means you either jump to the ramp from connector (and its impossible to complete without slowing down a ton) and even then I don't know what's intended for the edge of the ramp. Nonade and invisible roller walls make this impossible to do quickly and so its just a matter of smashing S at the end of the ramp and setting up a catch, or a very steep downair
Despite the criticism, lots of good ideas in here.

for 12 one solution could be going for a start like jump_across jump 7 (41 seconds in, timestamp doesnt seem to work for embed?) where you can can either  shoot self down from connector to ramp edgebug->skip over jump start->air sticky (air doubling or single air with u turn after eb to slot end) or go at a normal pace so eb sends you to the flat ground jump start past the ramp for a catch->wall double. but it depends what you were wanting for this jump i suppose


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this map is really cool, lots of ideas here that arent in any other maps which is refreshing to see.

i dont think i have any feedback that waldo didn't cover in his nerd essay but please add tick regen using gorge's prefab, dying to double pres is lame it's not 2002 anymore. the only issue would be with the jumps that use the weird overheal trigger thing for intended triples+ but you could manually increase the max hp there using what gorge describes in his post if that's what you want to do.

also nogrenade is rarely fun to play with since you just get owned trying to figure out what's shootable and what's not. whenever you finalize your textures im sure they'd be consistent which would help but the less you use the better, generally. doubly so for floating nogrenade that's not next to a wall.


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Im bored, so have another feedback essay

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All in all it was  fun to play. There are some nice ideas in there. But there is room for improvement on some stuff.

As for detailing: i quite liked the spawn area. I think this would work quite well for the whole map.
General detailing thing: Ive noticed there are some black walls that are roller, some are just nonade. Whatever the final detailing will be, make sure to make it consistent throughout the map and stick to 1 kind of anti cheat

« Last Edit: March 12, 2021, 09:35:36 AM by shakez »


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Thanks for all the quick feedback!
I havent worked on everything yet, but here is a changelog for the new version with a bunch of the feedback changes.

Note: There is a new bonus jump, I can't do it myself but i thought it would be a cool idea and should work, would be appreciated if you demo gods could test it c: probably t4 bonus, not sure.


-spawn area changes upgrades
-Bonus jump added, connects to spawn and teleport there from map end.
-Tick regen health
-entire map ammo regen
-entire map  similar texturing
-Ramp jump 5, allows stickies through it,
-Headbug jump, allows stickies through ceiling
-See through pipe for stickies on jump 3
-Removed pillar, jump 4.

Notes: the main reason for the nonades on the wall jumps was i fuigured it would allow for more speedrun competition, not just people who grind airpogo 24/7, but idk much about demo, so if people think this really isnt necessary i can remove them.


« Last Edit: March 12, 2021, 07:34:48 PM by Zyphon »


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The bonus works
The light on jump 15 is way too bright now

The end of jump 16 feels a bit weird now since that purple texture lets stickies through, while it doesnt do that for the rest of the map. Maybe make it transparent? (might just be me tho)


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Here is the finished version of the map!

-Texture alignments
-added 2 more bonuses, 3 total
-made map possible as solly, mostly no tele
-added detailed end cp room
-added no friction to auto ebs
-removed nonades from last




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Demo Testing:
Level 1: Perfectly fine
Level 2: Perfectly fine
Level 3: Perfectly fine
Level 4:
   missing teles on level  at: setpos -5087.566406 -9801.219727 -4795.968750 and setpos -5095.975586 -9015.918945 -4795.968750
   Otherwise, perfectly fine
Level 5: Perfectly fine
Level 6: Perfectly fine
Level 7: Perfectly fine
Level 8: Perfectly fine assuming you're supposed to be able to slide on the ramp
Level 9: Perfectly fine (as in it works as intended, but its an awkward jump)
Level 10: Perfectly fine
Level 11:
   Can pogo on the wall that you're supposed to strafe over, making the intended version of the jump harder and also pointless. Not          
   sure if intentional - most of the other red textures like that in the map are not usable so the intention here
   isn't very clear.
Level 12:
   You can cheat the jump by placing stickies at the bottom of the ramp - see attached video
   You can fix this by extending the nogrenade to go below the bottom of the ramp:
I like the concept and it works fine as intended otherwise.
Level 13: Perfectly fine
Level 14: Perfectly fine
Level 15: Perfectly fine
Level 16: Perfectly fine
Level 17: Perfectly fine
Bonus 1: Can pogo on the wall under the glass all around it - big cheat stopping you from doing it intended way

Bonus 2: Perfectly fine
Bonus 3: Perfectly fine
Soldier testing:
Since most hard-ish levels are notele, the map run seems fine. Only feedback is to make the teles that soldier is able to stand on a different coloured texture maybe so it's easier to tell where you can and can't stand.
Also, some levels have random teles that are filtered, and then the tele right next to them will send you back to the start. It's very inconsistent knowing where you can and can't go.
Bonus one is really janky - the tele is filtered and you just fall through the glass and start bugging out
It's completely unreliable as soldier for getting a good time on tempus since you just have to get lucky that it doesn't screw you over. Making side wall nogrenades 1 unit away from the wall to allow soldiers to wallshot would be ideal.\

Very awesome map. Great job


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Changelog for rc1:
Fixed missing teles jump4
Ramp is fine to slide on
Can't pogo on strafe wall jump 11
Nonade extended on end of ramp, jump 12
Nonade added bellow the teleport on b1 to prevent cheating
Solly can shoot walls on b1
solly can stand on white ground and dull red ground only
Removed stray trigger hurts
filtered overheals to demo
No more demo filter on b3



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RC2 Changelog:
Fixed auto eb frictionless floor
B1 now teleports solly to stop them getting stuck
