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Finn91 · 6 · 1091


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T5 Soldier map
10 jumps

Download link  (a2) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v66CzFNENpZTiou4FBg7DefIIVvOveJE/view?usp=sharing

Map isn't nonade or doesn't have any anti-cheat for now, intended way should be "obvious" but you'll find how to do the jumps below.
I'm looking for feedback especially on spacing, but feel free to tell anything that could improve the map.

Jumps aren't ordered, share your jump difficulty order please

I'm also looking for someone who could do the detailling of the map, feel free to share it to you beast mappers friends :)

Jump intended way
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I hope you'll enjoy

« Last Edit: December 13, 2021, 04:53:31 AM by Finn91 »


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Fun map :)
Some thoughts:

Jump 4: I like the first part of the jump, but im not the biggest fan of the double>triple part. It works, but it feels a little out of place there. Also add teles to the side of the double platform so you dont have to jump back everytime you fail the double

Jump5: Fun jump, but the spacing of the skips doesnt feel quite right. They seem to be a tad too low but that might just be me

Jump9: Minor thing but the tele at the water could be on the sides rather than behind the water. Not really a big issue but i keep walking to the sides because thats baked into my head since most maps have them on the sides

Jump10: This is very likely be being bad at the game but im going to mention it anyways in case its actually an issue: The ceiling ramp feels weird to sync on. Idk if its because of the angle or the position of the ramp

A general thing: I think indicators where to sync could be helpful on some jumps

I'm very bad at this, but here's my guess for a jump order (might be extremely off haha)

2,1 ,6 , 3, 7, 8, 4, 5, 9, 10

Bob Dynamit

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I cant give you much feedback, but I figure some is better than none, so Ill post it anyway:

  • (a neat trick that I figured out way to late) To align dev textures perfectly: When creating the rooms for the jumps, set your grid to 128. This way if you create your brushes, they will always be multiple of 128. If you then align the textures e.g. to bottom left, they will align perfectly and look nice. This also helps with detailing in my experience, since a lot of textures are 128x128 I think.
  • The cp at the end says jump_??? if you capture it
  • In my opinion, 3 is the easiest jump, followed by 4. (1 is probably the easiest if you have speedo, but I didnt). I didnt have enought time to rank the rest :(
  • Detailing jumps that are this big is not easy (at least for me). I recently found out that gamebana (https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/561) has some crazy good (and free) skybox textures. Using one of these (in combination with other stuff) would be one way to create something nice looking for spaces as big as this. Dont make all walls into skybox though, that would be boring. Just a suggestion though.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 09:45:09 AM by Bob Dynamit »


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    Updated to A2

    • Added indicators for syncs (excepting triple start that are really obvious)
    • Added reset to the sides of the double platform of jump 4
    • Respaced the skips of jump 5 according to shakez's feedback (it's smoother like this, thanks) and adjusted a bit the wallshots
    • Teleporters are now to the side of the triple platform on jump 9
    • Respaced the ceiling ramp of last a bit and the wallshots as well to avoid getting rekt for being too good
    • CP now displays jump_revee when captured
    • Started detailling jump 1

    For the jump order, since I actually had many different opinions, I think I'll just leave it like that. I don't think a jump feels really missplaced but I can still change it anyways if many people tell me otherwise (but it won't happen :) )

    I'm afraid about doing the whole detailling, some rooms gonna a real challenge but let's see, I'll add a starting room later.
    Thanks all for the feedback, spacing can still change so don't hesitate to test and speak about it !


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I really like this map!

Every jump works fine and is spaced well, however I am not a fan of last. It feels to me like 2 unrelated jumps that were stapled together, and the water triple in the middle ruins the flow of the jump for me. If you can come up with a way to cut that triple I think it would really tie the 2 parts together and really improve the overall feel of the jump.

Other than that I loved the rest of the jumps. You've really improved quite a lot as a mapper and I'm excited to see what you come up with next.

(Also not sure if you have any plans to do so, but I think adding connectors would benefit overall flow of the map.) 


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great map with interesting and creative jumps, very fun