August 5 2023Added
JumpQOLAdded tf/jump_demos: I don't think this is necessary since the F7 bind will automatically create this folder, but I found that it sometimes doesn't do that (especially the stv folder within), so this is just a precaution
Updated sourcemod
Updated abounce plugin
Updated tf/cfg/jump/record.cfg: changed a backslash to forward slash for sm_autorecord_path--I found that this command will now automatically create a "stv" folder if it doesn't exist, therefore making the autorecord bind (F7) work better
Moved the jse_showkeys plugin to the "disabled" folder and replaced it with skeys_voy. Showkeys and speedo will now no longer conflict.
disabled autorecorder
I also added a link to an archive of previous ultimate jump pack versions at the bottom of this forum post, so you can take a closer look at all the changes if you want
December 26 2022Updated TAS to
latest versionDecember 2 2022Updated Sourcemod files
July 3 2022Replaced gamedata folder to update Sourcemod files
January 25 2022Updated TAS to
latest versionAdded my own version of skeys to addons/sourcemod/plugins/disabled/: This skeys plugin is practically identical to the one Tempus uses. It is useful for having speedo and skeys on screen at the same time. Note that you will have to drag
jse_showkeys.smx into the disabled folder so the two plugins do not conflict.
November 17 2021Updated Sourcemod files
September 25 2021Changed first line of tf/cfg/jump/record.cfg to sm_autorecord_path "jump_demos\stv"
Pressing F7 will now therefore correctly record a STV demo to tf/jump_demos/stv
September 18 2021Updated Sourcemod files
- You will now be automatically teleported to your last save spot upon joining a map as that class
- Changed some stuff on how saving with !s works to make it more accurate
- The angle you face when you save is now accurately saved to the database for all classes. Works for both !s and !sa
- Added new column "angle1" to table "player_saves"
July 8 2021Updated dhooks extension to the
latest version to get the rampbugfix/groundfix plugin working (thanks sleepy)
June 29 2021Removed rampbugfix plugin and replaced with updated version (now called
Updated Jump menu (!p, !h, !d, !m) text and options
Changed default game type to 0 in jumpassist, hiding the objective HUD at the bottom of the screen (doesn't work on some jump maps for some reason)
Added SyncR plugin back (accidentally removed it)
Added support for practice on non-jump maps:
- Added command !health to jumpassist to toggle health regen on and off
- Added plugin tf2_deleteroundtimer so the timer isn't shown and won't count down. Modified to support KOTH maps.
June 22 2021Updated Sourcemod files
June 17 2021Updated TAS to the
latest versionReplaced jumpassist.smx with the
latest version by JoinedSenses and modified it:
- Removed skeys commands (showkeys is now part of a different plugin)
- Allow saving while flying/crouching/noclipping
- Print text when saving (!s) and print nothing when teleporting (!t)
- Changed default noclip speed from 1200 u/s to 1600 u/s
- mp_idledealmethod set to 0 so you don't get moved to spectators while idle
- Added cvar sm_hide_explosions which is defaulted to 1. Code taken from here.
- Added command !sa (short for save angle) that will save your position along with the exact angle you were facing (this includes vertical). Only one save, either from !s or !sa may exist at one time, and both are used with !t. Useful for precise prefires
- Added toggle command !td (short for tele destroy) which will destroy all rockets whenever you teleport with !t (code taken from this Tempus plugin)
Added plugins:
- abounce.smx is the updated version of abounce_live.smx
- saveloc.smx is required for jumpassist.smx to function
- jse_showkeys.smx is the same showkeys plugin jumpacademy servers use. Type !showkeys_options for all options. It uses mouse input which is rly cool
- noshake.smx disables screen shake when doing crouched stickies off the ground
- tempus_spray.smx is the plugin Tempus uses to allow use for the !spray command
- autoreload.smx automatically reloads plugins when you replace them with a newer version. Was really useful when I was testing and I'm just gonna leave it in there if anyone needs to do their own testing.
Removed plugins:
- showkeys.smx (never worked to begin with)
- abounce_live.smx
- pertickregen.smx (redundant due to updated jumpassist)
- nopainsounds.smx (redundant due to updated jumpassist)
- Most of the base Sourcemod plugins which were either made for online servers or have no use for jumping
Other changes:
- Modified tf/cfg/jump/bhop_off.cfg and changed the value of sm_cvar sv_airaccelerate from 100 to 10. 10 is the default airaccel value and 100 was probably a typo
- Replaced speedo.smx with the one modified by Tempus. It doesn't show the "Speed:" text anymore and can change colours (!speedoblue, etc.). I also modified it to stop the text from periodically flashing.
- Commented out some lines in tf/cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg that became irrelevant with all the Sourcemod plugins I removed and would otherwise show a bunch of "Unknown commands" in console on map changes
- Added jumpassist database to addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg so your save locations (!s) are saved even when you exit the game.