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Tempus Cup 2022 Launch + Information

Exile · 67 · 17014


Change Tempus Cup stage 2/3 to 1 week each instead of 2?

Make it 1 week for stage 2 and 3
18 (60%)
keep it as is (2 weeks per stage)
12 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 30


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If the concern is people hiding times/strats, how about requiring offline players to stream their attempts and submit their times within 6 hours of achieving the time rather than banning them outright?  I'm not quite yet good enough to hope for a top 10 time in a competition like this, but if I were to participate, I'd really want to play offline.


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If the concern is people hiding times/strats, how about requiring offline players to stream their attempts and submit their times within 6 hours of achieving the time rather than banning them outright?  I'm not quite yet good enough to hope for a top 10 time in a competition like this, but if I were to participate, I'd really want to play offline.

this would be pretty ridiculous as well, not everyone has a good enough connection/pc to stream
wew lad


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This turned out to be a disaster. Not Definitely because of you obviously, but how it was handled etc. I understand why you did it this why but it just doesn't work well


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What's up gamers,

Thank you all for participating in The Tempus Cup so far, and I hope you enjoyed our lovely stage 1 maps. I'll make a few clarifications here since there seems to be some confusion.

1. Jumping happens online.

Somehow this seems to be contentious, but it's an open secret: almost every map record is on Tempus; almost every single active jumper plays exclusively on Tempus/ECJ/JA/etc., and the vast majority of jumpers never play offline at all, unless it's to test a map before it's added to servers.

logging in JUST to reply to this.  I play jump maps every day but ever since my ping on ECJ and Tempus were no longer something I could deal with (argue with me all you want, I went from consistent 20 ping for YEARS to 60 ping, and yes there is a difference), I have jumped almost exclusively offline. 

I'm not even really participating in this competition, I just jump for fun, but this is a really awful move for reasons already stated.


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Initially, the entire event was going to be offline only

You spend a wall of text explaining why offline isn't appropriate then say this. Any credence in your previous arguments goes out the window.

Typo; initially it was going to be *online* only. My bad.  Edited that post for clarity.

Without pointing out in detail every issue of the argument, you've claimed that offline is bad because it drives competition offline, then proceeded to try and justify why online should be the only way people jump, rather than explain what is so bad about offline. The general feeling is "I would do better online therefore everyone must play the way I play".  It seems you have a very narrow view of what makes someone a "good" or "better" jumper.

I don't know how any fair reading of my post could lead you to this conclusion. This has nothing to do with how well I personally would do, since my times are excluded from competition from the whole event because I helped test/make the maps. The argument is simply that speedrunning jump takes place online in virtually every other instance, which you have made no effort to contradict, and therefore this competition should also take place online. I'm not "justifying" that "online should be the only way people jump." I am asserting the simple fact that the jumping community operates this way now.

Have you, or exile, or whoever made this decision, asked the people who donated to the prize pool for this free entry competition what they think? You seemed perfectly fine to throw up a poll to the community for a rather mundane decision to limit the scope of the grind for these stages, but have you even consulted the stakeholders of this event for something that will drastically impact who competes, and to what extent they will able to?

Donators weren't consulted for the type of maps made, the format/timing, the mappers, or any of the other aspects of the event. Thus far, there is zero overlap between people raising complaints and donators, at least in this thread. A poll was made for the stage duration because it was a straightforward question purely for the convenience of players, and there was ample time to make the decision. Not much discussion was needed (or happened) anyways.

Any attempt to bring this to a poll would have led to endless rambling argument, primarily by those with a direct personal incentive (conflict of interest!), as we see now. Inevitably, it would draw out at least through stage 2, probably through the rest of the event, completely removing any purpose to the poll in the first place.

Thank you for the feedback, I am very thankful for the communication between organizers and the community before making this change. I see that there is a leaderboard for people's top times and I couldn't help but notice that 3/10 for soldier and 7/10 for demo of the top 10 times were completed offline. Now my math by be wrong, but that seems to equal roughly 50% of the best times coming from offline runs.  Now I may not be an expert in this field of study, but there seems to be some motivation for people wanting to run offline instead of online. Perhaps it's the lack of ping? How about not dealing with servers on the wrong map? What about a smoother overall experience?

I don't think I minced words about offline being a strict advantage over online. The point is not that offline is an inferior gameplay experience and should be shunned for the protection of the players, but that it is simply not the standard. If we accept that offline is so much better because of the lack of ping, the (already refuted) lack of servers, or the "smoother overall experience," why are the world records for almost every map (excluding all offclass, naturally) online? Why are such a disproportionate number of offline records explicitly tied to competitions with prizes? It gives an advantage, but one that is only really used when prizes are involved *because* it isn't how people play the game now.

Passive aggressiveness aside, how about instead of removing all of offline runs (which a lot of people would prefer over tempus), you make the perceived entry barrier to offline easier? Maybe have a step-by-step tutorial on how to install speedo or other plugins, or a tutorial on how to records demos, etc.\
The point is not that the barrier to entry for offline is unacceptably high (though after coaching a few people through installing/updating Sourcemod, it feels like it sometimes). When the community is effectively settled on one format, why would we want to have a competition that drives players away from it? The goal is to have a higher stakes, more directed version of normal jump competition, not to penalize players for playing the way they (and most everyone else) usually does. If there was some legacy contingent who swore that demo should always be played with buddha, they'd be getting the axe too.

"The inarguable advantage presented by playing offline (mostly for demo) drives most competition offline"
Bro what? Offline is just better, as you clearly state. So why are you making everyone now compete in a worse environment? What kind of logic is this?
Mostly addressed above, but playing offline is a competitive advantage, regardless of whether you characterize it as "just better" (e.g. more enjoyable) or not. If you only ever play the game offline jumping, that perspective makes sense, but it's important to remember that the vast majority of the community don't see it that way at all. It's not "making everyone compete in a worse environment," it's allowing the majority of the playerbase to compete in the *normal* environment without penalizing them.

If the concern is people hiding times/strats, how about requiring offline players to stream their attempts and submit their times within 6 hours of achieving the time rather than banning them outright?  I'm not quite yet good enough to hope for a top 10 time in a competition like this, but if I were to participate, I'd really want to play offline.

That's part of the concern, and some sort of mandatory quick submission would alleviate it in part, if there's even a reliable way to date demos. However, that is only one of the concerns as the rest of this thread shows. Forcing streaming is unlikely since most offline mains do so because of bad internet in the first place.


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To the couple players who cry about hiding strats/times, maybe try harder next time  ;D


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It seriously doesn't take long to learn offline, you're just being lazy. Can't use just use net_fakelag? Everyone has a level playing field with offline. Everyone can actually use offline. Clearly online only is just unfair as hell since you know...ping duh.

There's just one horrible excuse of an advantage of hidden times for online only whereas there's million of advtanges of having online and offline.

Can't we simply just have a vote purely from the people who got top 10 on both stages?
I doubt anyone who got top 10 on stage 1 maps actually wants offline banned, most likely some guy who got 4 min time on Relicta_.

Oh well, I appreciate having a competition but at the same time, you made it unfun for many of the top jumpers.


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"it's allowing the majority of the playerbase to compete in the *normal* environment without penalizing them."

What the fuck? You wouldn't be penalizing them by allowing offline runs. What you would be doing is penalizing the players were prefer to jump offline (for whatever reason) and decreasing the level of competition

For a jumping competition, you sure are getting rid of a whole lot of what it's supposed to be about: competition.

"but playing offline is a competitive advantage"

So is using the original, you going to ban that too?

"When the community is effectively settled on one format, why would we want to have a competition that drives players away from it?"

You are not driving the online players away. You are driving the offline ones away. Jumping offline or online is a preference, let people choose how they want to play instead of driving them away.

"why would we want to have a competition that drives players away from it?"

I want you to take a nice long think about what you are doing with this decision... :thinking:


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"it's allowing the majority of the playerbase to compete in the *normal* environment without penalizing them."

What the fuck? You wouldn't be penalizing them by allowing offline runs. What you would be doing is penalizing the players were prefer to jump offline (for whatever reason) and decreasing the level of competition
How is not penalizing to allow an easier game which many players would rather not play in the first place? If johnnydemoman22 decides to play online, since that's [how he always jumps, how it works in every other gamemode, how almost everyone jumps the rest of the time], he is at a strict disadvantage compared to anyone who decides to play offline instead. That is penalizing. If a handful of players were diehard about playing on 700 gravity, that wouldn't rationalize it either.

For a jumping competition, you sure are getting rid of a whole lot of what it's supposed to be about: competition.

It only gets rid of competition if people decide to throw a hissy fit over it and quit instead of playing the same game as usual.

"but playing offline is a competitive advantage"

So is using the original, you going to ban that too?

If the purists from 1993 had won and it wasn't fully accepted (it is!), then yeah probably. If you seriously think that this is a valid comparison I don't know where to begin.

"When the community is effectively settled on one format, why would we want to have a competition that drives players away from it?"

You are not driving the online players away. You are driving the offline ones away. Jumping offline or online is a preference, let people choose how they want to play instead of driving them away.

Hard to believe you actually interpreted my response this way, but I'll bite: "drives players away from [the format which the community settled on]". Why should online players, the vast majority, be compelled to play offline (since it's a straight advantage), instead of compelling offline players (minority) to play online?

"why would we want to have a competition that drives players away from it?"

I want you to take a nice long think about what you are doing with this decision... :thinking:

Ok, maybe you actually did misread that. It would be nice if you made an effort to understand the other position rather than just flame a strawman though.


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You keep dealing in hypotheticals where johnnydemoman22 is behind your logic, but you have real people being affected versus your hypothetical. You are forcing some top jumpers into a worse environment. Look at all the comments in response to your decision, notice a common trend?


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I don't see anyone else on Waldo's side, it's just him being a stubborn guy who unfortunately has power, sucking the fun out of everything.


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Guys, I found a way to cheat offline runs UNDETECTABLE!

1. In the main menu, set host_timescale to something below 1 to make time go slower.
2. Join a map and start recording a demo.
3. Demo will play back at full speed when you submit it.

Opinions? Viable in offline runs? I think it has already been used tbh.


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You keep dealing in hypotheticals where johnnydemoman22 is behind your logic, but you have real people being affected versus your hypothetical. You are forcing some top jumpers into a worse environment. Look at all the comments in response to your decision, notice a common trend?

Well I haven't interrogated every active jumper, but off the top of my head I don't exactly think of cander and vice as offline players (except vice for, you guessed it, Beginnings). I would be surprised if any of the demo players with online PRs didn't feel this way to some extent; I encourage any of them to call me out if they disagree. Beryllium definitely benefits more than the average map from offline on account of all the precise 1pre/turning airpogo strats.

I know tomato tom intended to run stage 1, but decided to stop playing instead of run offline when it was clear that he wasn't going to get a good run online.

I do notice a common trend: People who think they will do better with offline allowed demonstrating pretty clearly that that's their only argument for it. Please give me a reason why this jump competition should not follow the same rules as ordinary speedrunning on Tempus.