Mid-High T6 Soldier (Maybe T2/3 demo?)
My 2nd (finished) publicized map ever made (without poaching someone else's work that is *cough* jump_dang_r *cough*), this one is not as gimicky as my first map (jump_lafing) but still has a strong theme, with a focus on prefires.
Pretty much every single jump on this map has prefires in it, as per the name.
Made for Jump Jam 2023.
Difficulty Disclaimer: Almost all of the jumps in this map require a high level of accuracy and execution. There is very little room for error and a lot of jumps are quite unforgiving, but you should find they are made and spaced quite well as I play-tested all of them rigorously myself for many hours (I very much recommend you see the guide for the jumps below if you need help/get stuck -> with added tips for timings as well).
TL:DR A mid-high T6 jump map, all about pre-fires, in situations and jumps that you've guaranteed never seen before - I highly recommend reading the jump descriptions or watching the showcase because you will probably get stuck.
PLEASE NOTE: This map IS meant to be 10 jumps, currently, there is no 10th jump, as I have not completed it yet, this is currently in the works.
Level List /TIPS/How-to's:
1 - Prefire double into 2 wallshots.
2 - Prefire double into prefire wall-double.
3 - Prefire wall-triple into prefire upwards triple into triple - TIP: get 1100 u/s then shoot just lower than where you will hit the end wall, make sure after each pre-fire rocket you re-aim straight on the ramp so you don't get too fast.
4 - Prefire a rocket down, shoot 1 rocket away, then jump up into the next zone and sync a triple down, after tele, hit the prefired double sync and strafe over the glass wall to meet your prefire triple bundle and sync another two rockets down for a quint.
4.1 - Silly strafe connector/not really a jump if you fail this you suck.
5 - Telesync-Triple -> IE, do a telesync, fly over the red line on the floor, tele-sync 1 rocket back, then telesync a 2nd rocket back in sync with the last rocket for a tele-sync triple to the end. TIPS: The key to this jump is getting a really good tele-sync double, as you need basically a perfect angle rocket jump to make it over the red line - if you haven't made it that far your tele sync wasn't good enough.
6 - Tele-sync to a prefire double (on the square) as the double pushes you up, prefire 1x rocket at the base of the end wall and 1x rocket on the upper part of the end wall, after tele - hit the double into the wall double with the prefires (timing tip, this jump is super consistent if you shoot your 1st prefire at the base of the end wall ASAP after your prefire double bundle hits you and then you delay the upper end wall prefire until just before you enter the tele).
7 - Prefire the back wall and jump into tele, double off the wall and prefire 2 rockets at the red cross, shoot the triple off the wall and prefire 3 rockets then quad off the wall to the end TIP: The Base floor, tele's you to the under-level part of the jump, the Slanted floor and white bits tele's you to the back wall.
8 - Prefire 1 rocket at the pre-aimed spot, ctap rocket jump over to the platform (doesn't have to be amazing), as you reach the peak of your jump -> prefire a rocket at the right-hand side wall, then prefire/shoot a speed shot down, then prefire 2x rockets at the end cross on the wall, then strafe into the ramp and catch-up to your pre-fired rocket and hit a wall double, fly to the bottom and prefire 1x more rocket with the original rocket you fired at the beginning of the jump, hit the pre-fired triple up into your other pre-fired triple on the wall.
8.1 - Another silly connector/not really a jump/hole - you can just use the wall to shoot yourself up and then do a triple sync on the red cross that gets you up into the pipe looking connector.
9 - Prefire 1 rocket at the red dot on the floor, fall off and hold "S" prefire a triple (2x rockets) downwards at the cross, release "S" and slide down the ramp and shoot another rocket at the red dot for a prefire triple, hit the triple on the red dot and strafe to the right over the wall, strafe around in line with your prefired triple and shoot another rocket down for a quad, jump off the platform at the bottom and do a quad power-bounce up to the blue wall, shoot the blue wall up and through the hole. TIP: For timing at the start, wait a tiny fraction of a second after the very first prefire before falling off to sync downwards. At the bottom, jump off the platform a fraction of a second after your bundle passes through the slanted glass to hit the P-Bounce.
10 (last) - Not Yet Implemented.
If you're still stuck, here is a (Currently VERY SCUFFED) showcase of the map:
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Happy Jumping!