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Fixed a bunch of stuff from the version I submitted to ecc. Final version unless you find something truly gamebreaking. Think it's a t3, but might be an easy t4? Contrary to what one may think I didn't know of vespertine when I made the jumps :D


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cool map =) last is epic and detailing is clean

it's really easy to die with the current regen if you spam yourself with a few rockets (try the tick regen prefab here https://jump.tf/forum/index.php?topic=3249.0)

also I initally didn't see the buttons on last at all, so after i got to the sync and just flew into a wall i was very confused and had to noclip around to figure out where to go. You could add more suggestive "look over here!" detailing near the buttons, or just good old arrows. Could also make the two doors look more like doors and less like walls so that if i unwittingly skip the buttons i might look at them and think "hmm, i'm supposed to open that door. Where's the button?" rather than "there's just a wall there. Do i go up? down?"


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Overall a solid map, I love your use of easy wallshots. There are definitely some points that need fixing before release.

1 - There isn't enough difference between tele/skip textures and walkable/speedshot textures, more than once I found myself using trial and error to figure out a jump. I would recommend using a lighter wood texture for non-tele surfaces, that will make the jumps more readable.
2 - Start points are all over the place, some jumps I feel like I'm about to fall off when I resent and others I have to walk. I'd recommend tele destinations be 128 away from the edge and 128 away from the start wall.
3 - The map is VERY dark, there needs to be more spot light overall or in areas of importance at the very least.
4 - Jumps need to be numbered. If this is going on a non-tempus server there is a guarantee some t3 jumper will say "I need help with jump X" at some point.

Jump 5 - nonade on top of the wall feels weird, why not let people use that as a skip platform?
Jump 10 - I love this t3 interpretation of jump_koro, its perfect
Jump 11 - MASSIVE step up in difficulty, the end platform needs to be way closer. Or just make it longer if you can't be bothered to move the later jumps. Also consider making the second shootable wall taller, it would still be difficult with the skinny wall at the start.
Jump 16 - Second wall is almost invisible, I didn't notice it at first. The wall needs to be better lit or have some spot lighting.
Last - Another massive step up in difficulty, I couldn't get a good enough catch to make it to the sync platform. Now I'm pretty bad, but that makes it easy for me to comment on t3 maps. This jump definitely needs its spacing adjusted.
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i really liked the map, it has a lot of fun simple jumps which i enjoy.

the connector between 6-7 has a spot that is almost pitch black for me

jump 11: i feel like the catch platform might be too close, most of the time i land on the ramp and get a sort of crouch sync and good really high.

jump 15: i didnt like it, it felt like the better you did the jump the harder it is. also sometimes when you hit the beams ,that youre meant to strafe around , from below your momentum doesnt cancel when you tele so maybe put a catapult there

* the connector between 15-16 im guessing you didnt want people to start the next jump with a rj but unless im missing something rn you are forced you to walk to the next jump which feels lame. i would say at least make the part before the doorway shootable(walls and floor) as i dont see how that would make the next jump easier , plus if someone does the previous jump super well he could sync into the next jump which would be cool imo.

jump 17: place a catalpult to stop momoentum on the tele ramp at the start

jump 18: i never used the second ramp next to the wall but it doesnt really matter if its there for noobies

last: like lopez mentioned, the ss, floor and pogo textures are very simillar, this is not really an issue imo for most of the map but here i initally  thought it was a catch as well so maybe make the texture a bit easier to differentiate.  i already knew where the buttons were on this jump but i feel like, like salad said, making them more obvious would be good. i would suggest making the wall that they are on grate so you can see them from the start.

i think rn the ending feels a bit anticlimactic as it just kinda ends, i would suggest making a bit of a grander ending or at least a platfrom so its clear its the end because honestly i thought it was just a sync platfrom. this obvious isnt a big issue and depends what you wanna do.

overall, good map.


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2: Minor issue but you could add a clipbrush instead of a tele above the shootable wall.
9: It felt really awkward, I tried to use 2 rockets on the 1st platform but I could rarely reach the 2nd one before I started falling too fast, and using 3 felt clunky. Move the 2nd platform closer and a bit higher. Also make them phase to prevent random bounces.
16: Ending was underwhelming since theres no gap between wall and end, could add a small one. You can also telesync it but since its t3 I guess its not that big of a deal.
17: Wall you sync on felt too close.
Last: Banger jump but it took me a bit to figure out what to do. Also theres no way to know that the ramp preserves your speed unless you touch it by accident. Add a (?) to explain the jump and make the ramp a unique texture.

You could also add a no-vel catapult over the teles.

Overall the map was pretty fun, would love to see it on tempus!


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Was last a speedshot? No wonder I never made it, I kept trying to do a double catch.
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Last is an auto edgeshot like on aigis