i really liked the map, it has a lot of fun simple jumps which i enjoy.
the connector between 6-7 has a spot that is almost pitch black for me
jump 11: i feel like the catch platform might be too close, most of the time i land on the ramp and get a sort of crouch sync and good really high.
jump 15: i didnt like it, it felt like the better you did the jump the harder it is. also sometimes when you hit the beams ,that youre meant to strafe around , from below your momentum doesnt cancel when you tele so maybe put a catapult there
* the connector between 15-16 im guessing you didnt want people to start the next jump with a rj but unless im missing something rn you are forced you to walk to the next jump which feels lame. i would say at least make the part before the doorway shootable(walls and floor) as i dont see how that would make the next jump easier , plus if someone does the previous jump super well he could sync into the next jump which would be cool imo.
jump 17: place a catalpult to stop momoentum on the tele ramp at the start
jump 18: i never used the second ramp next to the wall but it doesnt really matter if its there for noobies
last: like lopez mentioned, the ss, floor and pogo textures are very simillar, this is not really an issue imo for most of the map but here i initally thought it was a catch as well so maybe make the texture a bit easier to differentiate. i already knew where the buttons were on this jump but i feel like, like salad said, making them more obvious would be good. i would suggest making the wall that they are on grate so you can see them from the start.
i think rn the ending feels a bit anticlimactic as it just kinda ends, i would suggest making a bit of a grander ending or at least a platfrom so its clear its the end because honestly i thought it was just a sync platfrom. this obvious isnt a big issue and depends what you wanna do.
overall, good map.