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My soldier jump map with ten levels. Open to feedback. I?ll provide a showcase when I get the time to.

Let me know if you crash entering jump 6.



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1: Gotta love it when the 1st level is one of the hardest levels on the map.
3: Not sure if its intended but you can just do 1 wallshot to get to the end.
4: You go from jumps that require skill to basic pogo, should replace/redo this one.
6: Didn't crash, but this one is confusing. I'm guessing that the part at the bottom is a speedrun route, which felt 2 tiers harder than the top route. Add an arrow to point for the easier route because its easy to miss it.
7: You can skip the 1st sync if you do a skip.
8: Like 4 this one needs to be remade, its just a nothing jump.
9: Yeah this one is terrible. I have no idea what intended for this is, everything I tried felt bad or like I was cheating it.
10: I'm guessing that youre supposed to slow yourself down on ramps. It's pretty boring.

This map needs a lot more work.


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2-Fine, can skip the double sync but ig it's fine
3-Like monster said, you can do this with 1 wallshot
4-i agree with monster, feels a bit boring
6-Fine, I actually missed the speedrun route lmao but it's ok if it's harder
7-I don't get the point of 1st sync, I just skip/wallshot/sync to the end
8-I agree, feels boring compared to the rest, rework it !
9-I suppose you wallshot, sync at the bottom, get pushed by the ramp into a skip? Like the concept but it feels very weird to hit (only jump I didnt bother to beat)
10-Like this one, you can slam yourself into the ramp and do this fairly fast, good one

Consider changing the skybox, it's not even a real skybox we can clearly see the edges
Overall quite fun, skybox is a bit too dominant and jumps feel empty, i suggest to add some pillars or stuffs to the map to be less dull