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[WEBSITE] Jump Academy

Weap0wned · 20 · 13649


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BREAKING NEWS : Check out the Project Update #1

Hi Jump community!

I've been working on a program for several weeks now, and I think it's time to present you my huge TF2 project.

I've contacted web-masters, web-designers and SFM/jump movie makers (like Afterglow) to take part in the development of a new website :
we're about to raise the first Jump Academy.

This website aims to give the opportunity to beginning and advanced jumpers to learn jump with professional jumpers, but also to reward jumpers who would take some time to give "classes" by paying them with TF2 items.

The concept is simple :
- the students will pay with TF2 items on the website to get a proportional amount of "coins";
- the teachers will get paid with coins for their lessons and then will be able to choose any TF2 item available through the website.

The main purpose of this website isn't profit but cooperation, and it encourages the expansion of the jump community with newcomers.
Of course, there will be lots of other features on the website, such as tutorials, movies and events.

The website will be released in July 2014.

I am today looking for jump teachers (soldier or demo), so feel free to contact our recruiter here.

Moreover, communication is one of the most important issue of this project. I need your help to spread the word, talk about it to the jumpers you know, that will help us a lot.
A Steam Group has been created too, feel free to join it and share it to the world! (under-construction)

I advise you to have a look on this post, you will find other pieces of information around the project, and don't hesitate to add me for any question.

Thank you for reading, and any feedback is highly appreciated!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 02:15:26 PM by Weap0wned »


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you can't teach somebody how to jump besides telling them to shoot jump and crouch at the same time
if people want to learn they'll have to spend time


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you can't teach somebody how to jump besides telling them to shoot jump and crouch at the same time
if people want to learn they'll have to spend time
basically this, ive tried teaching people in the past before, it doesn't usually go well, they have to learn through self experience.

Teaching only really helps when you show an already decent/good jumper how to "tighten" up his jumping.
i.e - me helping remax with some jumps on soar. or someone like nom helping me judge my quint timing better.


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I think this could work quite well, at least give it a chance guys. I try and help people on the jump servers just about as much as I can, and I usually get pretty good results. You just have to pretend the people don't know anything about jumping, and dig deeper into the reason(s) why they aren't doing the jump(s) right.
5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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@Jur and Grandpa :
Actually the idea of creating the website came to me when I was helping people on jump maps.
I've taught basics to several jumpers (as I could), and I think any good jumper can do the same.

I sincerely think jumping is first a lot a theory before practice.
I'm not saying you cannot learn by yourself, that's how we all learned I think, but I'm sure your jump level could really increase faster if someone gives you some tips (for example for wall jump : how to earn height, speed, etc.).
As you also said, it can help for advanced jumpers who needs pro tips to "correct" or improve their jumps.

I feel sorry if my project did not convinced you, but I know it can work, and you will be more than welcome when the website will open :)

@Vexon :
Thanks a lot for your support, I hope you will contribute to the teaching classes!


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Demoman teacher- "Hi, this will be your first class for sticky jumping. So the basics of stc...."

that's what i'm afraid. "students" need to know what they are signing up to, and to not expect to be the mighty quba in 2 days, cause i'm sure quba jumped at least 3


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I think this is a pretty neat idea. The only problem I see with it is that there will be a bunch of new people signing up only to find out that the learning curve for jumping is a bit too much for them and they end up quitting. Out of everyone I've seen since I started jumping, I'd say about 10% of the people end up trying to learn how to jump, and out of that group of people only half of them stay and continue jumping. It would be nice to see the community expand though.


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@X_DIAS : That's why there will be paid classes. If people have to pay for an advanced class, they will be more motivated. Moreover, the classes will be divided in categories, such as "Wall pogo", "Wall jump" etc. (but there will be general classes too). After it's the teacher's job to tell the student what he can work on, how he can evolve etc. A teacher can also refuse to give a class, but we'll see that later, when the website will be online!

@Pho : My aim isn't to make everybody pro jumpers, just to give them the opportunity to improve their skills. For example, a guy who wants to learn how to play with jumper+Gardner will focus on a specific class, he doesn't have to learn everything if he doesn't want to (of course some basics are necessary).

Thanks for your interest everybody, already over 100 members on the Steam group!
Bad news : the web-master who was supposed to co-build the website told me he won't do it because he has to deal with another project. I'm still looking for another web-master (if you know anybody who could do that, please contact me!)


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Might be cool if there was like a curriculum with levels you had to pass to get to the next technique.  Like sticky pogo > speed pogo > air pogo & pogo > speed pogo > skip > speedshot or something, to avoid wasting people's time if someone doesn't have the basic prerequisite skills, and to give the nubs a sense of investment/advancement.


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Might be cool if there was like a curriculum with levels you had to pass to get to the next technique.  Like sticky pogo > speed pogo > air pogo & pogo > speed pogo > skip > speedshot or something, to avoid wasting people's time if someone doesn't have the basic prerequisite skills, and to give the nubs a sense of investment/advancement.

5:01 PM - john | jump.tf: 👌


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@? Rokio Great idea, I'll take that in consideration for the development. Thanks for your support, and if you have any new idea/question, please don't hesitate!


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I think some one could just make a simple map "jump_test" or something with a different course for every level of difficulty. It wouldn't be too hard and pretty much everyone here has experience with hammer.


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@RNC1839 I already thought about that, I first realized because many amazing jump maps like this (jump_4starters, jump_adventure etc.) already existed, it wouldn't be necessary to create a map just for that. Tell me if I didn't understand you well!

Thanks for your feedback, I'll take all of your remarks in consideration!


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@RNC1839 I already thought about that, I first realized because many amazing jump maps like this (jump_4starters, jump_adventure etc.) already existed, it wouldn't be necessary to create a map just for that. Tell me if I didn't understand you well!

Thanks for your feedback, I'll take all of your remarks in consideration!
I think the point is that it would be very easy to make a map to test specific progressions of skills, like pogo>speed pogo>skip>speedshot areas all in a row, whereas in existing maps the progressions you want don't necessarily exist in that order.  Then you have the hassle of telling them to noclip to some specific part, or doing the same area repeatedly etc. 

In a custom test map you could have higher barriers for success within a specific technique, like an extra long pogo area or extra high wall pogo, or whatever in the sequence.  You could also have multiple connecting areas that use the same technique with graduating difficulties. 

It's also a question of professionalism.  If you are serious about doing a good job with this I think a custom map with branding images / logos, and well thought-out progressions and tests, etc. would go a long way toward the appearance of quality.  I mean, right now every day people are on 4starters and adventure and beef asking for and receiving help from random jumpers for free, so this would help differentiate you as well as giving a perception of justified cost.