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Tip of the hats jump movie situation.


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I agree with this post and I do not think that Afterglows decision is right.
10 (40%)
I disagree with this post and I think Afterglows decision is right.
6 (24%)
I do not care or have no opinion whatever the decision might be.
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Total Members Voted: 25


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So basically the situation with the jump movie in tip of the hats that will be showcased on stream is the following:

The movie which was originally gonna be on stream was the one Afterglow was having a democall about, which most of you know about. But this will not be ready in time to be showcased on stream (according to Afterglow). I dont blame Afterglow for this and honestly its fine. But the problem I see is that instead of not having a movie featuring the jump community, Afterglow is making making a movie for just 1 jumper and explicitly only his jumps. He is a fairly known demo jumper whose name starts with an L but that is not really related as it is not his decision.

Personally I think this is wrong, no offence to anyone but id rather have no movie than 1 movie with only 1 jumper being represented. I made this thread to see the public opinion on this since Afterglow is not listening to any criticism from single individuals, but maybe he will listen if we get some feedback from everyone.

Post in the thread or vote at the top according to your opinion so we can make this right.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 02:31:40 PM by GunnerBurner »


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Afterglow19 hours ago

The thing is, it's by a jumper completely new to this channel. When I conceived of this channel, one of the primary goals was to grow the jumping scene by having a goal for jumpers (that goal being to get a JOTW(s) or ROTW(s)). So to encourage this growth, I'm more likely to pick a decent jump/run by a completely unknown jumper than a solid jump/run by a well known jumper. Though of course, if the run is really good and by a well known jumper, I'll pick that over anything else. The problem is most people are really bad at jumping and submit things the top jumpers can do in like less than ten minutes, so often times there's jumps/runs I don't consider in the slightest.


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Afterglow -tt | jump.tf

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Well, this thread looks like something staged by alle, but nonetheless here's a serious response.

War's movie took way longer than expected which is the primary reason for the big jump movie push back... There were way more frags than I thought (thought it was gonna be like a 5 min movie at the most). I didn't give myself much time to make a 14 minute jump movie in the first place either.

So what I decided to do in place of the big jump movie was to make a jump movie of one jumper who gave me a ton of jumps for my big movie (too many good ones for my big movie), so I'm making a separate movie of just those jumps. I don't care if it's shown on the toth stream or not, I just figured a jump movie is better than no jump movie. If you guys don't want it to be I won't care. I don't see the big deal if it's just one person in the movie anyways tbh.

The question really worthy of asking is "Will this be more entertaining for the viewers or not?", not if my decision is correct or unfair or whatever. So the option is no jump movie at all and more jumping on stream by whomever or a ~4 minute jump movie of good demo jumps. Which will the viewers enjoy more? A question I prefer personally would be "Which will help grow the jumping scene more?", but in the end the stream has priority.

And in response to gramps/exile, yeah I'm not afraid to be blunt. I've seen my fair share of really, really crappy jumps and runs submitted to tf2rjweekly.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 10:37:04 PM by Afterglow -tt | jump.tf »


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Doesn't matter what you show the viewers, even a beef video would blow them away. The big movie would just be nicer to kick things off, but since its not finished it doesn't matter much what you show.


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I feel that Afterglow is doing the right thing but in the wrong order and, it doesn't really matter much.

I will agree with his decision to take most of the jumps from 'L' and put it into their own video just because if a quater of a 15 min video was the same person and the rest featured 20+ people it would be kinda dumb. Also that sort of format wouldn't really promote any form of community (assuming that was the point of the feature on TOTH). As far as which one should be released first, imo, it would have been better for the big one to come out for TOTH, just because that would show the community doing stuff together and potentially get more people excited in jumping. That said, I have no idea what kind of time restraints Afterglow is under or the extent to which 'L' flooded Afterglow with demos.

In the end, because this is going to be viewed by way more people that know nothing about jumping, so it really doesn't matter which one comes out for TOTH.


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There should be solly jumps imo because let's be honest it's a hell of a lot more popular than demo jumping.
Exactly, yet, I doubt that he has time to edit more clips before the TOTH event.


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There should be solly jumps imo because let's be honest it's a hell of a lot more popular than demo jumping.
Exactly, yet, I doubt that he has time to edit more clips before the TOTH event.
Don't you think the unknown should be shown instead of the well known? One of the reasons demo jumping is less popular is because most people don't even know this advanced stuff is possible, another reason is almost no server host demo maps, so people get discouraged to start because there is nobody to help them (I'm working on this tho ;D)


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There should be solly jumps imo because let's be honest it's a hell of a lot more popular than demo jumping.
Exactly, yet, I doubt that he has time to edit more clips before the TOTH event.
Don't you think the unknown should be shown instead of the well known? One of the reasons demo jumping is less popular is because most people don't even know this advanced stuff is possible, another reason is almost no server host demo maps, so people get discouraged to start because there is nobody to help them (I'm working on this tho ;D)

What's more interesting, airpogo or some of the soldier jumps?
I find demo jumping way more insane to watch


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There should be solly jumps imo because let's be honest it's a hell of a lot more popular than demo jumping.
Exactly, yet, I doubt that he has time to edit more clips before the TOTH event.
Don't you think the unknown should be shown instead of the well known? One of the reasons demo jumping is less popular is because most people don't even know this advanced stuff is possible, another reason is almost no server host demo maps, so people get discouraged to start because there is nobody to help them (I'm working on this tho ;D)

What's more interesting, airpogo or some of the soldier jumps?
I find demo jumping way more insane to watch
obsidiian is right, airpogos are boring. soldier jumps are more enjoyable to watch.


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There should be solly jumps imo because let's be honest it's a hell of a lot more popular than demo jumping.
Exactly, yet, I doubt that he has time to edit more clips before the TOTH event.
Don't you think the unknown should be shown instead of the well known? One of the reasons demo jumping is less popular is because most people don't even know this advanced stuff is possible, another reason is almost no server host demo maps, so people get discouraged to start because there is nobody to help them (I'm working on this tho ;D)

What's more interesting, airpogo or some of the soldier jumps?
I find demo jumping way more insane to watch
obsidiian is right, airpogos are boring. soldier jumps are more enjoyable to watch.
not just airpogos, any form of demo jumping, pogos, to wall pogos to airpogos, that shit is insane to watch


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all i hear is opinions and opinions. get the fuck out no one cares about your opinions. If you want to make both parties happy put some demo jumps in along with soldier jumps.