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Jump Academy - Update #1


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Hello there!

Here comes a little update about the new jump community project we've been working on for 3 months now.
If you haven't heard about it yet, I advise you to check out this former post.

IMPORTANT : I precise that this website is NOT in competition with jump.tf, like not at all.
I would prefer an eventual collaboration between the two websites (if you are an admin of the website, feel free to contact me about that : tf2jumpacademy@gmail.com).

The website

We already have bought the domain and created a temporary page : http://jumpacademy.tf/
Our webmaster is currently working on the interface, the database has been set up and we'll probably start the content in two weeks.

The community

Already 330+ members on our Steam Group! Still not huge but we're working on that.
Some of you are already in the group - that's great! Keep spreading the word, it will help a lot!

We try to provide temporary classes through the Steam Group too, and we already own 5 TF2 servers and 2 Mumble servers.
We are also developing bots like the rocket and sticky jumper bot.

Around the project

We will definitelly collab with eXtv (eXtine answered me) and maybe with Tip of the Hats (for next year), I haven't contacted them yet.

Moreover, we do want to create an amazing trailer for the website, we might collab with 3 SFM movie makers and perhaps dellort if he's still interested. On that point, I'm not sure yet what we will do, but stay tuned with jump.tf, we might need some demos for the official trailer!

I guess that's pretty much it! If you have any question/remark/complain, feel free to add me on steam (Steam profile), and of course subscribe to youtube.com/allebwai for high quality content on a daily basis!

See you guys and have a nice day!