STV system is something we are hopefully going to be working on and seeing progress with soon. However, our final system will differ to surf's, as we have different requirements. We need 24/7 coverage in STVs for the servers, so we can check any run times, or glitchers. So we're not going to be just recording WRs. Instead we will most likely provide players with the STV for the whole map, with starting ticks for the WR runs. As far as I know, STV's can be split up post-recording so this is the best option to meet our needs.
Checkpoint times showing PRs is unfortunately not an easy task with the way things have been setup. If it was simple to implement we would have, but unfortunately it isn't.
Level count now appears in !mi. Took me a while to set it up for each map, but hopefully it's a nice feature. Doing !levels on any map also brings up the menu to teleport to them. Or you can do !L 5 to tele to jump 5. Or !L 2 5 would teleport course 2, jump 5.
Run cancelling bug was most likely due to players doing !setstart, then !r in the start of something other than the original starting zone. Thanks to guyyst for finding it, and should hopefully be fixed now.
One thing i'd like to sort of announce or get players to trial is an IRC system I've been working on, and is now live on all servers.
If you do !settings -> chat -> turn on IRC you will be able to do cross-server chat. To avoid it being too spammy, cross-server messages have to be sent using the !msg command, eg '!msg who likes memes'. There's some potential to make this a top 100 or w/e ranked chat, but right now leaving it open for all. Also please no crazy spamming on it, otherwise it'll give us a chance to test our new tempus wide ban system!
Could also be a good way to get in touch with us, as Jay and I will try idle in the channel.