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24 hour map making extravaganza also supporting charity


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The Stream:
12 Noon Pacific Time Wednesday is when the fun starts. I will be creating a new Jump map called jump_ten. 
I'm more doing this to try and beat my record for least amount of time to make a full jump map of 30 hours with jump_hexahedron.
This stream will very likely get very boring around 12+ hours in so if you live in Australia and want to watch an exciting stream you probably won't find it here... but come by anyway
The Map:
jump_ten is a rocket jumping map where every single jump requires 10 rockets. There will be a total of 40 jumps in this map which is really where the 24hr time limit becomes a challenge. 
30 jumps for the actual course, 10 bonuses. 
If I can manage to finish this map in under 24 hours I will begin to work on the map showcase video for it.
Also this map will have no detailing really, just dev textures.

The Charity:
One step camp is a charity that sends kids with cancer to camp for a couple weeks. This camp is specialized to take care of these kids by having all the cancer treatments they need right there.
As I'm sure we're all aware cancer sucks and this charity just makes it suck way less for a couple weeks. 
Sadly I haven't bothered to set up any sort of software to check for donations... So yeah... didn't really think that bit through.
But I'm sort of working around that by just saying I support them.

If this reads like it was written for reddit, that's because it was.


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