I had a few ideas for interesting (gimmicky) maps that I can't be bothered to make myself, so someone else can have them.
As far as names and jump ideas these are just suggestions you can ignore them if you want.
I think when it comes to reserving these ideas it would be best to just post in this thread that you are taking one.
Also if you have an idea you're too lazy to make then post it.
If you do use these ideas don't feel required to compensate/thank me. I won't really mind if you don't, and I won't care much if you do.
Demo map specified for the Loose Cannon, Some Shield (Tide Turner would be best), and Caber.
It's called ccc because caber, cannon, charge (aren't I clever?
). But again change the name if you want, I won't be too fussed.
Jump ideas:
All charges would be best going into a ramp.
3 starting levels that require 1 caber/charge/cannon each. ez stuff.
Charge into a caber speedshot.
Charge into cannon airpoogs.
Fire a cannon at the ground, overcharge another cannon (the sync like thingy), caber on a wall, charge.
caber downpogo
Soldier map specified for telesyncs... no shit.
Jump ideas:
Do a telesync.
Do I really need to give ideas for this? No, of course I don't.
Either class map that has a similar aesthetic to
http://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/180632I just think that map looks cool and that style would make a good looking jump map.
Jump Ideas:
For soldier:
Wallshots on alternating sides of the crevice
Quint (or more) out of the crevice as a final jump
More wallshots...
For demo:
Wallpoog alternating sides
pogo because that's really all demo jumping is in some form or another.
Soldier map specifi...NEVER MAKE THIS MAP
Jump ideas:
Seriously just don't make this map. Everything will be much better in the world if this map just never comes into existence.