Yes, timed runs. I've had a couple people ask about non-timed runs or for fun or whatever.
I would strongly suggest not freeze-glitching at all, even if it's 'just to show someone' or 'to try it out'. When I look over STV's, I cannot see player Timer HUDs. I do however see run finish messages, so it's obvious in those cases that they were timed runs. That being said, it's far from something you can accidently do (especially when used to finish a jump), so I wouldn't risk a full wipe over it.
I've had one player contact me privately for a single time that was freeze-glitched. That run has been deleted, and I will be reviewing STVs of their other times to try make sure they aren't hiding anything. If I find another run of them freeze-glitching (they have said there is only one), they will have all their times wiped. The punishments for 'one-offs' will vary depending on the situation, eg. a time set 1.5 months ago vs. someone doing a run now. I will basically try judge it over whether they player had reasonable awareness of the rule and implications.
Hope that clears things up, and it definitely wasn't directed at you Nightin. Just a good opportunity to put it into writing.