Wall of text ahead
1: whatever
2: I would make the parts of the wall you can shoot the same width of the entire wall
3: what BQE said, making it a sync skip should be fine
4: fine, but I would just flip the entire thing so you start with rj->right wallshot, but that's probably just me. Also push the edge of the first wall forward a bit
5: fine, but the speedshot platform placement is a bit weird imo
6: 8 UNIT HIGH TELEPORTS!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!? also the teleport destination is stupid. make the starting platform deeper and move the teleport destination closer to the starting corner area. Also I would just replace that last pogo platform with a wall shot somewhere.
Prerelease opinion edit: now that I understand that it's supposed to be a telesync, it's ok, I'm not a big fan of it but it's fine, other than the teleports.
7: I like 7, we need more downward wallsyncs in maps
8: this would be great with sv_airaccelerate 100... I would say just make the walls between ramps slanted and 128-256 units above the ramp and put teleports if you want
9: I don't like 9, but it's a fine jump anyway, I would give more of a notice of when the walls are going to become not shootable, 64 units of the orange would be fine
10: I like 10, it's fine the way it is, possible with a triple, and I'm going to recommend making a version of this jump that requires a quint as probably a final jump or bonus, tho chances are you already thought of that yourself
11: REALLY annoying, there are 2 ways I can think of fixing this one: Raise the ceiling and move the end platform back a bunch. Or remove the last wallshot square thingy, make the first two touch, raise the second to the ceiling. Also just generally I would extend the fist wallshot thingy to the back wall but I like telesyncs so...
12: Good, but instead of having the big teleport brush directly in front of the teleport destination just put some player clip there. Also the last platform can be entirely skipped, so I would recommend either raising it up and moving the end platform back or replacing it with a wall shot and moving the end platform back.
13: a bit awkward but it's not that bad, I would make the end platform thicker though just because it looks a bit weird.
14: add a small drop before the starting pogo, 1 unit high teleports at the same height as the teleport destination are terrible just look at jump_steel. Also put some player clip behind the end door so people don't just fall off.
15: there is no 15
Jumps overall: pretty good for a first map
Aesthetics: Dev textures are always a good choice as long as you can differentiate what texture does what, and you did that rather nicely. As far as looks and lighting it's fine. Although I would say that the glass texture your using is terrible in low light situations when it overlaps a bunch (jump 5 I think) because it's hard to tell where the glass is and isn't. It's not a big deal just a bit annoying.
Overall: really good, I'm just a bit nit picky