I took some time to address some of the questions raised in this thread. If there's any more which I haven't answered or if you have any more questions feel free to ask.
he curves his aim perfectly on that last jump too, which was weird.
's just me moving my mouse trying to make a nice strafe around that corner
This run is fake imo. Unless Casual, himself, can explain all of my notes.
alias +rjump "+attack 107; +jump 65; +duck 83"
alias -rjump "-attack 107; -jump 65; -duck 83"
You cannot rely on the key number to differentiate scripted from actual keypresses.
The recrouch is because I use mouse2 to rjump, then switch to shift (meaning release mouse2 -> press shift) for further walljumps
left/right movement switch is airstrafe, not that hard to have them near each other
@@moves to the left without any console commands
It's a bot, it does not skip keypresses.
@@4 wallshots no a or d
+moveright is active the whole time, probably not ideal for walljumps but hey, I made it
@@5050 really fast 1 tick turn to the right
One tick commands aren't impossible to do occasionally, and in this case I was tapping the keys to try to align the rockets as best as I could, it's a tas after all.
@@relatively sloppy mouse movement
I agree.
The mouse movements are fucking weird
But why the alt account?
Because they want to check your account for being alts of banned people, for this you need to put your friendslist to public. If you are ever forced to do this maybe you should reevaluate your policies... So I made an alt because private account 4 lyfe.
It looks like every speedshot he hit was intended.
Yes, even more, even though I do other stuff in between, it all the speedshots might as well have been sequential. What I'm saying is that the 'chance' to hit X speedshots in row is the same as doing X intended speedshots while doing other stuff in between.
We also must understand that Casual has cheated runs before.
This run is done using the same plugin, nothing was cheated or faked. However the plugin had a bug that would make the character lag one tick behind, creating the occasional wrong hitmarker.
Maybe he's going to do B2 maps during the competition, and is just showing everybody his "skills" so it's less suspicious.
Nice theory but not true.
Looking at his aliases, it must be his own site.
It is my website, note the lack of anything ever being sold. (VAC too strong)
Either way, it still looks awesome.
think of all the contests that could be cheated
I'd like to point out I was never given winnings for aperture even though I 'won'.
So I got invited to join a IP casual put up....in STV
god dammit, default port on stv that's only meant to record stuff wrecked that. Ah well, I've put up a password on the stv now.
I mean if CasualHacks.net didn't give it away in the first place..lol
owning a website with a fishy name doesn't imply anything.
I'm not sure he could perfect a run in 1 week.
I spent a lot of time on these speedruns (except ultra, spent less on that). For skylight I spent roughly 20 hours running the map twice (once for 'practice' and testing out strats, for which I got a 1:58.X time and a 2nd fixing all mistakes and improving) spread over 2-3 weeks. It certainly wasn't easy.
I still feel like we aren't getting the truth.
There's nothing more to it, sorry.
How exactly does it work?
Records: all key presses (after they've been translated to commands), viewangles, current position, current velocity, whether you're on ground for every tick. During playback, just overwrite with recorded stuff.
Except, source engine isn't 100% deterministic. I think the main problem lies in the fact that you are recording keypresses at a certain time (since map was loaded) and small variations cause the exact same input at a later/earlier time to give slightly different results. This causes annoying desycs after ~20seconds.
To fix this I put a hook on where the server processes the player's input and enforce (teleport) the earlier recorded positions & velocities. Since these corrections are tiny they are not noticable. I don't know if this disqualifies the whole process for actual TAS. I have some other ideas I'll explore to get things properly played back.
I have this picture https://i.imgur.com/blynWpZ.jpg
The green line shows the 'track', the numbers show the time in seconds every time you hit or leave the ground. This allows me to compare different runs and see if I'm making an improvement or losing time.
Same goes for that void run.
Void is on a completely different channel with different rules, the point of that video was showing the funny reactions of people to the run. I'd say the void run deserves its own proper video though...
IMO the videos (including ultra and aperture) should be taken down entirely.
Doing so will lose the rating/comments/history. Idk if that's the right solution but I'm not exactly unbiased. In any case I've got them downloaded for safekeeping >.>
Also, I have to admit, I really believed in these runs
This is one I haven't addressed yet. The hardest part for me with this deal (where I'd submit the demos as single segment speedruns) was the people that supported me. I'm terribly sorry to disappoint but hope something great can come from this.