Updated the plugin to v0.7.8(Yes I know I skipped another version)
Changes since v0.7.6:
- !r_inv command allows you to invite multiple people at once ("!r_inv talkingmelon froyo" would now work)
- Fixed a bug with the !server_race command which created the race lobby improperly
- Once again tried to fix sounds (I think I may have actually done it this time)
- !r_list command added
- Ammo regen should work now even after plugin reload
- !skeys_loc command added
- The command points should alert the server properly now when you reach them
- r_list and r_info now work even if you are only spectating a racer
- Miscellaneous bug fixes which may or may not have fixed Kendrick's problem
!r_list shows a list of the players in the race, and if any of them have finished, it shows their times as well as their time behind first place.
!skeys_loc allows you to move skeys around the screen. With decimal values from 0 to 1, you can move the skeys where you want if you give it an x and a y value. Default position would be achieved with "!skeys_loc .54 .4" for an idea of what the numbers mean
If anyone finds any bugs or has any comments please let me know!
Download link (same as always):
In time zones other than US east coast the timer will be off (I'm pretty sure this is the problem that Kendrick has been having). I'll be fixing this shortly.