I figured I might aswell post what Ive made so far, The variables transfer fine, you will just need to find a way to add time to the logic_timer's. This map was going to be a long jump-styled story where you find weapons as you progress and have some sort of boss fight throughout the chapters. Theres a weapon strip right now, should be as a trigger_multiple in one of the corners. The current timer I have adds numbers to the math_counter's but Drexens time values increment off the logic_timer, so it'll show a loaded time but it will glitch once it trys to go above the max values. Anyway heres the DL:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ald0cjmrk1w95n9/jump_story_open_source.zip?dl=0Id start by maybe setting the logic_timer intervals based off of the env_globals, then on timer end set self to desired time.
The weapons would be saved throughout the maps the same way as the timer, save a value to env_global then, add a value to a math_counter on the next map with a logic_auto
Hope this comes to use one day
Original Post:
Hey guys, I want to make a multi-stage story map. Im trying to use env_global to execute a logic_auto on the next map(s).
Here's what I have so far:
Map 1:
trigger_once [Outputs]:
OnStartTouch | point_servercommand | Command | sv_cheats 1 | 0.00
OnStartTouch | env_global | Toggle | | 0.02
OnStartTouch | env_global | AddOutput | global_set globalstate1 1 | 0.04
OnStartTouch | env_global | AddOutput | globalstate 1 | 0.04
OnStartTouch | env_global | Toggle | | 0.06
OnStartTouch | point_servercommand | Command | changelevel jump_story_ch2_a1 | 0.08
Map 2:
logic_auto [Property: Global State to Read | --None-- | Outputs]:
OnNewGame | point_servercommand | Command | sv_cheats 1 | 0.00
logic_auto [Property: Global State to Read | 1 | Outputs]:
OnNewGame | (Entity) | Trigger | | 0.01
The entity on the 2nd map does not trigger, any idea why?