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Author Topic: Idea for a jump map + video intro  (Read 329 times)
Offline  duppy

Posts: 99
I was just looking at the TF2Jump logo that härd redwine made, and I thought....hmm, that could be an actual jump map if you imagined it viewed from above!  Lots or right angled lines and a few curves which is easy to make in the Hammer map editor.

Then I thought it would be cool to use it as a jump video intro, like in some future Dellort jump vid.  Imagine you see someone jumping on that map for a few seconds, and then suddenly the camera pulls way out into the sky (while looking downward), and you see map is composed of the letters T F 2 J U M P...then cross fade in the real logo on top.

Heh, anyway, just sharing some random idea.  I have some experience making maps, but I'm currently (and slowly!) working on a map I want to finish first.  I may attempt it in the future, but I wouldn't be hurt if someone took the idea ;)

Offline  Exile

Posts: 399
Couldn't think of something clever to put
dooo itt


Posts: 630
Doom 64 Intro High Quality HQ Small | Large
Offline  duppy

Posts: 99
That one's a bit long for a what I was thinking of, but ya, that's the idea.
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