i think both helps a lot bball for dm and jump maps for doing Basic techniques frequently without Fails.
Shows how to do it correctly.
you have to tap d, everytime you will be pushed away from the wall, also hold w all the time crouch is naturally i think. then raise your aim slowly into 15-20° to the wall and the floor. (all about Feeling)
after you got this you have to adjust your aim slightly to the left around 30°.
my personal tip is use the (i think) crosshair 5 it helps to see your aiming and start with 45° left aim.
what you then describe is called droppogo and is a looooot harder then wallclimb.
you should learn it after you finished most of the techniques and you can wallclimb mostly without Fails.
but here the description:
like wallclimb you hold w, crouch and tap d also your aim from the floor to the wall is mostly the same (20°)
but how you adjust your aim to the left or to the right is the hardest part of it dropping slowly and dropping fast makes a lot of diffrence.
if you want to drop between slow and fast you must have your aim as horizental as possible in the wall (this doesnt mean the aiming from floor to wall!) but you will see that you will get a lot of Speed then you have to adjust your aim to the left to make you slower (similiar to the wallclimb!).
then you drop slower but also climb up if you do it too Long then it is more adjusting.
this consistently adjust of your aim makes this technique really hard it takes a lot of time to learn it.
if you do this together you will be wallpogoing but yeah it takes really a lot of practice. it helps indirectly just with your Feeling how you aim in competitve but not for your jumping itself you will never use Pogo in 6v6 except speedpogo.
i can say doing the Basic techniques and walljumps (left and right) consistently helps more then doing this Special kind of rocket jump. what you should learn is how to Play your class correctly and some diffrent strategies for the maps.
greets dotte