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Author Topic: Tron's still a faggot  (Read 1305 times)
Offline  June

Posts: 10
Continuing this because everyone knows tron is a huge faggot, and we need a dedicated thread to this because otherwise klare will post mean things on my wall.

No one gives a flying fuck about djv or no pulse because you didn't play any matches for that team either you dumb cunt. And don't give me "Talk to anyone on that team and they'll set you straight" because I actually know deth and I talk to ggglygy on a daily basis.

3:44 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: you remember some idiot named tron
3:44 PM - 54BOMB99 | Br0dOgZ: nope
3:44 PM - 54BOMB99 | Br0dOgZ: why do you ask
3:44 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: this dipshit says he was on no pulse/djv
3:45 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: and how he was back-up for fragd
3:45 PM - 54BOMB99 | Br0dOgZ: dont remember him at all

3:49 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: mesr you've been around for a while
3:49 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: do you know some idiot named tron
3:49 PM - mix^ hes olskool
3:49 PM - mix^ like season 2 esea olskool
3:49 PM - mix^ or 1
3:49 PM - mix^ or somethin
3:49 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: yeah but was he ever any good
3:49 PM - mix^ dont think so
3:49 PM - mix^ maybe back in the day
3:50 PM - mix^ but every1 p much sucked back then

3:52 PM - ?BNGD? RADIO RAHEEEEEEEM: wait didnt tron used to be like a bball only guy?
3:52 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: pretty much
3:52 PM - ?BNGD? RADIO RAHEEEEEEEM: and he was pretty bad in 6v6

But let's not stop there, let's get some testimony from former team-mates

3:55 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: Remember tron?
3:56 PM - Let It Be: yea
3:56 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: Huge faggot right?
3:56 PM - Let It Be: mhmm

3:56 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: do you remember tron?
3:59 PM - beast: yes
4:00 PM - beast: i payed his league fees
4:00 PM - beast: and he never played
4:00 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: So, huge faggot right?
4:00 PM - beast: imo

4:01 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: Did he ever play though
4:01 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: Cause I remember ggglygy oshnosh dosr
4:01 PM - cc//DeTh: couple times
4:01 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: but never remember you mentioning him before
4:02 PM - cc//DeTh: meh was never really note worthy cause i didnt know him very well
4:02 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: but weren't you the med for that team lol
4:02 PM - cc//DeTh: yeah but he was not a starter
4:03 PM - cc//DeTh: it was dosr, me osh eface oki and switched between dr john carter and plat
4:04 PM - cc//DeTh: giggly was a backup
4:04 PM - cc//DeTh: tron was uber backup

4:26 PM - chft: is he back?
4:27 PM - chft: back again?
4:27 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: nah
4:28 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: just being a cunt on tf2jump
4:28 PM - chft: like what?
4:29 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: classic tron stuff
4:30 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: I was cevo-p
4:30 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: even though he was back-up for an 0-16 team and never played
4:30 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: then talks about how he was on djv/no pulse
4:30 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: never played a match
4:31 PM - chft: should bring up that cevo is dead then
4:31 PM - chft: and he didnt do anything in esea
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 04:32:31 PM by June »
Offline  Jack

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Offline  June

Posts: 10
4:26 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: the bball it thread is also filled with him being a cunt
4:28 PM - cc//DeTh: lol
4:28 PM - cc//DeTh: thats all he played
4:29 PM - cc//DeTh: dude litany was closer to djv than he was lol
4:29 PM - 2sÿ.Dope Fiend #KTJR: rofl
Offline  mixup

Posts: 39
I thought you said I never played for these " said " teams? I thought I made all this stuff up.  Looks like everyone recalls me just like I said they would. And furthermore even people that i have never even heard of or played with remembers me playing. Who the fuck is beast, let it be, chft, brodogz? I know brodogz is using an alias though i seen him around before. Only person i played with here is deth. Only guys i heard of are radio raheem and mesr. And i was playing well b4 they were which was before esea season 1.

And you can tell deth he wasn't the starting medic for dejavu. The girl was. deth was recalling control gaming that we were on a team together with after they placed 4th in cevo-a. And i did start soldier for control gaming. I was main starting soldier for deja vu when we turned into no pulse gaming. But i quit the team on my own accord because my other friends started a team and wanted me to play with them and i chose to do that over the deja vu guys cuz i didn't know them that well versus my other friends.

And for mesr's comment that everyone sucked back in the day is pretty much retarded. gyggly went from deja vu to eMg, dosr to 20id, dummy still plays for invite, enigma , moose, yaug, ruwin, all the guys from the old days went on to invite. So to say people from back in the days suck is fucking stupid. Plenty of cevo-a people went on to invite.

And lastly i will say it like i have always said it. I would rather have been at invite level back in the days then be a piece of shit cevo-a player or TWL/UGC/CAL player any day wether it be back up or not. I think anyone would agree that being backup for old complexity or iDemise or saget in tights or any old invite teams from back in the days is good enough to mention.

Posts: 37
You're all faggots /thread

Posts: 185
damn tron you were never good at comp, bball, or jumping just gtfo already

you list these ppl like they will back you up, or make you better by association or something
everyone knows youre garbage, who do you think youre fooling

Quote from: mixup
You say I have no proof that I beat you 1v1. You don't have any proof either that it happened either. So why you are bringing up the whole proof thing is beyond me. As long as I know, it doesn't really matter lol. I can have kpin, chapin, sniper, beef, ww, platinum, hititduck, virulent, thenoid, and a ton of other people tell you to your face that i was playing bball LONG b4 you even started playing bball, and that you would come in and we would play 1v1 just for fun not an official 1v1 and i would completely wreck you because you were SHIT back in the days.

back in the day the only thing you wrecked is your reputation. thats why you changed your name to mixup, trying to hide who you are cause everyone hates you. just get that proof, or stfu. all you do is talk, everything that comes out of your mouth is lie.
i dont want to hear excuses, so stop talking. get any one of those people, lets see what they have to say

3:37 PM - Sniper w/o Ammo: he's just talking shit, he always had his head pretty far up his ass

ur shit kid. 

that girl from dejavu? you cant even remember her name?
Audra, or do you mean Alexis? its funny that I remember them, and everyone else from early dejavu, but I didnt know you back then? what gives
Offline  mixup

Posts: 39
damn tron you were never good at comp, bball, or jumping just gtfo already

you list these ppl like they will back you up, or make you better by association or something
everyone knows youre garbage, who do you think youre fooling

Quote from: mixup
You say I have no proof that I beat you 1v1. You don't have any proof either that it happened either. So why you are bringing up the whole proof thing is beyond me. As long as I know, it doesn't really matter lol. I can have kpin, chapin, sniper, beef, ww, platinum, hititduck, virulent, thenoid, and a ton of other people tell you to your face that i was playing bball LONG b4 you even started playing bball, and that you would come in and we would play 1v1 just for fun not an official 1v1 and i would completely wreck you because you were SHIT back in the days.

back in the day the only thing you wrecked is your reputation. thats why you changed your name to mixup, trying to hide who you are cause everyone hates you. just get that proof, or stfu. all you do is talk, everything that comes out of your mouth is lie.
i dont want to hear excuses, so stop talking. get any one of those people, lets see what they have to say

3:37 PM - Sniper w/o Ammo: he's just talking shit, he always had his head pretty far up his ass

ur shit kid. 

that girl from dejavu? you cant even remember her name?
Audra, or do you mean Alexis? its funny that I remember them, and everyone else from early dejavu, but I didnt know you back then? what gives

Everyone from the old days aren't even around anymore for me to ask. And yes, alexis was her name. And wow bravo you have a better memory from 2-3 years ago then i do because i dont care to remember specifics. All that matters is that people like yourself know what i'm talking about. I can easily call in dosr, oshnosh, alexis, gyggly and have them say i did play for them. Dosr recruited me after spectating me in a match. But once again, that was already proven when june asked mesr about me playing for deja vu/ no pulse gaming.

That was a 1v1 that i didn't agree to so posting screenshots of random pubby nonsense isn't going to get you very far. And i must be that big of a threat to you that you would actually keep screenshots like that. Thanks for proving my point. Who keeps screenshots of shitty players they play? And yes, if I talk to sniper, not you, he will say things completely different. He started playing after you so even his opinions don't even matter because i'm referring to times before he even started playing were the times we played. You seem to remember everything except me kicking your ass. Guess it was that bad and you have your head so far up your own ass you can't even recall that, but everyone else can.

Ya i'm not good at bball but could beat everyone in a 1v1 including you. Gee i'm not good at all then. And who the fuck are you to say anyone isn't good at comp? You didn't even fucking play comp for a complete season and when you did you were on a SHIT team. So don't even fucking open your trashy ass mouth like you were somebody who was on any good team. The only thing you have over me is a shitty screenshot of us playing in a pub in bball where no one stated it was a 1v1 ( a real 1v1 would have been pw protected and rules stated which none were ), and the fact that you can beat jump maps really fast. WOW BIG DEAL BRO. You're hot shit now. You're a terrible soldier which is why you could never be anything in COMP shit head.
Offline  mixup

Posts: 39
And frankly there isn't anything else to say to a bunch of no name losers who haven't done shit rofl. And btw WL, i changed my name from Tron because there was another Tron floating around ruining my rep and they were confusing us.
Offline  dellort

Video Maker Extraordinaire
Posts: 294
Any more replies in this or any mixup thread will result in a permanent ban from the forums and servers, thanks.
Offline  June

Posts: 10
I thought you said I never played for these " said " teams? I thought I made all this stuff up.  Looks like everyone recalls me just like I said they would. And furthermore even people that i have never even heard of or played with remembers me playing. Who the fuck is beast, let it be, chft, brodogz? I know brodogz is using an alias though i seen him around before. Only person i played with here is deth. Only guys i heard of are radio raheem and mesr. And i was playing well b4 they were which was before esea season 1.

And you can tell deth he wasn't the starting medic for dejavu. The girl was. deth was recalling control gaming that we were on a team together with after they placed 4th in cevo-a. And i did start soldier for control gaming. I was main starting soldier for deja vu when we turned into no pulse gaming. But i quit the team on my own accord because my other friends started a team and wanted me to play with them and i chose to do that over the deja vu guys cuz i didn't know them that well versus my other friends.

And for mesr's comment that everyone sucked back in the day is pretty much retarded. gyggly went from deja vu to eMg, dosr to 20id, dummy still plays for invite, enigma , moose, yaug, ruwin, all the guys from the old days went on to invite. So to say people from back in the days suck is fucking stupid. Plenty of cevo-a people went on to invite.

And lastly i will say it like i have always said it. I would rather have been at invite level back in the days then be a piece of shit cevo-a player or TWL/UGC/CAL player any day wether it be back up or not. I think anyone would agree that being backup for old complexity or iDemise or saget in tights or any old invite teams from back in the days is good enough to mention.

Pay no attention to the three seasons ggglygy spent on expertise, dosr was brought onto 20id because phantom turned them down, Let it be is let it riot, Chft is chimp feet, beast is seager, and brodogz is yodogs captain of 54bomb99 which I'm surprised a SEASON ONE VETERAN such as yourself doesn't remember. Believing that the players that were invite then haven't improved to keep up with the game is truly retarded, but then again you are a true retard.

2:32 PM - cc//DeTh: so apparently this guy tron or whatever was on djv before me
2:32 PM - cc//DeTh: and made it his buisness to come at me and tell me that i was wrong

You're so fucking obsessed with your delusions of skill or reputation in this game that you have actually deceived yourself into thinking that everyone else's career has only gotten better or worse so that it suits your own delusion of grandeur.

Any forum or server willing to keep this faggot around isn't worth posting on or joining so I'll take my perma ban now. Long live rush.
Offline  June

Posts: 10
And WL did more work in half a season on rage and terror than you ever did in your 2 seasons of being a nobody shitlord back-up for a group of wigger faggots who couldn't so much as take a round off anyone else in their division.

Kill yourself.
Offline  Drexen

Posts: 283
sounds like someones going to get perm banned

Posts: 185
Everyone from the old days aren't even around anymore for me to ask. And yes, alexis was her name. And wow bravo you have a better memory from 2-3 years ago then i do because i dont care to remember specifics. All that matters is that people like yourself know what i'm talking about. I can easily call in dosr, oshnosh, alexis, gyggly and have them say i did play for them. Dosr recruited me after spectating me in a match. But once again, that was already proven when june asked mesr about me playing for deja vu/ no pulse gaming.

I'm sure you'll get all these people you just namedropped. just like we heard from kpin, chapin, sniper, beef, ww, platinum, hititduck, virulent, and thenoid. I'm sure you can easily call in Alexis, even though she left for good due to some drama over 2 years ago, and you didnt even know her name. man you make me lol

That was a 1v1 that i didn't agree to so posting screenshots of random pubby nonsense isn't going to get you very far. And i must be that big of a threat to you that you would actually keep screenshots like that. Thanks for proving my point. Who keeps screenshots of shitty players they play? And yes, if I talk to sniper, not you, he will say things completely different. He started playing after you so even his opinions don't even matter because i'm referring to times before he even started playing were the times we played. You seem to remember everything except me kicking your ass. Guess it was that bad and you have your head so far up your own ass you can't even recall that, but everyone else can.

You're the one thats bragging about some public matches which you made up and happened 3 years ago when I didnt even play this game. If it was an official 1v1 you would dodge. The one time we did play 'officially' you got demolished. You were never on my level, and you never came close to beating me, public or otherwise. 63-33, such a threat. You couldnt even beat chapin rofl.

Sniper started playing before me. So once again, we did not play before that because I did not play bball back then. I dont know who youre imagining but it wasnt me.

You seem to forget sniper is a random person I picked from YOUR LIST. You wait until after he says something, then suddenly his opinion is not credible? LOL

Ya i'm not good at bball but could beat everyone in a 1v1 including you. Gee i'm not good at all then. And who the fuck are you to say anyone isn't good at comp? You didn't even fucking play comp for a complete season and when you did you were on a SHIT team. So don't even fucking open your trashy ass mouth like you were somebody who was on any good team. The only thing you have over me is a shitty screenshot of us playing in a pub in bball where no one stated it was a 1v1 ( a real 1v1 would have been pw protected and rules stated which none were ), and the fact that you can beat jump maps really fast. WOW BIG DEAL BRO. You're hot shit now. You're a terrible soldier which is why you could never be anything in COMP shit head.

Since were namedropping: you lose to sniper, hititduck, pesus, prez, DJ_konfuzion, beef, kayp, snubbs, ww, platinum, and myself. I'm sure there's more too. So ya, you are not good at bball.

Its understandable that you want to talk shit about my comp history, as I dont even play competitively. but okay. Yes I played one season with Rage and Terror. We were considered mid/high, and placed better than any team you've ever started for. A lot of teams have asked me to play for them since then (including some in invite), but I always said no cause I didnt want to play more 6v6. its not my thing.

huge ego aside. youre average at bball, and were sort of on some teams which were nothing special. I dont even understand why you would mention being BACKUP for a team which LOST EVERY GAME in invite 3 years ago. HAHahahahashdsh. if anyone here is a no name loser, its you...

(drexen is getting perma banned)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 10:18:44 PM by wonderland »

Posts: 163
Very carefully
ok I banned tron from posting because this is getting boring , thread over
Offline  Klanana

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Topic locked move along folks


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