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Author Topic: Some stuff  (Read 1256 times)

Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
I've been getting asked some basic questions by a few ppl, so I'll just list some resources out there...

If you want to start making maps here's a solid guide:

and some other links... (DLing this won't hurt) (post your compile log to check for errors) (this is where I browse for custom textures) (custom skyboxes) (good/specific video tutorials) (useful console commands) (lighting library you can steal from)

let me know if there are any major mapping resources I'm completely missing out on...

I'm thinking about making a video tut of me making a jump map start-to-finish with commentary. Maybe something like 3 lvls cuz a whole map would be too many videos. Should I do it? I'm hardly a good mapper, but I feel like there is a real demand for tutorials in the jump community, whether it be for jumping or mapping.


Quick guide to getting rid of the 30 second set up time.

Place these two entities anywhere in the map: logic_auto and point_servercommand

Name the point_servercommand (it can be any name).

Setup the output tab of the logic_auto to look like this. In the 'target entities named' field, write whatever the name of your point_servercommand is.

That's it. Alternatively you can use a trigger_once brush instead of the logic_auto and place it over the spawn point, with the same output settings.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 12:04:57 PM by Afterglow »

Offline  bombs

Posts: 60
there are no vids for jump mapping in particular and if we can get more people into it that would be awesome. good thing about vid tutorials is a user can follow along and you can teach people what not to do easier. hollowing out skyboxes, basic keyboard shortcuts, and if you were to really go all out you could even teach how to do some basic lighting stuff.

once people see that its not that hard to get used to we might see a larger influx of mappers which would be great. good thing about jump mapping is it doesn't take the technical know how of making an official game type map, (balancing and stuff) just a lot of simple brushes and simple details.

if people will be starting from scratch with your tutorial you have to cover stuff like leaks and other crap as well so theres a lot to think about.

Offline  Drexen

Posts: 282

I'm thinking about making a video tut of me making a jump map

go for it :)

Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
I added two more links and a short guide to get rid of the pesky 30 second setup time


Posts: 49
make a video? what exactly were you thinking about there?

something along the complexity of:

1 simple up, one water, one with buttons

+ spawn room + control point, mb + an illusionary+clip somewhere

and lighting everything up a bit (like two rooms with skybox + ambient light, 2 rooms with the regular light entity)

or simpler? or more complicated?

i think this would be a great idea - no matter what exactly you have planned
but you should probably ask the people who want to start mapping - not those that already do, to find out about the demand of this ;)

Posts: 75
i've been wanting to make a map for years but i was always too lazy to figure it out. hammer just seems really complicated, and i guess i am overwhelmed every time i open it. a video tutorial would be awesome! A video tutorial definitely has the potential of getting more jumpers into making jump maps. Doesn't hurt to try and get people into mapping.
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
theres loads of hammer mapping tutorial videos already

any specificly jump stuff, drex explained in his tutorials, and by the point you need to know those specific things you should already understand enough to not need videos to go along with it anymore i think

but more is always good.. i guess?


Posts: 331
the skybox is the limit
you just have to be willing to throw yourself at hammer until it decides to stop being dumb sometimes.
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