Thanks to Billy Shears #1, I officially know how to make stickies float. Until now, I only thought I knew (I was mostly right about it, though). I will upload a DEV explaining how it works for other people to look at. I will allow anyone to use floating sticky jumps in their maps now. (Credit is certainly appreciated, but it isn't required.) Demo jumping has been needing some new twist for a while. I think this may help to make Demo jumping less of the same. Tell me if you're interested. I should have the DEV up soon. *EDIT* Derp, I forgot to actually explain how it works. Pretty much, water has to go straight through walls. The walls can't go from the ground to the ceiling to work. All water has floating abilities, but the walls increase the power. Without walls, stickies are too heavy to be able to float. Yeah, that's pretty much all you need to know for it. Don't bother making it because the DEV will be done soon. *EDIT* Here's the download link:!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 07:16:39 PM by Wolsk »
klanana: I DID NOT EAT THE CAT dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.