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Author Topic: Any suggestions for conc-mod perhaps?  (Read 755 times)
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
Hey guys,

just a small thread for concmod, cos i'm not planning on making it very extensive,
i have however already received some requests for stuff, and was wondering if thats all.
things i'm gonna do already(suggestions already given):

-remove the "1 of x max nades" used message
-make !conchelp show a visual timer for each conc
-make concs bouncy (have to wait for another plugin to be able to do this though)

-(checking how to script it so you can click once to hold nade, click 2x to drop, should be possible without sourcemod but in an alias i think, but i haven't got a clue about aliases and shizz)

img  rush
Hey guys,

just a small thread for concmod, cos i'm not planning on making it very extensive,
i have however already received some requests for stuff, and was wondering if thats all.
things i'm gonna do already(suggestions already given):

-remove the "1 of x max nades" used message
-make !conchelp show a visual timer for each conc
-make concs bouncy (have to wait for another plugin to be able to do this though)

-(checking how to script it so you can click once to hold nade, click 2x to drop, should be possible without sourcemod but in an alias i think, but i haven't got a clue about aliases and shizz)
All I see left to do is what you have stated above. :P
Offline  Vend

Posts: 19
I think a timer bar till detonation would be better then the bar there is for distance the conc is from you like how it is on tfc. hard to time multiple conc's by sound when they are beeping simultaneously.

Posts: 8
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I think a timer bar till detonation would be better then the bar there is for distance the conc is from you like how it is on tfc. hard to time multiple conc's by sound when they are beeping simultaneously.

The bar was from Fortress Forever, TFC only had the beeps.

Regardless, I don't think something like that is exactly possible in any practical manner using SM. (Unless SM is suddenly amazing)

In regards to the plugin, my only gripe as of now is the grenades roll inconsistently when looking at awkward angles.  For instance, looking straight down makes them roll forward, but looking a bit higher at, say, 30 degrees makes them roll the left a little.  A few other things like that kind of irk me, but whatever.

As for the script, I'll get one to you posthaste.
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
Timerbar is in the next version (doesn't look as nice as in tfc, but its about the nicest i can make it, (it's accurate tho)_
will be activated by !conchelp, instead of the distance meter

as for the physics of the concs themselves, i can't do anything about that untill the people on alliedmoddders release their shizz, once they do, i can make the physics nice aswell (silly vphysics are too "realistic" for this game, i'm gonna make m bounce like q3/tfc)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 02:37:44 AM by CrancK »

Offline  Vend

Posts: 19
sounds awsome cranck :) yea a bounce that is very predictable and always teh same like q3 is perfect idea, will help alot :D

Posts: 8
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I forgot that I promised a script.  The only problem is, is that it can't detect if you hh, so you'll have to tap the button twice to throw the next grenade.

Code: [Select]
alias conc.t "conc+"

alias conc+ "alias conc.t conc-; +conc"
alias conc- "alias conc.t conc-; -conc"

Just put that in a script somewhere and bind a key to 'conc.t' (After execing the script, of course)

I think it'd be beneficial to script a toggle into the plugin, otherwise, this is the best that can be done (unless you want me to write some sloppy wait system).
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
if i understand it correctly thats a toggle, right?
but then, isnt it logical that you should tap 2x if you are holding a nade? i mean, your not supposed to be able to hold a nade, and after that throw another whilst still holding it (or am i misunderstanding what you meant by detecting hh?)

also, yes i can make a toggle like that in the plugin, but i'd have to make like a command or something you'd have to activate, dunno if you'd want that, since you'd have to type that command every map


Posts: 8
Washed Up Nobody
if i understand it correctly thats a toggle, right?
but then, isnt it logical that you should tap 2x if you are holding a nade? i mean, your not supposed to be able to hold a nade, and after that throw another whilst still holding it (or am i misunderstanding what you meant by detecting hh?)

also, yes i can make a toggle like that in the plugin, but i'd have to make like a command or something you'd have to activate, dunno if you'd want that, since you'd have to type that command every map

What I mean is, is you accidentally hh your first or second grenade, the script can't automatically send -conc for you, so you'd have to double tap to get the next grenade to even start priming.

You can't get +conc to start priming a grenade without sending -conc, that's just how meta commands work.  :-\

Also, you can probably do something like, after the grenade explodes you return -conc, or maybe even do it just before +conc.

I know that's kind of sloppy, but it seems a little more streamlined that having to set a variable for yourself per map.

(But, honestly, I don't even really want a toggle.  I was just posting that script in response to the first post.)

-(checking how to script it so you can click once to hold nade, click 2x to drop, should be possible without sourcemod but in an alias i think, but i haven't got a clue about aliases and shizz)
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
ahh ok ye, cool

i can't really return +/- conc whenever i want tho, so people will just have to do with that script if they really want a toggle, it's good enough  ;)

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