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Author Topic: First Jump Clip  (Read 879 times)
Offline  monkie

Posts: 12
Hello fellow rocket jumpers! Allow me to introduce myself. Just call me MONKIE haha! I'm fairly new to the rocket jumping community and this is the first time I've posted on the TF2JUMP forums. At first, I made this video for myself to see and test the video effects/editing and how much I've progressed with rocket jumping. Eventually, I thought to myself, why not just share this with the TF2JUMP community? Just a warning, this video is not about flashy jumps or doing something extraordinarily different from what you've seen. It's about the progress. The journey. I'm trying to see the difference of myself from week one from a month a practice. I purposely left all those rocket marks on the floor to show that if you deliberately practice long and hard, eventually you'll get it and you'll do it consecutively. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this video. PLEASE, please give me feedback on the editing! Also, I'm aware of the crappy sound. I apologize.

The first video is from WEAK one. The second video is after a month.

For a deeper insight of the thoughts I had in my head when I was making this, please continue reading on. If not, just skip to the bottom of the page. If you already read what I wrote up top, then you already know that this isn't about flashy jumps and such. It's more about the journey. A few months back, a friend of mine recommended me a book called "TALENT IS OVERRATED", and let me tell you what this book has anything to do with rocket jumping and how it affected me.  It talks about how "practice" does not help improve you at what you're doing, but "DELIBERATE PRACTICE" does.  Basically, what practice really means is you're just doing the work. As for DELIBERATE PRACTICE, it's more about the QUALITY than the QUANTITY of your practice. You're doing the work while recognizing the distinction. To sum it all up, I didn't only practice,  I deliberately practiced and kept an open mind. To all the newcomers of rocket jumping, don't expect to master something in one day. Really challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Whether is trying to rocket jump on the left walls, or trying to speedshot. The more experienced jumpers in the TF2JUMP community didn't master rocket jumping in just one day. I'm sure if you asked them how much they've been rocket jumping, I'm sure it's a thousand+++ hours. It takes time and deliberate practice if you want to be great at something. Whether it's in sports, arts, playing a musical instrument, or playing games, if you want to be great at it, you must deliberately practice for at least 2-4+ hours.

This was the thought I had in my mind when I was editing the jumps. I had more thoughts, but I lost it all because of a brainfart. Enjoy.

MONKIE | TF2 Rocket Jumping | Week One

MONKIE | TF2 Jump | A Month of Deliberate Practice
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 12:31:05 AM by monkie »
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
well, definitly improvement going on there

i'm especially happy you learned not to use that bright shizzle you used in the first one, a second time, cos it made it very annoying to even watch the first one

2nd i also chuckled at the omg tires thingy :P, was a good detail to put in there

as for jumping skills, well the movies are a bit short to really say much if anything about those, but then again it is obvious that you have improved

so ehh ye... keep up the good work :D, hope to see more of it

Offline  Yami

Posts: 252
Yeah, definitely improvement. Bit overkill with the editing there, though.
Offline  bombs

Posts: 60
yeah definitely wanna chill a bit on the editing and effects but you clearly have a good grasp on the editing software you're using and thats good! a bit more practice and you could even do a full fledged movie or a community movie.

gotta let the jumps speak for you, not the editing :)
Offline  monkie

Posts: 12
Thank you all for the feedback!

@CrancK: I'm glad to make you laugh at tires part! Haha! Hopefully I'll get better in the future to show something better than these short jumps :D

@bombs: I'll continue practicing and hopefully I'll be able to make a community movie(: I gotta learn how to record properly though and add in some cool spectating angles haha!

@CrancK, Yami, bombs: On the next clip, I'll be sure to just keep it simple and clean. If anything, I'll add effects to only the intros haha!

Posts: 331
the skybox is the limit
Great work, I pretty much agree with what everyone else says.

Imo with editing all you really need to do is to make a jump as easily understandable as possible with as little editing as possible. For example, if I do a jump like Quba's on cp_orange in Pretty Jumps, you could thirdperson for a bit just to see exactly how the syncs on that one turned out. This is also the same approach taken by CUBE when he made his BYP comp video, and what he ended up with was more straight-up frags than, say, Cla's BYP comp video (even though these two are fragmovies). Frags/jumps/whatever is your content, and editing is the presentation of content. Editing is never a good substitute for content.

At least in my opinion.
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
The first video is probably one of the worst, most ridiculously overedited things I have ever seen, but the second redeems that a little.  Thought the badlands part was in kinda neat.

Lay off the editing a bit and don't put in jumps like the sawmill one, I'd rather have a much shorter less complicated jump that looks well structured and flows well than some horrible, sloppy disaster of speedshots caused by you trying to go too far.

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss
Offline  monkie

Posts: 12
Haha! Once again, I apologize for the editing! I'll make sure to keep it plain and simple next time :D

@Stimpack: Thank you for the advice. I'll make sure to show better presentation of the contents next time :D

@Diddy: I'll make sure you "WOW" you next time when I get better :D

Hopefully I can get better clips soon. I really enjoy editing. Although school has been very busy lately, so we'll see what happens next!
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