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Messages - Jamien The Choco

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Jump Help / Re: Save/Teleport for local server
« on: July 05, 2012, 06:34:42 PM »
Also, Jamien, do you mind me posting a link to this on other sites so more people can see it? just want to be safe before I do

go for it

Jump Help / Save/Teleport for local server
« on: July 05, 2012, 04:07:41 AM »
wasted a long time on this until i realized valve added a command to easily set the angles. cant save your up and down angle so deal with it.

exec this once to set it up
Code: [Select]
//I still have nightmares about that cat.
sv_cheats 1

//Customize key bindings here
bind \ "savepoint"
bind enter "teleport"

alias savepoint "exec save"
alias teleport "ent_fire tele enable;wait 5;ent_fire tele disable"

ent_fire info_target addoutput "classname info_target_temp"
ent_fire trigger_teleport addoutput "classname tele_temp"
ent_fire !self addoutput "targetname player_me"

wait 10;give info_target
wait 10;give trigger_teleport

wait 15;ent_fire trigger_teleport addoutput "targetname tele"
wait 15;ent_fire info_target addoutput "classname anchor"
wait 20;ent_fire anchor addoutput "targetname anchor"

wait 20;ent_fire trigger_teleport disable
wait 20;ent_fire trigger_teleport addoutput "mins -100 -100 -100"
wait 20;ent_fire trigger_teleport addoutput "maxs 100 100 100"
wait 25;ent_fire trigger_teleport addoutput "solid 2"
wait 25;ent_fire trigger_teleport addoutput "spawnflags 1"
wait 25;ent_fire trigger_teleport addoutput "target teletarget"

wait 30;ent_fire anchor setparent player_me
wait 33;ent_fire trigger_teleport setparent anchor

wait 35;echo "I love choco so hard!"

NAME THIS "SAVE.CFG" or it wont work
Code: [Select]
ent_fire teletarget kill
wait 10;give info_target
wait 15;ent_fire info_target addoutput "targetname teletarget"
wait 20;ent_orient teletarget

New Maps / Re: jump_glow
« on: June 19, 2012, 05:14:32 AM »
might i demand suggest 100% less invisible walls and have a texture to indicate what walls rockets go through. i hate stumbling around like a blind person when im trying to jump

New Maps / Map Timer
« on: May 19, 2012, 03:02:02 AM »
I finally caved and made my own account...anyway this heres a timer that you can put in your map. without raiin ruining everything this version should work better than in asdf.

shove that junk in your map

time_spawner is where the player walks in to get a timer
1_dest is where the person gets spit out after they get a timer
if you want multiple courses on your map just make copies of timerstart and timerstop and put them at beginning and end of each course

everything else just put outside the map

change anything and you might break everything. let me know if something is broken to begin with

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