One thing about making surf ramps in hammer: don't use vertex edit to shape your ramps. You're better off clipping instead, because of the odd angles surf ramps are placed. Easier that way too. You can use the vertex edit tool to move your ramps, snap them into place onto the grid or zoom all the way in and alt+drag to disable snap and perfectly line them up, but when it comes to shaping and brush torture, hammer won't understand what you're trying to do and render it with a primitive algorithm. Probably the easiest way to make surf ramps is deciding how much of a curve you want to your ramp; and depending on how loose or tight it is, determines how wide or narrow you'd want each section. Rotate each section 5 degrees, then just shift+drag to make a copy. Take your copy then line up the outer most vertexes with the one you made the copy of. Magic.
Moral of the story: vertex editing isn't reliable in hammer...because judging from your 2D graphs in your 'before compiling' picture, none of your ramps are straight.
If you're plenty interested, there's literally hundreds of tutorials on youtube on how to make surf ramps.
Or even more so, you can check this out: has anything and everything you'd need to make a surf. These guys been around for years; they know how to make a decent surf.
Pretty much saying, the more sections you have, the smoother your ramps will be.