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Messages - CrancK

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General Discussion / Re: Any map to get good at airstraffing?
« on: November 30, 2013, 04:48:50 AM »
All my maps are usually full of strafes in the jumps, which is incidently also why many people find them "hard" and they don't get played all that much

so... ye, jump_around (demo), jump_silly (solly) mostly, jump_rvr (demo) aswell, but isnt 100% strafes, nor is conc_Aando (demo) but those 2 also have lots of turns and thus strafes in them.

Though as the rest says any map can be used, just force yourself to strafe corners instead of using stickies/rockets to get around it.

(ohw conc_aggregate (demo/solly) aswell, but in that case be prepared for jumps which are ehmm.... odd in comparison to normal maps, tho same goes for any of my jumps to a certain extent, aggregate just is slightly more... odd)

ChiLL0uT Z0nE / Re: Chillout needs maintenance
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:18:32 AM »
i think the explosions should only be removed if it can be an option (though i think iirc, the optional way to do it is through clientside? like replacing the effect file or the reference to it?)

-same player collisions remove, all for
-map voting improvements, all for
-removing obsolete/redundant plugins sure, but how to decide what is and isn't needed/wanted?
-gag would be nice, but the reason it doesnt work atm is because another plugin is already changing the textoutput of ppl, so that might be hard to "fix"
-soundban works already iirc, tho not sure if it was sm_soundban or some more esoteric command
-maps should all stay on server, though i guess you could put rickler jump and some other silly ones (+freestyle or practice maps) on nominate only, since they kindof interrupt normal play
-as for less content, me i really like it + as you said ppl can just block it, as far as making it manual download, i'm not sure that is possible or not... so ye.. dunno
-as for who could get ftp, quba seems like a proper choice if he wants, oldest active eu player i think

then as far as i know w33d updated skillsrank when i made the fix to the 2560 regged ppl limit, and it's working?
not entirely sure how else it should/could be working or was expected to?

as for maps that need setting up, theres a huge ass influx of new maps lately, and i'll admit i'm a bit slow on putting m in db, though to my defense; for most maps i have no idea if they are final or not and i won't put courses on maps that are still being developed (cos doubles in db)

Though whenever anyone asks me to make a course i will (provided the map is on and i'm actually around to hear/see ppl ask me)

So ye, for the most part i agree

Whatever / Re: QuBA birds from around the world
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:03:00 AM »
Site with 229 of m:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Skillsrank / Re: Skillsrank not working at all
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:00:05 AM »
It's a server thing, unless you have a server you don't need to do anything

otherwise, you should already know this, but just put the smx into plugins folder of server

Skillsrank / Re: Skillsrank not working at all
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:54:28 AM »
HAHAHAHAHA, cool, database hit 2561 people registered :P

and skillsrank has a hardlimit somewhere of 2560, so i compiled it now with 6400 (i'll see about being able to just make it dynamic as in loading it in from db but... ye... maybe... maybe not)

thanks to slick rickflair and bshear for providing serverlog

and heres new version:

Skillsrank / Re: Skillsrank not working at all
« on: November 16, 2013, 10:23:30 AM »
sure thing... can anyone get me a serverlog perhaps?

Jump Videos / Re: Triple Airpogo
« on: November 05, 2013, 04:50:26 AM »
n1, now a midair quad?

Sourcemod Information / Re: JumpBig - Jump Plugin
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:19:04 AM »
for the observer thingy, skillsrank makes a timer repeat when someone switches team to spec

Code: [Select]
public Action:Event_Change_Team(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
new team = GetEventInt(event, "team");

if(team == 1) //Spectator

then uses

Code: [Select]

public Action:spectimer(Handle:timer, any:client)
{ return Plugin_Handled; }

new target = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hObserverTarget");
if(target < 1 || target > MAXPLAYERS)
{ return Plugin_Handled; }

if(IsPlayerAlive(target) && onCourse[target] != -1)

to check which person is target hes speccing, then from there just call your own variables of which time hes got and print that to the speccing persons screen

if hes not speccing someone just let the timer do nothing

once he switches teams or disconnects CloseHandle(timer) or KillTimer if that works for you


Also about that regen again... just make it a command only

theres no need to force things ever...
just make more code and make it clear what ppl choose, like if they use regen then just show it
for races you could make it so if one player wants regen on the race it shows up in the request for the race

but ye.. forcing it makes freestyling impossible, and also makes just mucking about impossible, 2 very important things

ohw also, need to stop classes that are not Engineer, from using engi teleports

can do with: HookEvent("player_teleported", Event_Player_Teleported);

which is the event for when someone uses an engi tp, too bad its only through an event cos then you cant actually disable it, in skillsrank i just kill the timer when someone uses it, but you could also just tp a person back (though that would require knowing where the person was at that time before the event triggered)

Sourcemod Information / Re: JumpBig - Jump Plugin
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:11:20 AM »

I've browsed through the source quickly (and without actually checking it ingame :S)
and i wrote down some thingies i noticed

Most of it isnt like... serious or anything, just stuff i noticed
Hope it can help you :P

Code: [Select]

You make your arrays 24+1

what if a server has 32 players?

use MAXPLAYERS instead when initializing those cvars, its set to 64 (cos thats sourcelimit)
and once in code use MaxClients (which will always be set to servers actuall limit, but has to be after plugin loads)
(+1 or <= if using in a loop ofc with i<MaxClients+1 or i<=MaxClients)


Also, best practice is to make any handle you initialize, initialize on INVALID_HANDLE


something most modders do cos then you can check version ingame is to make

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Jump Big",
author = "Thomas",
description = "Tf2 Jump plugin",
version = "1.4",
url = "none"


#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.4"

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Jump Big",
author = "Thomas",
description = "Tf2 Jump plugin",
url = "none"


public OnPluginStart()

dont need to, but might be cool, just something i noticed


Also, why did you not make regen into a command that ppl can decide on their own?
Cos now only admins will be able to set it, design choice?


public Action:eventPlayerDisconnect(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)

use public OnClientDisconnect(client) instead (events are less reliable)

Also events always happen after the fact, and at that point the player is also likely invalid which might fuck some things up (or not)


public OnClientPutInServer(client)

i use public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client) instead, because iirc onclientputinserver it doesnt have everything set yet
(though ofc if you dont touch those things then np i guess)

Also here you do: ServerCommand("mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1");
dont do a server command each time someone comes in, i mean, its not even sure if the server is waitingforplayers at that time
might be better to use it on public TF2_OnWaitingForPlayersStart()

ohw and you also do it on  roundstart and waitingbegins event... o.0

it doesnt work just doing it on waitingbegins event only? odd


if you call info from players other then the variables you made yourself, its safer to lso check
IsValidEntity(client), otherwise you might end up with some errors,
(and some bugs cos of code stopping at that point, thus not executing full thing, but may have already done something)

like in the saveclient command for example, you are calling flags and pos of player, if that player is invalid for whatever reason
itll error (not a biggie, just... errors are bad mmmkay)


in most string commands, you dont need to beforehand call a clients name, you can just use PrintToChat(client, "%N is stupid", client);
can save you a couple of calls


if (timeTimer[client] != INVALID_HANDLE)
timeTimer[client] = INVALID_HANDLE;
if (timeTimer[player] != INVALID_HANDLE)
timeTimer[player] = INVALID_HANDLE;

as far as i have learned, killtimer is crap, and using CloseHandle(handlename) works better, but if this works for you then, coolstuff


plz for the love of god do not use a timer for regens!!! regenTimer[client] = CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_regen, client, TIMER_REPEAT);

just like, check when they get damage then add hp on them to negate said damage, hell its not even a problem if you just add +500hp whenever someone gets damage
(except that that might not be enough for quints?)
anyway that way ppl cant die from doubles

Also, using TF2_RegeneratePlayer(client) is ok... but no... no its not
cos it wont actually save ppl from triples and double demosticky etc
also, just whenever someone shoots (or when he gets damage) setting ammo to full (or over) also just seems better of an idea


very small not, a boolean thats true or not you can check with if(ImATrueBool) and if(!ImAFalseBool)
just... noticed you used if(ImABool == false) which is ok.. just  longer :P

oh wow.. in the same function after it you do have one like i just said... so ahh nvm..


ShowHudText(client, -1, "Time: %s",goaltime)

iirc, the reason skillsrank and ja do not use that one,
but used synchronized ones instead is cos they have more channels and thus dont get killed off by messages that maps can give

but if it works fine it works fine.


raceCountdownTimer[client] = CreateTimer(1.0, Timer_countdown, client, TIMER_REPEAT);

for the countdown, since its finite, could be easier to not use TIMER_REPEAT since then you have to call somewhere else to close it

instead make it so it calls itself again after its done, and just dont call itslef on last time, that way it would close itself simply with the return Plugin_Handled


So ye.. lots of minor thingys

but 1 important one, please make sure syncs dont kill people, other then that its all fine really, just make sure syncs dont kill ppl

ChiLL0uT Z0nE / Re: Something new for some special Man
« on: October 27, 2013, 08:12:06 AM »
WOW that marley looks insanely cool

Jump Help / Re: Quad Synch
« on: October 11, 2013, 08:44:43 AM »
plz do not base jumps off of perfection... they usually are just plain horrible imo (for bonus jumps its ok though)

General Discussion / Re: Mathematical description of air strafing
« on: October 11, 2013, 03:06:51 AM »
meh.... my head incapable of thinking straight atm... cos of weirdness seen, nvm this post

New Maps / Re: conc_AandO
« on: October 10, 2013, 10:33:22 AM »

last of silly being the jumpoff->wall -> strafe -> skip/speedshot -> slide -> rocket on wall/slide -> pogo up -> wall -> strafe -> pogo -> triple/double -> hole -> strafe

as for rvr and aando, sure aando at the very least is mostly normal pogo, and rvr doesn't have superhard shit, but no one has flawlessed them so far, and i still doubt (m)any people will be able to no-fail through 45 to 60 jumps

(however, i'd be happy to be wrong and see someone do a flawless of them (since silly 2nd and rvr 1st and 2nd courses aren't on vid yet ^^))

silly (last jump never done yet afaik), rvr (too many jumps likely), aando (too many jumps likely)

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