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Messages - tordana

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Whoa is there a dps meter available? and yeah im mostly pally with a bunch in reaver and my ability to aoe tank is pretty gnarly - 5 different aoe attacks = wtfizzle

There's a command /combatlog that will log everything to a combatlog.txt in your rift folder, then you can parse it with this.

And Reaver is SO MUCH FUN for AoE tanking.

Same tardana! Level 30 tankizzle... out of curiosity how much hp were u sporting at the end? I was just over 3.8k =D

Dayum, I only had about 3.3k hp. I was primarily Reaver with only a couple points in pally though, so I only had the reaver +endurance and not the pally +endurance.

Reaver tanks ftfw. Near the end of beta there was a gloamwood invasion going on -- probably 5 death invasions in the same place at the same time. I just ran in aoeing with a pocket healer and came out on top taking like no damage. Lifesteal ftw.

Oh, and I parsed two runs of darkening deeps and I had the most DPS out of a full group of 30s. LOL

End result of beta: level 30, super pimped out warrior + level 18, not-so-pimped out rogue.

All I have to say is...

Level 29. Bitches. Going to be max tonight, then spend the extra day dicking around crafting or getting ARTIFACTS

Bet you guys wish you had a level 23 tank in your little guild...

Affinity sounds cool, I like guilds who discriminate based on age yet say no racism, religious, political, sexist, or 'sexual preference comments'
PvE server, early raid times (4pm pacific, really?)
where do i sign up niggers

Let in a 15 year old and you're guaranteed to see the other forms of discrimination coming from them.

And if you don't like an EST raiding guild you don't gotta join it. I wouldn't join one that started at 7PST, it wouldn't be done until like 3 AM my time.

Affinity guild has been created -- I'm level 11 so far. And yes, hanging out in vent rather than mumble because I'm a suckup.

Sounds good. I'm my own groupie -- like a boss.

Oh and i get to be the guild master for about 8 hours tomorrow until the real one shows up. rofl.

If they roll pve on release though there is a very high chance I wont be playing with them (and by me i mean me and rok haha)

pve rhymes with pussyyyyyyyy

So uh, remind me again while you all rolled on a pve server in the last beta.

Why belmont?

Because the guild that klare, rok, and I joined is rolling on belmont.

ya wtf PvE ?

You can still flag yourself for PvP and PvP in battlegrounds, you just can't get ganked randomly while questing which I prefer.

     We're playing on
Belmont (PvE)
         for Beta 5.

*I spruced it up a bit for you tordanananannaan*

Wtf you can add drop shadows to text on here?

Testing, testing, testing


General Discussion / Re: Favorite jumpmap?
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:35:07 PM »
Jump_tissue is my favorite, it's fun to speed run and its not out of my reach to do it flawlessly.

You seemed to be loving jump_momentum the other day :>

Banny loves everything, he's just a happy guy.

Jump Videos / Re: jump_cheval flawless
« on: January 19, 2011, 08:28:35 PM »
You, sir, are fucking insane.

That color filter did kinda bother me though.

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