Biggest news of the week(s) - when you google TF2 jump now we appear on the FIRST PAGE!! 2 days ago you couldnt even pull the site up by googling - so im very excited we're in there now!
BTW you should all change your bookmarks to the following and then click to the website from there to get to the forums - this should help + our google ranking like whoooooa:
For those of you who skip over the website and just bookmark to the forums, the website is fully functional with the exception of the map stats (gangbang rush for that...). You can find all the servers listed in the forums under servers with the little gametracker updates (except the ones gametracker didn't recognize), and every page displays the 3 main servers (Jump iT, ChiLL0uT-Z0nE, and #AusJump) along with their current player list. Videos goes right to the YouTube page because... well thats what rush wanted
Chat right now just links to the jumpit irc channel. We can have it connect to multiple channels if there are other ones you guys would want jumpers to join, or if you dont want to hassle them with joining multiple channels we can make it so they select the server they want to connect to. I think I'm going to add a bit of instructions to that page too as i have seen people join with the default mumble name and not even realize they can change it 
The jump help section needs just what it says - HELP. I linked up the current soldier videos and demo video (notice theres no "s" at the end of demo video). I really think this site could thrive as a jumping knowledge base for people just starting, as well as people who have been jumping for a long time. A lot of you motherfuckers are disgustingly good - so if you have videos/tutorials/tips/etc. we can put in there I know people will use it. If you build it they will come...
Overall I think the site will really grow as there is no single site focused on tf2 jumping like this out there (that I have seen so far...) and the more we can give, the more we will get back. So with that intro out of the way - we need ideas: what do you want to see/what should we add/what looks like shit/ANYTHING ELSE. I'm out of ideas and as of next week I will actually have to start working at work again so I cant devote tooo much time... I'm glad we got the framework for the site in place at least! So TELL US WHAT YOU THINK!
For those saying "who the fuck is klanana?" You dont know me - you'll never hear of me from jumping or any of your cool pro leagues - I'm just a big fan of jumping who wanted to give back to the people who entertain me nightly and let me talk shit to them... even though I don't jump. So my thanks was making this dinker little website (minus the forums) and trying to make it the best it could be. Thanks for letting me share in your excitement and frustration as you jump and fail at jumping in TF2.New website incoming
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 01:50:50 PM by Klanana »
Jump iT - | JuJump iT - | Surf iT - Bball iT - | MGE iT -