A summary so far:
Map one and two-Hidden link found in the run of the week video, the blog:
it finally happened
they brought me on their spaceship
i havent been harmed.
im in a holding cell
theres computer displays everywhere.
ive been given this bsp file
they said it would entice their target audience and that there was more where it came from
if anyone can tell me what this file is for id greatly appreciate it
i think the first thing you should all do is find this spaceship
it had some numbers on the side reading
hopefully this will help you track this ship to find me
once you get here, find the _aviator
i fell down this chute, and im going to put this behind some crates.
please find it.
there will be more to come.
The link led to a download of bomb's newest beta, and the numbers led to a server, by replacing the slashes accordingly. On this server we loaded up jump_aviator, and in which we found a QR code, which was a link to a map: Jump_squared, made by K².
Map three:A new blog post arrived:
In one of the images was a mediafire link. The .rar in which was passworded! How did we find it out? Another blog post of course:
it seems weve landed somewhere
there was a huge QUAKE
i see some buttons, ill hide clues over here
After some server troubles, we loaded up jump quake, and hidden on one of the numbs was a series of numbers, which was the password for jump_termywermy, a new map by afterglow.
Map four:A new blog post arrives, a series of 0's, 1's, and a couple 2's.
Upon entry in a binary translator (wtf 2's?) it was a passworded mediafire link for jump_inhouse, a new alpha version of Cranck's freestlye map! Posted along with that binary was a pastebin
http://pastebin.com/Sx6Bk92bWhat did this mean? Well if you take note of the first character in each column, 'CHEVAL'. We booted up cheval and found a series of numbers. Unfortunately, unlike last time, these numbers weren't the password. What did they mean then? Turns out about 30 minutes later of testing combinations, it clicked. The numbers painted referred to an order, and the stage # they were on was to be used. 27, 1, 20, 5, 18, 25, 11, 9, 24. 271205182511924 worked as the password.
Map five:"my captors seem to be rather dissatisfied with the amount of participation this is receiving"
I wonder what this could mean?
A few days later, the blog updated with a post that said 'aaaaa'. Upon loading into the server, there was a new map on the nominate list named 'aaaaaaaa'. Upon loading the map, it seemed to be a small area with 10 timed switches. Oh... that's what it meant. We got 10 people into the server after much trouble, and activated them all at once. This led us to a mediafire link containing: coop_jump_minecraft, a new map by bshear. Unfortunately we had some server troubles, but I was able to host it on mine with some communication with the plugin creator Voided.
Map six:New blog post!
r zkloltrav uli gsv xlnkorxzgrlmh
nzmb gszmph gl gsv lmv dsl slhgvw z yzxpfk hvievi
Obviously some sort of alphabet cypher. Hrmm, that's a link at the start for sure, and given the format/past used links, that seems to be a mediafire link. I started writing a list of each letter, and noting h=w, n=m, etc. After finishing the .com I noticed a pattern: the alphabet was just entirely reversed, a=z, b=y, c=x, etc. Upon translation, the link contained coopjump_minecraft! Wait... what?
Barry had obviously made a small mistake

He then added me on skype and gave me a link to the real intended map: coopjump_soldierbuddies, another coop map by bshear.
Also on skype, he gave me two links, leading to maps seven and eight:
Maps seven and eight:[21/11/2012 5:15:34 PM] barry quietman: http://www.mediafire.com/?aupccmvg0p8tlxn
[21/11/2012 5:15:41 PM] barry quietman: http://www.mediafire.com/?ve4ve11vg25lhdu
One contained a passworded download, and the other an mp3 titled 'this is the password'. In the mp3, was actually morse code! upon translation, the password for the .rar was 'thisisthepassword'. Cute

In this .rar was jump_elsoqo. and jump_exile, made by each person respectively.
That is the last we've heard for now. Is it over? Maybe. If so it was really fun, and thanks to Barry and all those involved. If not, I'll be awaiting the next puzzle.