Method 1: Using SourceMod on a listen server to install Jump Mode
Jump Mode isn't the plugin that Jump iT / JuJump iT uses, but it has autoheal, autoregen, etc.
You can find the plugin here1. Download SourceMod from
2. Download MetaMod from
2a. Make your VDF, just set the game to Team Fortress 2.
3. Download the plugin Jump Mode (link could be found at the top of this post)
4. Now to install sourcemod. In the sourcemod .zip, you should find an addons and cfg folder. Put this in your tf folder, by default c:\program files\steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf
5. In the metamod .zip, you'd find an addons folder. Merge that with the one in your tf folder.
6. Put metamod.vdf in your addons folder.
7. Put the plugin (Jump Mode) in team fortress 2/tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins
8. Go to your Steam Library.
9. In Team Fortress 2 Launch Options, put -insecure
-insecure makes you able to run unsigned plugins (unapproved plugins by TF2 team), but you could not connect to VAC enabled/secure servers.
When you are done jumping and want to play online, exit TF2, and remove -insecure from the launch options.
here are some commands that would be useful when jumping. since regen is cheating for some jumps, you should turn it off when doing a speedrun of the map or something.
jm_autoheal: Enable the healing on hurt (0 - off, 1 - on)
jm_autoressuply: Turn on/off ressuply on hurt (0 - off, 1 - on)
jm_saveloc: Save the current position
jm_resetloc: Reset the saved position
jm_teleport: Teleport to the saved position
jm_ressuply: Ressuply the player ammo