u high ? on cocain ? speed ? hehe joke
ah yea if you need a new monitor check SyncMaster PX2370 LED from samsung or e2350vr from LG both have MagicLux Feature..
will buy soon to 
even when im clean its like im on speed, still dont sleep for 3 days at a time and dont eat & my skin.. maybe just habits ahhhh ASUS i agree have bad quality, but for LCD's I want 120hz and theres only 5 monitors on the market with it. and the asus is about the same on performance, looks the best, and is the only one that has an adjustable base. and if its for gaming I recommend you dont buy that monitor and get 120hz' it feels so much smoother/responsive than 60. so one of the 3D LCD's without the goggles or an oldschool CRT.  You mean those big honker ones? I actually have one at home thats been sitting unused for about a year now (it has a pretty large screen so it weighs like a thousand lbs... ugh) but the picture on it is beeeeeeeeautiful. I couldn't even imagine trying to ship it though...
and lol ffs you really are a collector of mice.
yea the huuge ones, silly idea with shipping though my god man...i've had this mouse 5 years or something, no idea how you can have that many 
by any chance has that monitor got 4 pixels? that way that 1 green pixel impares your jumping just a bit 
On another note, thanks. i was going to watch your demo of pro2 on nbn...but it got all buggy so i didnt see it. although! every time i watch 1 of your demos, your cfg replaces mine, it made my rates and settings soo very nice. scrimmed with them too, sooo easy to meat shot now. 
i think i can adapt around this pixel, ill be ok get an autoconfig so your cfg doesnt get replaced. I see a deathadder in that collection of mice. I approve.
theres 2 actually, but i never really used them
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 04:51:05 PM by wonderland »