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Author Topic: Loose Cannon Jumping?  (Read 1530 times)

Posts: 133
TF2: Loose Cannon Demoman [Commentary] Mecha Update

(3 minutes in)

Star talks about jumping with the new grenade launcher. Does it have potential?
Offline  Tom

Posts: 27
I haven't tried it but it will probably just be a gimmick, it looks pretty similar to normal pipe jumping as well.

Posts: 247
Id say it will be similar to concing, depending on how long the timer is and how much of a boost. Boost being the more important part...

Posts: 74
Jump_Beef with the Loose Cannon - TF2 (demoman jumping) Small | Large

Found this already.. that was fast.

Posts: 630

Found this already.. that was fast.

Only uses one per jump, then uses caber? lol

I could see these being kind of a cool conc-like jump tool, if the juggle gives enough height.  Probably shouldn't be a problem given it's a 2 second fuse? Will have to get my hands on one to try it out.
Offline  Exile

Posts: 399
Couldn't think of something clever to put
I feel like you can airpogo with it

Offline  Nightin

Posts: 74
It does sort of work like the conc, but it doesn't give you much height if you're falling, loadsa speed though.  It also has a smaller explosion so you need to be much closer to it when it detonates.
Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
When I was reading about it, it sounded like a cross between concing and rocket jumping.
Looks like I was pretty much right, though I've yet to try out the weapon. :v


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.
Offline  juc_tav

Posts: 34
I already tryed jump with this wep but it is pretty hard.
Offline  Kaboom!

Posts: 18
People are selling these for 1 refined, Crazy over priced.
Offline  iDiot

Posts: 4
 Short answer, yes, you can jump with it.
Long answer?
No. Don't.  The standard loadout you'd want to be using in any sort of normal (or even trickjumping) play would be the cannon, the charge'n'targe and the Claideamh Mor, or the cannon, the charge'n'targe and the Caber.  Using it with the Mor (a much better loadout with the Caber, because it gives you more distance) is fun, because you can pop yourself in the air and then charge, which gets yourself a nice distance.
Problem is though, with the Mor, and only 160 health, you are left with only about 50 once in the air (which gets you pretty high up, might I add), and then your health decreases further once you hit the floor and take fall damage.  I've yet to use it with a sticky jumper and try to jump from the air, but the basic way to jump with it is to aim it at a 70-80 degree angle from the ground, to the right (because all nade launchers fire slightly up and left, to balance it) or vice versa if you have your models reverse, and then you'll want to strafe forward (or backward, I suppose) and jump right before the fuse finishes its priming and blows up in your face.  You don't want to release the M1 button.  Then, once in the air, pull out the Mor and charge along your merry way, hopefully to an area with a health pack.
However, there isn't much of a benefit, and the sticky jumper could be used to do this and more to a greater effect, as well as just the default sticky launcher.

Posts: 133
Short answer, yes, you can jump with it.
Long answer?
No. Don't.  The standard loadout you'd want to be using in any sort of normal (or even trickjumping) play would be the cannon, the charge'n'targe and the Claideamh Mor, or the cannon, the charge'n'targe and the Caber.  Using it with the Mor (a much better loadout with the Caber, because it gives you more distance) is fun, because you can pop yourself in the air and then charge, which gets yourself a nice distance.
Problem is though, with the Mor, and only 160 health, you are left with only about 50 once in the air (which gets you pretty high up, might I add), and then your health decreases further once you hit the floor and take fall damage.  I've yet to use it with a sticky jumper and try to jump from the air, but the basic way to jump with it is to aim it at a 70-80 degree angle from the ground, to the right (because all nade launchers fire slightly up and left, to balance it) or vice versa if you have your models reverse, and then you'll want to strafe forward (or backward, I suppose) and jump right before the fuse finishes its priming and blows up in your face.  You don't want to release the M1 button.  Then, once in the air, pull out the Mor and charge along your merry way, hopefully to an area with a health pack.
However, there isn't much of a benefit, and the sticky jumper could be used to do this and more to a greater effect, as well as just the default sticky launcher.

Offline  iDiot

Posts: 4
There's absolutely no way to pogo, wall-jump, or whatever using this launcher.  The main ways you'd want to do it would be to launch yourself in the air with it, and then caber a wall, like in the video, or just use a sticky launcher.  Its shorter arm time also is a problem, because with regular grenade fuses (3 seconds I believe) you have time to pull out a sticky launcher, shoot the sticky, and then let it arm before it blows up, while with this, it will blow up before the sticky arms, or it will work only if you time is perfectly.  Imho, staying with sticky launchers or the default grenade launcher is a better bet than with this weapon, unless you were trying to cover long, more or less straight distances and you could use a nice long charge with a sword.

Posts: 31
I use it in conjunction with the stickybomb launcher; use 2 stickies to fly, then charge up the cannon for a super-long jump boost :P

Posts: 8
Heres a loose cannon jump + knight jump. Hope you like it.  ;D
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