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Author Topic: Sentrygun Placement Command?  (Read 1522 times)

Posts: 97
Registered as Special43004 but playing as Kandrix
Hey all,
i just wanted to ask, if there's some console command how to create sentrygun without engineer and that stuff.

Like on jump_littleman, that jump with sentry, just create one like that.

Always when i try to ent_create obj_sentry, it just makes that thing like when enginner see model for placement of sentry, and nothing else.

Thanks for responses

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Offline  Raiin

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The littleman sentry gun is setup in Hammer (Source SDK).
its an obj_sentrygun with the level of the sentry set but i don't remember the flags/keys/values for that entity.

ent_create obj_sentrygun will only make the blueprint...
ent_fire obj_sentrygun setteam 0-3 then melee it as engy which will build it...


Posts: 97
Registered as Special43004 but playing as Kandrix
thanks... and if i'll buy it this way as engi, will it be still there after class swap? :)

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Posts: 97
Registered as Special43004 but playing as Kandrix
So, tested, and idk why doesnt work with ent_fire... It will not create anything...

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