well, if you can stay level, how about trying to do that, but then either delay each next shot by a split second, or aim slightly off from where you usually do? that should get you going down, and you can make it more or less by delaying more/less or shooting more/less offcentre. It should be quite controllable, but yes... unfortunately it is mostly about practice, me personally.. i might be one of the slowest to have learned wallpogo (Cos i hate it.. and any other slowpogo). My case: i hated slowpogos, so i just didnt do them, so i also couldn't do them for the next err well till last year really, and even though i never practiced it hardcore, doing it every now and then (cos nearly every solly map will have one) eventually it just worked, and really i have no idea why, its just when you get used to jumping you get a feeling for stuff, and part of that also translates to downpogo i guess.... anyway... what i mean by that little story... it doesnt matter, if you can't do 1 type of jump.. don't care about it and itll come eventually, or do the eleven way and brute force it by doing it day and night till you get it both work, both valid. in the end.. if you stick to jumping, even if you dont do downpogos much/at all (like me) eventually youll find you can suddenly do them. hopefully that helps?
