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Author Topic: Sync Victims ?  (Read 2756 times)

Posts: 108
Recently, a jumper by the name of QuBA has released a map titled jump_sync, in which the player "syncs" a plethora of rockets to complete each jump.

The map in question, following a, [DATA EXPUNGED]
Victim 1

A NA jumper by the name (|Å?| nom) has recently beaten the map. Shortly after beating it, he complained about "quint nightmares" and pain in his right wrist.

nom's last words were as follows: "going to bed, see ya"
[REDACTED], it is theorized that nom has slipped into a coma due to the recent syncing events.

<-- Last instance of nom being sighted

Victim 2?
A jumper by the name (Pluto). Pluto has taken a newfound liking to QuBA's sync map, citing it has always been his weakness.
<-- jump_sync's mind altering properties taking effect.


QuBA and hbc are the only known surviors at this point, weather or not QuBA activated the kill switch shortly after beating it, he is the map maker, and as such, should be charged with the crime of cyber homicide


I advise everyone to not play QuBA's sync map until further notice,

UPDATE: jump_sync has been classified as a Type 2 Cognitohazard.

Any reports of auditory, gustatory, and/or visual hallucinations of sync are to be reported to BigJumpers Steam group.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 06:49:16 PM by Ancient Grandpa »
Offline  HBC

Posts: 36
this is nonsense, nom is just on leave for non-sync related reasons. jump_sync saves lives everyday by blessing people with the almighty experience of syncing.
Offline  Ticiam

Posts: 1
heard recently that when rick got on the map today, his feelings of terror were assuaged and he reached an abnormal mental state.  is this a side effect of the map or is it lethal?

*UPDATE 4:21 P.M. :: 5/26/13
in mumble, just 1 minute ago, pluto has stated, "i will only play on sync offline now and wont get on the jump servers."  seeking help immediately
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 06:23:00 PM by Ticiam »
Offline  ~LeoFLT

Posts: 51
Smoke w33d everyday
OMG sync so nerdz n rubz sync omg omg

Posts: 108
Recent evidence of syncs hampering on a player:

Test subject "Dr.Heinz" was used for the bottom. Heinz recovered 6 hours after playing the map.

Sync appears to serverly damage the players motor skills while playing the map, the longer one is exposed to sync, the longer the effect takes place.

Hours Spent On Sync / Motor Decline %
1 / 5%                                           
2 / 8%
3 / 12% (Slight twitching in hand begins to appear)
4 / 13%
5  / 17% (Eyes begin to twitch at irregular rates)
10 / 25% (No discernible  difference in motor skills until the 10th hour)
15 / 35% (Subject begins to tell others how "great" the map is, possible memetic effect taking place)
30 / 50% (Hand begins to tremble while not syncing)
50 / 65 %
63 / 80% (Subject lasps into a coma shortly after completion of the map)see: |Å?| nom
70 / x (Insignificant data after this point, as no subject has been able to survive past the 63rd hour mark)

research is currently ongoing, and is subject to change
Offline  ~LeoFLT

Posts: 51
Smoke w33d everyday
OMG GUYS I JUST PLAYED AND I, I want to SMOKE IT ALL DAY JUST LIKE W33D ITS AWESOME hbc is the right one in the history i think...
Offline  Exile

Posts: 399
Couldn't think of something clever to put
According to the data above I went ahead and made a graph to show the damage done by Quba.

As you can see HBC has the highest number because he is still alive, but has been completely brainwashed. The number 150 indicates a certain state of death because the intake was too high. The others may be in danger too.


Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
Luckily I stopped playing after the first 10 levels or so and haven't touched the map since. RIP nom

Offline  Torii

Posts: 108
Whirlwind "Torii Hurricane"

i liek.


Posts: 426
I really started to fell nauseous and I could stop the  twitch in my hand. Luckily that went away after a few hours. However, that didn't really explain the nausea. So I went to the doctor and when he checked my eyes he saw that they were constantly moving up and down, very fast. He descriped me some medicine that should restore my balance.
He said the nausea was because my eyes and the labyrinth in my ear didn't work together.

So now I'm on drugs :)
Still slighly nauseous, but a little better already.

Offline  rick

Posts: 9
Pluto gets a mention but is stuck on 11? ok friends 8)
edit: you'll never beat me pluto  :P
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 04:19:16 AM by rick »

Posts: 216
If this is what sync does to a player, imagine squared O.O Also after grinding on the last jump for hours i had a weird feeling in my arm after that(not numbness it was different.) :/


Posts: 3
I tried to do lvl 2 for 5 hours on a server and then my hand felt hurt and my eyes were dizzy, I went to see a doctor and the doctor told me i got Carpal tunnel syndrome and Nausea

This jump is mentally killing your jump ability after trying lvl 2 for 5 hours straight i can't seem to do lvl 1 of beef.

I recommend you not to play this map or it will drain your jumping ability skillz

Up to date, i'm been failing all my school subject because of this.\

Do not play Quba sync map till i completely recover and approve that you can play quba sync map when i finish lvl 2

p.s When you get stuck at a syncing level you will not be complete that lvl ever again!!!!!!!!!!! :O (Cried in the corner of my bathroom)

P.p.s My teacher told me to stop playing games for the next few month because of this.

P.p.p.s Quba is controlling your mind with his sync maps

P.p.p.p.s Play other people sync maps till i say it is completely find to play quba sync maps

P.p.p.p.p.s You might have spotted alot of dramatical grammar errors cos quba is screwing with my mind now
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 08:09:29 AM by dragonerz »

Posts: 216
Also after Torii completed jump_sync his reaction on skype was out of the ordinary and sounded like he was in pain, shortly after, he started to act abnormally. Its no question that probably all people that have beaten jump_sync might be under a hypnotic trance which could be controlled by QuBa. THIS IS A CONSPIRACY PEOPLE
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 08:06:53 AM by fireballhat »


Posts: 331
the skybox is the limit
The difference between sync and squared is that squared's first jump requires far more patience and skill than sync's. This has the effect of restricting squared to only those few jumpers who can handle the stress of the map, whereas sync, with its deceptively easy first jump, convinces jumpers of all skill levels that they can survive the effects of some of the later jumps in the map. The difference between the difficulties of the starting jumps of these two maps also means that jump_sync is played a lot more on online servers, exposing more unknowing victims to the horrible effects of the map.
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