iam really dont understand what you all fucking want.
be happy this server still on after 7 years !
i know iam not active like years ago so iam not 24/h for you there!
but whos care i like my jobs so i dont need to cry

now to drex:
1. give me a plugin for removing Teamcollisions? only with valve cvar dont work we tryed so much times, so use !hide or search a plugin on alliedmods.
2. Remove explosions ? I CAN OFC! AND I DID! but there are PPL wich dont want that! so remove it self. There is a tut from me in forum Other Tutorials pffff.
3.(Having additional info such as which class each map is for) WTF!? think some years back do we having this Prob? NO? and why ? because we player everyday and know everymap so i dont fucking care about this.
4. there no probs with so much plugins so whos care ? u can use chat filter for server messages if you dont like it to see...........
5. no comment.......
6. already did to much but something. last time i removed something ppl comming in forum and cry where is the map. SO i can post here the map list and you all can vote what to remove whats so hard ?
7. to the custom stuff ... there are not so much models and skyboxes as you think or sounds.
Models maybe 50mb, Skyboxes idk 20mb and Sounds maybe 150mb (other sounds which are something with 2 gb you can dl from forum with a Link) atleast i need maybe for all this 5 mins to DL.
ppl who want really to connect the server they will wait or disable the dl byself so whats the problem ?
and about particles downloading everytime i think thats a prob by client not from server, we already dis this some months ago who some ppl need download the things everytime if connecting.
8. About skillsrank : I HAVE UPDATET THE NEW VERSION WHICH CRANCK GIVED TO ME, maybe i did wrong but i dont think so, you can give me the dl link and i will check again.
9. (nominate should bring up an alphabetical list of maps) I GIVE YOU THE LIST make it if you have time i dont have it sorry.
and at least 10. QuBA for ftp? its not the prob i trust him but you all think its so easy if now a new map comming out just uploaded and thats is.. me need 10 mins everytime for uploaded and create+editing old cfgs and iam know what to do, so think how long one will need for this which dont know how. HE CAN LEARN OFC only if he want to do this all work but i dont thinks so. IS THERE MAYBE NEW DB + NEW databases.cfg with new name and pw? if you so how i could know that ? i read maybe 2-3 weeks ago from redwine there will be new db with logins. i have send him a pm and no answer SO FUCK IT i dont care about this. i have no time to nevers anyone everyday and search for things ... do it byself and send me the link if you want it.
sorry about that (maybe) hard text but u know who you are who we are and what chillout is....
if you want something new or fix send me a pm at steam or where ever and i will do it.
and how i say every time