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Author Topic: How did you ultimately get into jumping?  (Read 2081 times)
Offline  hobbes

Posts: 28
I used to play WoW, and I finally quit a few weeks ago because Cataclysm bored the living piss out of me (yet it was still very hard for me to pathetic).  Anyways, I have been playing TF2 for quite some time, mostly as a means of curing my boredom in between WoW sessions.  But I am the kind of guy that plays a handful of games, but needs one to be his "main" and since WoW was gone, I chose TF2.

A good friend of mine who I used to play another game with years ago, but I still keep in touch with, is one of the top competitive demo men in Europe.  So I wanted to try to pick his brain a bit and maybe get to a point where I could compete in TF2.  I know I would start off in a noob league/division at first, which is fine, I just enjoy playing the game.

He then asked if I knew how to wall jump...I said "Uh...I think so...?".  Come to find out, I didn't know dick about rocket jumping.  I could do height jumps (who can't) and thought that was the end of it, I only needed to know how to do was I wrong.

He then explained to me about the world of "jumping" and told me about jump_pagoda (it was the only jump map he knew of off the top of his head).  I went to youtube and typed it in and watched Wonderland's video of his flawless run and was amazed at how complex RJing could be.  So I downloaded, loaded it up, was so ready to tackle my first jump map...I couldn't even get onto the first platform (didn't fully know how to wall climb) and thought to myself "Ok I need to learn to do this shit".

Watched some more Wonderland/tutorial videos, downloaded a map that I read was "great for noob practice" (forget the name tbh...adventure maybe?) and started learning.  I was always into "trick" aspects of source games for years.  Surf maps, climb maps, bhop maps etc, so naturally I was instantly sucked into the word of jumping.

So, I got back into TF2 rather heavily to try to get good enough to compete at whatever level, and ended up getting addicted to jumping lol.

So, how did you all ultimately end up learning/trying/getting addicted to jumping?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 12:02:20 PM by hobbes »
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
I watched TFC rocket jump videos then they were linked to TF2 videos then i was amazed then i tried it then i became addicted.  Good story I know.

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss
Offline  Drexen

Posts: 283
ok, heres my story...

bought the orange box like 3-4 years ago, loved hl2 then installed tf2 and it was fun, i saw some vids of jumping on youtube but Silver's run of hobo2 with the awesome requiem for a dream song got me interested in jumping and mapping. i talked to bob +M|M+ and he taught me how to map, and ever since then i've been making jump maps.
Offline  Hadokk

Bball Server Filler Upper
Posts: 313
I played tf2 alot, after I quit wow, got pretty good with soldier at pub level but wanted to play competive. And since all the cool sollys could rocket jump, and I couldn't jump for shit I thought I needed to train a little bit. So I started preparing by downloading rj_rckteer, watched a few vids and wondered how the fuck I should do j5, like a record, since I had no idea how to strafe in air :p

When I had done most of the jumps on rj_rckteer I thought it would be a good time to show my skills on the chillout server. Got stuck on j1 Cheval. Clf soaring by with painful ease as I thought "motherfucker, how did you do that?" (oh, that's also when I realized my so called rj_ckteer skills were worth shit on chillout + the "you're not so good" sounds on the server didn't help me deny the fact that I sucked, oh how badly I sucked). After that I think I played for a few months, stopped since I'm a really slow learner, when it comes to jumping anyway. Came back maybe five-six months ago, prolly more.

Anyway, I fell for jumping because you can really tell when you're making progress and when you're not. Unlike when you're fraggin. Then it's just a matter how much the others suck that will determine if you're good or not.
img  rush
Played cod4 comp/pubs, when I was bored I'd go on TF2. Got bored of cod4 comp play, and came to TF2. Got bored of TF2, and went on to jumping. Here I am today
Offline  Savory

Posts: 45
I took Haddok's path.  Was playing comp TF2 for a while and got good at jumping to be a better soldier.  Then I was basically forced to stop playing normal TF2 (addicted) so I could have a chance at graduating college.  I settled with jumping only, because I usually get too frustrated to spend ridiculous amounts of time online.

Seriously though, I can get on the most unsavory maps in normal TF2 like 32 man 2fort and still spend like 6-8hours in the blink of an eye.  It is way too much fun to me for some reason.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 12:55:27 AM by Savory »
Offline  Klanana

iT! Servers Owner
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Even though I dont jump anymore... there was a period of time where i tried!

ROK (for those that know him) and I used to play tf2 basically from midnight until 7 am almost every night (insomniaaaaaaaa?) and he bugged me forever to try jumping with him... so I finally gave in - and that became our new time killer for a few hours each night... then go figure this mysterious person who played with us frequently in the middle of the night ended up being this uber famous jumper - so I started coming to Jump iT! to watch him (as I quite honestly love to watch jumpers... as long as they're not horrible). So thats how I ended up here... not jumping.

The main reason I stopped jumping though is im a flailing gamer and after months of very little sleep and 7-10 hours of tf2 a night i fked my wrists pretty bad (i sniped for about 6 months straight... that shits a wrist killer). Plus I went through 3 keyboards bc I would break my control key mashing it when I jump.

Anywho watching people jump is just as thrilling for me... I get excited as hell when you guys do cool shit.


Jump iT - | JuJump iT - | Surf iT -
Bball iT - | MGE iT -
Offline  Sparrow

Posts: 7
Is a Sparrow.
I bought the orange box when it came out, played tf2 for a bit then stopped for about 3 years to follow my true passion (HL2:DM ofc). Jumping and airstrafing were a big part of that game so I had some background in movement skills from there, I was much better at jumping in dm than I think I ever will be in tf2. Then I went on to play L4D1 competitively with people I knew from DM, we did pretty well then the game died completely and no one played it. We played a short amount of l4d2 before realizing it was awful and then looked for a game to play. Friend got into comp. tf2, so I started playing tf2 too but really didn't care for it. Found a jump server one day and tried it out, it was on adventure and I couldn't beat the 3rd level so I practiced and played on jump servers a lot until I got decent. Then I started playing competitively too even though this game's netcode should literally be a felony, like everyone involved should be arrested.

Posts: 49
I honestly can't remember. I came from a competitive fighting game(SSBM) background which involved some high level speed. I wanted to see if TF2 had anything like that since it's a very slow game.  I saw some guy climb a wall with rocketjumps in that arena_duel2 or whatever that small map is called. Later, I think I ran into a vid of Lexer's doing a jump map. From there I downloaded the maps he did and worked my way up. I don't think I've even used any tutorials tbh.

Then after completing loads of maps, I finally found a jump server. Even though I was new to the server, I was the 2nd best jumper, first being corpesy.

Then Raiin comes along and made everyone cry.

The End.


Posts: 9
Raptorbones / Hobbes / Telewizard
Joined Ausjump after playing on a zombie fortress server. Got involved.

Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
a friend and I  were pubbing and he got bored of the server so we went off to a jump server (US) and it was engy jumping. confounded by the floors that would teleport you and being able to setup paths I favourited the server and continued playing in the 250ping I'm semi-famous for today...took me about a week of engy jumping to get bored and realised that soldier and demo jumping were much faster and gave a much more obvious line of skill to gloat about from time to time ;D. Then on jump_adventure, Niodyne found me failing in beginner and he taught me everything, 2 days later i was on the last expert jump...determined to finish i continued jumping in my 250 ping....moral of the story....I MUST WIN, WINWINWINWINWINWINWINWINWINWIN

<3 Niodyne
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 09:40:22 PM by Raiin »


Posts: 12
Kreedz 1.6 <3
I began to play TF2 , and jump maps because my scrollwheel isn't working properly, so i did quit cs1.6
Best reason ever?
Offline  Hex

Posts: 7
I used to only play DoD 1.3 when i was in middle school/ high school. But then my brother showed me a Quake 3 jump video (Tricking iT 2 I believe. Excellent vid. Very nice production.) and that got jumping in my head. I downloaded Q3 and just started messing around with rocket jumping, trying to imitate the jumps on the vid. I had tons of fun. Unfortunately I didn't continue with it much so I was still a jump noob when i stopped playing Q3.

Then TF2 came out. One of the first things I noticed about the game is that the soldier was actually encouraged to rocket jump. So I started playing around on maps, perfecting height jumps and stuff. But it wasn't until i stumbled upon the Chillout Zone that i really started jumping a lot.

First jump map i played on was pagoda, and i could barely get up the pagoda. then the second jump had me stumped for like a week. Fortunately another jumper gave me some hints and i made it across. Then i just kept going, trying new maps and new jumps, eventually getting into demo jumping and all that. Now i'm to the point where i'm starting to actually finish maps instead of just trying to get as far as i could.

Tricking iT Part 1
Shaolin Productions - Tricking iT2 (1 of 2)

Part 2
Shaolin Productions - Tricking iT2 (2 of 2)

favorite jump is upTown's quintuple rocket jump where he jumps between the rockets. @3:06 in part 2


Posts: 3
Gotta love em coats.
I started TF2 in about July 2010, and I just found the Ausjump server 5 days after that. No one was on it so I decided just to download the map and have a go. It turned out to be jump_adventure, one of the easiest maps I can do flawless now. But when I started I sort of sucked. I could do the first 2 courses but couldnt do the rest.

Then this...'bad influence' called Rocky laughed at me and told me I sucked. He then told me to spec him and then proceeded to do the course while mocking me. Gotta admit, he was good, and he was my mentor for 2 days. And I proceeded to drink alcohol while watching him because it was entertaining at that time. I decided to give jumping a go under Rocky. I then knew how to walljump, pogo and strafe, which is all you need for adventure, seriously. So then I settled in the server and kept going, and now I'm a pretty good jumper, if I say so myself.

...I suck don't I.
Offline  tearzzz

Posts: 7
At the speed of light.
I played some soldier a few years ago in Asia Fortress, and was really aggravated that my jumping was limited to simple movements, so I started with good old rj_rckteer. :)
I'm still new to soldier, since I played sniper (still do) and scout.

What really caught my eye was the Tf2jump: Tears in Rain. That got me hooked to jumping though i still am not good. I'm hoping to get better by playing with this community. :]
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