Played the map and it was pretty fun, there's a fair bit I think you could improve on as far as the jumps go, though, so have some feedback:
Jump 1
- Good first jump.
Jump 2
- Jump wise this is fine.
- Be aware that the source engine can't render water properly on multiple planes which is why the water on this jump flashes and bugs a bit (it's not too bad though as you've only used cheap water).
Jump 3
- Cool jump

Jump 4
- This jump I liked the least.
- The playerclips over the walls really need to be shown a lot better (or at all really). After the double the natural thing to do is to try and cut the corner to the end, which means you bump into the playerclip and fail the jump. Not knowing how wide you have to take that corner is really irratating.
- The starting angle for setting up the double is really acute making it difficult to tell where the prefired rocket will explode and therefore when to jump.
- Going for a distance double off the floor doesn't work nearly as well as off a wall which is why it might be better to have to do the double off the wall on the left instead.
Jump 5
- This jump was fine. Nothing really wrong with it though nothing particuly great about it either.
Jump 6
- Pretty cool jump.
- Having to shoot the button first for me didn't really mean anything to me as I always reached the door before it managed to close, so I can't really comment about whether that's a good idea or not.
Jump 7
- Not sure I was doing this one right.
- I didn't manage to beat the jump once by just going for a perfect triple though I came damn close a couple of times.
- You can shoot of the roof (which is how I managed to beat the jump the times I did). Not sure if this is intended or not.
Jump 8
- I found this to be the hardest jump in the map.
- I like it simply because it's hard.
- The area at the end of the jump seems kinda pointless, and if you intend to keep the jump where it is in the map then I'd suggest taking this out as the jump is hard enough without it.
Jump 9
- The drop pogo is a bit lame but the end of the jump is fun.
- I think you need to give a bit better indication of where the tele is at the bottom of the wall pogo through a texture change on the wall or something as right now it's kinda hard to tell.
Jump 10
- This seemed pretty easy for being the last jump in the map, although I'm not entirely sure I did it the right way.
- That said it's still a fun jump.
Bonus 1
- I had no idea what to do on this - Ctap to double speedshot? 360 speedshot to double speedshot? Skip to double speedshot? Something else?
Bonus 2
- This is the greatest jump I have ever played (no joke).
- Getting those bounce jumps is so satisfying and it's cool you managed to innovate with them (never thought of going into a pogo from on myself).
- Also it's nice to see other maps using the bounce jump

Also, I died a couple of times in places. Adding a trigger_hurt over the whole map would fix this and wouldn't take long (just make sure the trigger hurt entity that the trigger brush is tied to is inside the map or you will get a leak).
Overall, a fun hard map
