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Author Topic: jump_pure_b2  (Read 1974 times)

Posts: 20
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169 LOL?!
Yes... It's finaly ready for it's next release. (bout time...)

I wanna thank to Drexen, for helping me when I got into difficult situations with the map. And ManBearPig for the inspiration of begining mapping.

I have done many noticable changes:

-Detailed beginner jumps
-There is no access in the begining to the advanced jumps
-Added 5 more advanced jumps
-Fixed some bugs
-Why the hell am I doing this? You will see yourslef!

Here's the link:

Oh, and this is my 2nd map, so don't expect for a masterpiece... I tried my best.

Enjoy! :))

There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count & those who can't.

Posts: 380
i dont care!
cool details but i gonna change the skybox :)
Offline  Klanana

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Thank you whoever uploaded it to Jump iT already... makes my life easier!


Jump iT - | JuJump iT - | Surf iT -
Bball iT - | MGE iT -
Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
actually, pure is one of my fav demo maps
i'm sure i gonna love next version :)

Nice and simple details, hopefully you'll detail the entire map in final version....
I don't really know much about detailing (since only 1 of my jump maps is detailed), but one thing you should know and use (both for detailed and non detailed maps) is the NoDraw texture on every solid face that the player won't see
Also, have you checkd your map for leaks? 'cause i think it is leaking

I want to see a demo of last jump, it's a cool one were you thinking lol????wallpogo maze????
(that's the only downside of the map imo)

overall, massively improved, still one of my fav demo maps
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 07:14:07 PM by X_DIAS »

Posts: 20
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169 LOL?!
Glad ya liked it. ;)

And yes, I used nodraw on every solid block (detailed part), and the map isn't leaking. :D

I can't afford releasing a map with leaks so... yea ;] It doesn't have.

I've made the wallpogo maze merely in order to piss off people. :D Each map needs to have a bit of it.

It's a kinda hard decision for me if to detail the other part of the map or not.

If I'll continue it eventually so I'll probally be adding more jumps because the majority of the players like more the jumps I've added than the details.

There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count & those who can't.
Offline  MIKE`

Posts: 60
what is the intended way to do the second last jump? i've heard people mention you said you don't need to air sticky after the ramp? i'm not really sure how to do it besides using an air sticky which is incredibly annoying due to the ceiling.
Offline  Swi1ch

Posts: 9
Is there a 'correct' way to do the (I think) third beginner map? The only way I have managed it is to RJ to the first wall, jump to the third, jump high and then pogo off the fifth or so.
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
It's a demo map.

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss
Offline  Swi1ch

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