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Author Topic: How long have you guys spent practising jumping?  (Read 1434 times)

Posts: 133
I'm not sure of the time myself, because most of it was done when I didn't have internet but I'd estimate ~40 hours
Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
More than 40 i can say that.....


done some math.....i'd say about 1000 jumping, maybe 600 solly and 400 demo......

but maybe more than that

and yes, i still suck
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 04:04:39 PM by X_DIAS »

Posts: 426
More than is healthy...


Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
I have about 100-110 hours with soldier, 40-50 with demo... prolly a few more tens of hours to both as well from all the times I've tested maps in a local server, unless the time thingy keeps track of these hours as well. hard to say exactly how much cuz of the times I've played soldier/demo in an actual game and not just jumping.

Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
well... my ingame steamstats now seem to be stuck on 666:33:05 solly hours  :o (though it was never accurate to begin with)

but ye.. solly + demo + medic, would prolly be around 2000 hours at least, prolly more
(take off about 200 orso hours for comp play, did do some.. but not even close to how much ive jumped)

Offline  Matti

Posts: 78
soar_a4 is out!
~2500 hours on soldier, give or take 100. And for demo, I'd say 40 hours though I'm less sure of this one.
Offline  ismillo

Posts: 14
I do have around 2470 hours of TF2, GREAT part of it was spent in jumping...
I could have a better anwser if I didn't reset stats so many times... D:
Offline  Raiin

Posts: 243
Apparently, I'm a robot.
Steam says I have 8500 TF2 hours played, my in game class hours add up to about 3000 hours and jumping classes add up to about 2500 hours. I also play quite a lot of competitive so I'll take off about 200-300 hours there. 2200-2300 hours of jumping.

GET TO THE POINT! 2250 hours.

Offline  Scotteh

Posts: 60
Probably around 1800-2000 hours. The worst part is I'm much worse than a lot of people with less time jumping than me. :D
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
I'd guess like 600 hours on soldier, maybe like 150-200 in demo.  I've cleared my stats a few times so I can't be exactly sure but that sounds about right.  I'm pretty horrible for how much I've played.  I've come to accept that it's something I'll probably never be able to excel at, or even be good at.

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss
Offline  Torii

Posts: 108
Whirlwind "Torii Hurricane"
At the moment I have about 360 hours on Soldier. Probably spent about 100hrs of that jumping. Still not as good as the giants though, my only real accomplishment is that I've beat Littleman.

Offline  Aurora

Posts: 100
I've spent about 500 of my 2200 hours rocket jumping with soldier
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 08:09:50 PM by Aurora »


Posts: 630
I'm probably at about 500 or so jumping on soldier.  Demo/Medic/Engie I have no idea.  Kinda sad when you see how bad I aim considering how long I've been doing it.

Posts: 34
I only have about 300-400 hours rocket jumping. the hell takes you noobs so long to get good?
Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
Steam says I have 8500 TF2 hours played, my in game class hours add up to about 3000 hours and jumping classes add up to about 2500 hours. I also play quite a lot of competitive so I'll take off about 200-300 hours there. 2200-2300 hours of jumping.

GET TO THE POINT! 2250 hours.
8500 TF2 HOURS?

But for jumping, I'm around that many hours as well.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.
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