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Topics - Blind Girl

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alright - i kinda don't have much about anything to do right now, and i realized - this has bugged me on quite some maps now, so here is a tutorial for it:
1. Setting up Buttons that do something,
2. setting up buttons that do something the way i do it
and 3. setting up multiple buttons for the same thing to happen - the way i do it (talking to you Raiin - and your counters O_O)
example here, and this is the important part:
shoot 2 buttons, to open 1 door!
(can be extrapolated to more quite easily)

also: no Pictures because im lazy and this stuff is kinda self explanatory once your into hammer a bit ;)
and: i kinda take 1 and 2 as set basics, im not going into this any deeper than: if you dont know how, here is a very short explanation, if this doesn't help, go google or whatever ;)

so, setting up a button is kinda easy
make something a brush based entity called func_button
in the options (alt+enter or the window that appears after your tie to entity/ctrl t command) you can now go to the *Outputs* tab and do whatever you wish, like tying this to a door or a teleporter, and making it activate, like open or close or whatever *onDamaged*
for that the respective object needs a name - give it one, klick the small pick tool, and click the object in the 3d window, or just type the name down
then you can chose to open the door/disable the porter or whatever

up to here, everyone should be able to easily follow this

but: for example with the teleporter, you'll soon run into a small problem: how do i enable it again?
the obvious solution would be to enter an enable to the button after a certain amount of time

in my case that caused some weird issues - mainly the problem, that the porter would enable again, no matter if you shoot the button again, or not - so you have to wait for the button to reset the timer again, if you messed up your jump immediately, instead of being able to just fire it and go again

how i solved this:
i used a logic_relay --- a very useful point based entity
i told the button to *trigger* the relay, that then itself triggered whatever had to be done by the button initially

for this thing, there is a neat little command called: cancel pending
what this does, is just stop the relay from firing outstanding commands, like activating a teleporter again
i fire this before the actual trigger command, and voila, you can shoot the button, mess up, shoot it again, and everything resets properly
so the button fires: cancel pending, trigger relay .1 seconds later (i use this timer to make sure the commands come in the right order... no idea if it works without...)

a problem with this: you can cheat jumps when you have a friend to keep the *door open*, who keeps shooting the button for you
but in my opinion, the mess up thing is greater than the cheating value, so... whatever

3. how to set up multiple buttons, that all have to be activated to trigger an event
once you know how this works, you can kinda imagine the wildest combinations, as long as you can keep up with the logic behind it

what we need here:
a logic_branch and a logic_branch_listener, in addition to the buttons, the relays and whatever needs to be triggered - lets say a door this time

a short explanation:
a logic branch is kinda just a variable that can be set to 1 or 0, and needs a name in order to be used
the listener can now get all the branches names, and act on certain outputs of them

an example, we do 2 buttons, same thing as before
the buttons fire a cancel command on 2 relays, then trigger em
the output of those relays is now a bit different, as we change a branch from 0 to 1 with each relay, and then after some set time, reset it to 0
so, button 1 is fired -> relay 1 is canceled, relay 1 is triggered .1 seconds later -> branch 1 is set to 1, branch 1 is reset to 0 after a set amount of time, lets make it 7 seconds here.
same for button 2 -> relay 2 -> branch 2

the whole setup is made, now we are gonna open the door using the listener
add the name of branch 1 and 2 to the listeners respective Property names, namely Logic Branch 01 = branch_01 and 02 = branch_02
next lets go to the outputs tab again, and see which options we got:
lets chose our door *door_01* and add an output for it
on my output named we now got 3 options
on all false --- if every single value is 0 here, this will fire up immediateld
on all true --- same as above, but for all 1
and on mixed --- kinda self explanatory too, if you got 1s and 0s this will shoot
so for the door to open on all buttons, we now can tell the listener:
on all true: open door
on all false: close door
on mixed: close door
this way the door will open as soon as all buttons are pressed, and close again when a buttons timer runs out

and thats the whole secret to it - now that everyone knows those things exist, use em to your advantage!

so hopefully i wont see any more button jumps now where you can just fire the same thing 4 times and the door opens, or where the resets are messed up or... whatever ;)

oh, and one more thing:
if there is a way to do this without the relays, don't be mad at me or stuff, just tell me how - i just found this worked well for me up to now, and haven't found any problems with this... so ... yea... the setup is kinda tedious sometimes, though its a lot better than broken button jumps ^^


if anyone thinks of a button thing that cant be done with this setups, feel free to ask/comment/annoy anyone you like - or whatever - including me :)

sorry for the bad spelling... didn't tripplecheck...

New Maps / Me Made a Map
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:18:47 PM »
Yea... as the title says... me made a map...

I don't even know if there's even a demand for this, but yea... story:

a Friend of mine doesn't really have time often - and after playing on adventure for some time we soon figured out, that the learning curve of the maps 4th part was kinda hard for beginners - and so for him... we went to search for alternatives - specifically maps that are not too difficult for him to try on... we found rckteer... and finished it in an hour or so... that was kind of it...

so i thought to myself... well ... as there are so few beginner maps out there... why not try making one yourself... and this is kinda what happened from there...

It consists of an easy (blue) course and a more difficult (red) one, though the experienced players may find that its no real challenge either and can be finished quite fast...

its still in an alpha state... though i don't know if I'm gonna flesh it out sometime in the future or not... probably not... yea...

anyways - i present to you, jump_4starters in its current and final state until someone tells me of a bigger problem than "hey, i can't make this jump, make it easier" or "it's too easy for me - make something cooler and harder"

if any one finds bugs or real problems, feel free to annoy me in any way possible
also, if any one would like me to flesh out the map, cause he's of the opinion there is a demand for detailed easy jump maps, he likes the map, and would like to see its final state... feel free to annoy me even more...

you may now stone me for being a bad map-making-thingie


What you say, an update already?
Yeeea - i kinda missed out on some more or less important things i fixed up now, so i may humbly present:
the second alpha stage

-made all skip etc. teleporters only 1 unit high, instead of 4 units
-changed a few textures to more clearly convey what people may jump upon and what they should not
-changed the last walls on the double speedshot to let rockets through to prevent excessive jump cheating there

thanks to Drexen for Pointing that out :)

also, while I'm at it - thanks to the excessive beta testers - voluntary and involuntary (people kept connecting on me while i tested the map, crazy i tell you O_O)


alright... finally got to editing a bit again, so i can proudly present to you

<deleted link was here O_O>

the fourth alpha version of the map
but blind one, what has changed? you may ask O_O
-the answer is simple, some jumps were cheatable so they were easier than the actual jump - fixed most of it, that i found significant
-added 2 more jumps - search, and mb you are gonna find em - hint: they are where the two intelligences were placed in a2 (placed the intelligence at the end of each)
-played around with hdr lightning, just for the giggles and sparkly prettyness

yea, and thats it for now... its not much, but whatever

thanks to everyone who played the map, and gave feedback - thanks to everyone who will somewhen play it... yea :)

keep jumping

and as always: comments/hints/critic greatly appreaciated, as long as its constructive :)

Oh and one last thing:
i was thinking about expanding this project, making a teleport spawnroom that gets you to the different levels, and making a new stage with harder jumps, i'd like to know what you think of that... is it a good idea to pack as much into one map as humanly possible, or would you find it better if i just started a new one, and left this one as it is?


Done with my C-Course, finally

Lots of changes:

- i took out red spawns, to the map hosts, please keep that in mind - no red spawns means you gotta prevent players from spawning red at all, cause the system will just take blue spawns as standart if it doesn't find any reds, and you don't want players shooting each other and not jumping

- added a complete new course with a new bonus jump, so search now or be forever silent :)

- put the bonus rooms together into a big new black box, so every bonus can see the other ones

- added a teleporter somewhere at the end of each course, to take you back to spawn for better speedrunnability

Thanks so much to Drexen who once again proved to be insanely helpful when radiosity wouldn't compile because of lightmap size, took him about 2 minutes to find the problem while i would have taken at least 2 hours to find and fix this on my own
Thanks to Matti for pointing out that surf surfaces are better made into func_details to keep vvis compile times low

anything i missed? aaaw, yea, the map file... here you go:

###a5 Download was here###

i hope you like it so far :)


aaaaalright, crazy persons who hurt themselves with rockets all the time
its update time again

and this time its a big one
its jump_4starters_a8 --- wow, never thought this would go this far :P

I completely reworked the textures to finally make the map my own, now i feel like its really mine, and no longer a generic measure thingie, even though the textures are not that great... but yea, whatever

One new course is now there to be played, its still not exactly the hardest, but its difficult enough for me to bite my teeth on some of the jumps - i hope you like it
to get into it: at the end of each bonus jump, there is a button, that has to be shot - when all 3 are active, and someone steps on the closed up well like contraption, it opens up for the d course to be accessible

i really hope you like what you get here

laters ;)

oh wait, forgot the download link again, here you go:
###a8 was here###

on another note: i got an idea for the design of an e course already... just need to get some jumps down... and a way to get into it --- but whats important about that: i am still not finished - at least probably not - although i really wanna do something else for a month or so now... but yea, im gonna see when the fever hits again, and i cant let go of hammer for several hours a day... until then...

comments, hints, critics greatly appreciated, thanks for playing.... keep jumping i guess ;)


alright, it hit me a lot earlier than expected because of unintended... interventions... yea...

had to fix a lot of stuff on d and majorly rework at least some of the jumps, but i got it done, and the result is:

jump_4starters_a9 --- god this numbers keep growing o0

thanks to Huh, Quba and Scott for testing the jumps and telling me where stuff needs to be fixed and altered
also thanks to everyone who jumped a8 and told me of things to fix

cu next time

laters ;)


Edit for RC1:

okay, i am literally missing one thing, and that is the 3d skybox, but right now I DONT CARE (it doesn't change gameplay, so whatever)

for now i am done, and i need testers, so its finally time for Jump 4 Starters RC 1

Grim, i finally put it in - i have no idea if you still even think about jumping atm, but i made a promise to you, and i kept it, now you have to find it :3

To everyone else:

- I completely re-lit every course, and overhauled texturing a bit, so it will look.... lets call it different - better or worse is on you to decide - I like it this way

- I added 2 completely new courses

- I added a new secret, to unlock it, you have to find the hidden rooms with their switches, and visit them in pairs - shoot both switches at the same time, and a pink light will confirm your success - find all and a hidden path will open SOMEWHERE (and i hope you'll be able to enter it... couldn't check that on myself, but the setup should work out, so i'm not worried)

-I changed a few jumps up a bit, and made minor adjustments to others (like making D5 easier)

so, yea, without further hesitation, here comes the link:

have fun with it and stuff :3

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