When I first started Engie jumping I always wanted a list of maps/jumps that were doable as engineer. While there is still a lack of videos to reference on how to do each map, for now at least, I have started building a list of maps for people...just so they know what they're getting into/what to expect or what they can actually beat.
4Starters-All Abuq-Course 1 all, Course 2 all Adventure-All Annex-All Aridia-All Aten-All Ayers2 A8-AllAyers V2-All Beef-All Bob-AllCheval-AllContact-1-5 Duey-All Dystopia-All Einfache-All Elysium-All Endurance-Can't Build Everest-All Facility-All Fear-All Future Rebuild-All Gman-All(not 100% on 10) Heaven-All Hobo2-All but last 2(Possibly all) Hot Coffee-All Ice-1-6 Impact-All Joa-1-5(Possibly All, I have yet to beat 6) Kilo-All Klanana-All Littleman-Blue All, Red 1-6Majora-All Natural-All Network-1-7 Noob-All but last 2 Noob2-1-2 Onion-All Orange-AllPagoda-1-7 Propel-Can't Build Puni-1-8 Pure-All but last(maze jump)Quake-Can't Build Quba-All Rebound-All Rook-All Rush-AllSexyDev-All Sharp-All but bonus jumps Soar-AllSpeed-All Speed2-All Style-1-2 Tholos-All Twist-All Vendetta-1-19 Volcano-1-13 What-All easy, and hard 1 Who-1-8 This is an ongoing project of mine, and as such will be updated periodically. If there's a map you want to help with or think should be up here feel free to let me know. Input is always appreciated, I'll fix any spelling mistakes when I'm not posting from my phone. Soon to come: Engie jump tutorial video Engie map specific jump videos Thanks for reading
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 12:18:07 PM by Just Tommy »
 I like my coffee black, just like my metal.