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Author Topic: Me Made a Map  (Read 17487 times)
Offline  The BQE

Posts: 135
On that note...that jump pisses me off to begin with.  If you have any tips for it, I'd love to hear. =)

Posts: 24
This D3 in rc1 is much easier than the old one since you don't teleport from touching the walls (although you still have to avoid that ceiling so start off with a distance jump instead of a height one). For the jump off the ramp you just need to go for height off the ramp to speed off the wall, that way you can make it in 1 jump from the first wall to the end, or if you go fast enough you don't even need walls and can just jump off the red ramp straight around to the end ;)
Offline  The BQE

Posts: 135
The wall doesn't reset you?  Oh thank god.  That's pretty much the reason I fail that jump every time. 

Posts: 1
Not sure if it's been mentioned but for the second water one on orange (10), you can just do a small jump off the end and wallclimb up the left or right wall, to that big platform near the ceiling. I don't think thats intentional? But it definitely makes things a breeze instead of doing it the normal way.
Also I hope the new jumps get numbered, it can get confusing at times  :P

Love the map btw, one of my favourites!

Posts: 24
By the way, are you planning on making the red ramps in C10, C Bonus etc green? Or similar with the D ones, just to match the course colors. I guess it's only stood out for me since I was noclipping around the map recently and it was more noticable, albeit very nitpicky ::)
I was looking for Red jumps since I'm trying to make a video of the whole map in this style.

4Starters Red #Draft 2

Naturally, after uploading this I found more ways of doing a couple jumps so I'll have to add to it.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 06:06:03 AM by FiveEighths »

Posts: 426
Unless blind has change those jumps, I am sure you dont need a ctap on number 3 and 9, 3 can easily be done with 7 rockets without ctap.
I still didn't try this version though...


Posts: 24
I knew about 3 for sure but for the life of me couldn't do it, only recently realized one of the reasons I suck at walljumping is that I overdo it or try too hard as you can kinda see with all that fail unnecessary mouse movement ???. Just threw ctap in there because I used them, really. If I get back in the swing of it I'll rerecord the crappy ones anyway.

Super lazy on doing any more of these so far. For courses like D/White or the newer ones I'm not expecting too many interesting ways to do a lot of the jumps anyway and I don't want to just telesync everything because that's boring, although I already threw some of those in I made sure it was the more fun or interesting ones.
Most of the alternates for C aren't even alternates, just chaining jumps like 4, 5 , and 6 together (won't that be fun to record).

« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 10:51:19 PM by FiveEighths »
Offline  Avaray

Posts: 7
Hey, Blind Girl! 4starters is my favourite map, really  8)

But version RC1 have some bad things:
- map is very dark in many places, need 2x more brightness or more,
- respawn is bad, old players knows difficulty of courses, but New players always want to start from Red or Green course because are near respawn. Better put A, B, C... In RC1 every course is named "1" and this is hard to guess which course is easy. Or maybe just create custom textures with difficulty level and put it near start of course.

Sorry for my broken english. Hope you will understand Me :D
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 10:32:11 AM by Avaray »

Posts: 24
You basically mean the start of the map, which does need some more visual work because at least a9 had signs for A, B, C etc.

I still think some sign system something like the hallways of Half-Life had might suit the map well. (Just like you can see on the walls here

Just a suggestion though.
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« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 02:08:53 PM by FiveEighths »

Posts: 49

holy hell, this took literally forever, last compiles were like... half an hour, and considering i ran into a weird lighting problem, that didn't occur when i compiled only parts of the map, i had to do several of em.

So, what happened this time:
I fixed the 3D skybox up, so you may see the outer parts in all their near intended glory now
I put A-F in front of the courses again, to help people out a bit
I exchanged the stupid looking old cs 1.0 like glass with a but-kicking new shader :3
I fixed some of the cheats that were mentioned before, that i deemed worthy
I put in the nobuild zones over the teleport_destinations, should prevent people from stucking there because of trolls, while at the same time not hindering engi-jumpers toooo much... i hope...

Last few things that i don't like about it:
I had only a limited brush amount for the 3D skybox... so it looks kinda crude and simple, but should still do here.
Further more there are some minor graphical glitches with the skyboxes, when you stand or noclip in weird positions (because they are in weird positions, i wont be fixing those).
I really liked 5/8ths suggestion of the lines on the ground, but again, i have literally 8 brushes left before the map stops compiling - i don't really have the ressources to do more than the decals, and even if i don't like it as much, they will probably do.

But i am gonna completely ignore those things right now, and just do my final compile, and hopefully be able to upload the new version on mediafire tomorrow, as right now packrat messed up royally, and i gotta recompile once again and really dont want to... fml...

So, anticipate my final release of this map to impact this forums like... tomorrow...
Won't be changing anything else after this, so if people want to make timers, YOU HAVE MY BLESSINGS

This version will be called jump_4starters
no _a42, no _rc3, nothing, just... 4starters... :3

What am i forgetting? OOOH, RIIIIGHT, THE BRIGHTNESS:
I got my monitor setup pretty perfectly, gamma wise, and some rooms are a bit too bright, like for example C2 (only in the unreleased version) or the start of E3 (the surf one), mb even D8 (the pogo down the platforms -> ramp slide), but i dont feel like its too much, so its staying this bright.
The rest of the map has pretty much the optimum brightness on my already darker-than-normal setup, so there is no way ill up the brightness levels, sry about that.
If you have trouble seeing stuff in this pretty much ALL WHITE MAP, then try setting your gamma curve up a notch.
Alternative sollution: DONT EVER EVER EVER PLAY THIS IN WINDOWED MODE, it makes the whole game darker by like 50% on most setups, and unless you know how to circumvent this, you shouldn't do it.

Thanks for reading, talk to you guys later, when i get the final compile done <3
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 03:54:04 AM by Blind Girl »

Posts: 49
okay, forget what i wrote earlier, here is the link:

no use in waiting, eh? ;P

sooo, before someone uploads this, can somebody download this and try it out, if the textures are all there, and stuff? don't want my final name to be something like: 4starters_fixed_causeimstupid or anything like that

if everything is there, you have my OK for whatever you'd like to do with it, because I AM FINISHED WITH IT :3
SO: get it on jumpit, jujumpit and chillout, so we finally have the same version on all the servers, and get timers done, i wanna see some records broken :3

thanks to everyone who helped on this, it literally took me forever, but i leaned soooooo much with this project

thanks to Drexen for always being there when i had a question
thanks to tophatwaffle for his amazing youtube tutorials
thanks to Huh and Quba for putting up with me through night after night, and to Stars RJ vids for introducing me to jumping back then
thanks to Raiin for being ... well... Raiin
thanks to everybody who tested (YES, I MEAN YOU!) and to everybody who put up with my mood changes (YES, YOU AGAIN!!!)
and thanks to everybody who likes the map, and to the entire jumping community - in the end this is for you guys, and seriously, the thought that there are people out there who in fact really like what i do kept me going

I don't know yet if or when ill start on the next map, i have a few ideas, but those are more design wise, and less interesting jump wise...
On this map the uninteresting jumps worked, as i started it as a beginner map, and basically collected stuff i liked on other maps under one roof - but if i start working again, i need a few great ideas, not just this basic stuff... so yea... don't know yet... :)

For now i'm out, laters <3
Offline  Shunix

Posts: 167
okay, forget what i wrote earlier, here is the link:

no use in waiting, eh? ;P

sooo, before someone uploads this, can somebody download this and try it out, if the textures are all there, and stuff? don't want my final name to be something like: 4starters_fixed_causeimstupid or anything like that

if everything is there, you have my OK for whatever you'd like to do with it, because I AM FINISHED WITH IT :3
SO: get it on jumpit, jujumpit and chillout, so we finally have the same version on all the servers, and get timers done, i wanna see some records broken :3

thanks to everyone who helped on this, it literally took me forever, but i leaned soooooo much with this project

thanks to Drexen for always being there when i had a question
thanks to tophatwaffle for his amazing youtube tutorials
thanks to Huh and Quba for putting up with me through night after night, and to Stars RJ vids for introducing me to jumping back then
thanks to Raiin for being ... well... Raiin
thanks to everybody who tested (YES, I MEAN YOU!) and to everybody who put up with my mood changes (YES, YOU AGAIN!!!)
and thanks to everybody who likes the map, and to the entire jumping community - in the end this is for you guys, and seriously, the thought that there are people out there who in fact really like what i do kept me going

I don't know yet if or when ill start on the next map, i have a few ideas, but those are more design wise, and less interesting jump wise...
On this map the uninteresting jumps worked, as i started it as a beginner map, and basically collected stuff i liked on other maps under one roof - but if i start working again, i need a few great ideas, not just this basic stuff... so yea... don't know yet... :)

For now i'm out, laters <3

You are a total legend <3


Posts: 24
Ok time to start grinding this map again in the hope of making a complete video or something.

Edit: Screw that^ I forgot my mouse hates me.

Delightful news for you, your new glass disagrees with DirectX8.
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2 more trivial things.
Why are the ramps on C10 still red when everything else is green ??? (this is why I gave up making maps, because I get too nitpicky and can never decide on stuff.)
What do you do when you reach the end of the map, I didn't see a tele back to start or intel or something, shouldn't there be some "reward" for getting that far?
Unless something is there and I missed it.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 01:06:37 PM by FiveEighths »

Posts: 49
well, the glass thing is kinda okay, since i disagree with dx8, too

we are what? 3 generations farther by now? dx8 graphics adapters aren't being produced any more since what? 10 years? DX 9.0 was introduced in what? late 2k2 or something?
Dx8 is one of those: Chose this setting and be prepared for the game to look... very different - things.
In my whole gamer career i've heard 1 single person say: eeeh, i don't like tf2 with dx9, it's too shiney for me - EVER!

So yea, since DX8 is by now 10 Years out of business, and i really dont see a reason to put high quality shaders in it, AND: i have no idea how to fix that - i will leave it like that, and honestly don't bother.

If people really play DX8 for performance, then i guess they shouldn't be able to see the glass shaders anyway.

A see though grey texture would be better there, mb, but in the end it wont matter for them THAT much.

The trivial things with the ramps:
They are still red, because they look better in red. The human brain can produce nausea and similar things, when being set into a weird green lighting environment, so i tried not putting to many green blocks in a singular room, that you have to see over a longer period of time. Thats why green is the lowest contrast course, too.
So, for me the alternative to the red ramps, would've been white ramps, not green ones, and  then the whole room would've lost a lot of its feel.
Also, not EVERYTHING else is green, the Gate on the water one for example is still red, too, to set accents. Its all to keep the color balance up a bit. Every rule has to be broken, somewhen - the important thing is to know when.

The end of the map? there is an end?
Every course has an end, and i tried setting em into scene differently, so people would think: this looks nice, i can rest a bit here, and just look around in the room - to give this: i just accomplished something feeling.

I have no idea if this worked or not, but overall, that was the goal on the course ends (from the start, btw, blue end didn't really change a lot since i made the first draft of the map).

So yea... what else do you mean by the end of the map? The hidden secret thingie? That one is the reward in itself. If you are able to get there, you should easily be able to do it, and have a bit of fun with it - it's not super tryhard, and tbh i thought it would be enough to make people happy, with the little deathmatch area to shoot each other until the timer runs out.

So yea, have my thoughts at this....

Fact: it never even occured to me to check if the refract material rendered in dx8, thats how off this suggestion feels for me... yea...

Hmm... other than that, thanks for testing, i take it the packing of the textures worked, if you guys could play the map and not have pink checkered eye cancer everywhere.

I guess if the DX8 white glass is the only texture problem present, and i wont be fixing this, the map should be good to go live, time for them uploads :3

Posts: 16
So, you say you're done? I say: Thank you!  ;D I didn't play the final release yet, but I like the recent changes of rc1. And your work will provide many hours of playing and enjoying rocket jumping. And as I'm still not able to beat the last stages, I will play your map a lot. (And probably curse you a lot, like I do with Quba)

You also declined my only attempt to complain.  I was glad with window-mode for several years, but also had to switch to fullbright 1 from time to time. I will try your tip.
(...) DONT EVER EVER EVER PLAY THIS IN WINDOWED MODE, it makes the whole game darker by like 50% on most setups, and unless you know how to circumvent this, you shouldn't do it. (...)

So, thanks again and enjoy your regained free time.

If you only have Hammer you tend to see every problem as a nail
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