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Author Topic: Jumpers getting into competitve TF2  (Read 2347 times)
Offline  cbear

Posts: 5
The topic has come up recently in the server and with a few of the dog-men Canadians on my friends list. I'm not sure if this has been brought up on here, but being one of the competitive liaisons who dabbles in jumping, I'd like to discuss if any of you have attempted competitive tf2? --- Experiences? Good? Bad? What you like/dont like about the idea?

I'll answer any questions/give advice/possibly mentor any of you non MIKE jumpers who would like to give it a try. Feel free to add me to steam if you'd like ( )

eXtv: Intro to Competitive TF2
- extv's intro to comp tf2 youtube link thing. I haven't watched it, but I assume it has more information than my stocky bear fingers can mash into this thread. (the general competitive hub these days) (a place with good information on starting out in either 6v6 or highlander)

I realize a lot of jumpers have no interest in the actual game, much less competitive, but I'd encourage anyone with a tidbit of interest to give it a shot. High level jumping ability translates very well to the game, and generally jumpers do quite well with a little time to learn maps and shiz.


Offline  Klanana

iT! Servers Owner
Posts: 671
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I love you for this post... I would love to see more jumpers get into the competitive scene. Personally I am nowhere near the level needed even for the lowest of low teams, but I really do enjoy watching so I am fine on the sidelines. It is interesting how people on both sides of the fence seem to be kind of scared to try the other out - a lot of great tf2 players wont jump because they say they are horrible and wont even try to learn, and many jumpers think they arent good enough to play comp (well... some of them think they are but arent!  :P ) I will admit though my motives have always been to try to bring more people to jumping... whether they be surfers or MGE'ers or whatnot, but it would definitely be cool to see our hopping homies out there kicking ass in the competitive world as well.

Hopefully Team iT will help both angles - getting people who know about the servers and shit to take notice of the competitive side, as well as make us a little bit more known to the comp people  :) Lets all work together!


Jump iT - | JuJump iT - | Surf iT -
Bball iT - | MGE iT -

Posts: 129
i over use smiley faces...problem? *trollface*
id love to go on competitive nice if i was good enough...and i don't know weather there is something i could do about the times of when the matches are...oh and did i mention i suck?
Offline  Hex

Posts: 7
I've tried getting into comp tf2 a couple times in the past. the first time was a disaster as i had no idea what i was doing and wasn't quite skilled enough to make it. The second time I started playing on tf2lobby which was decent except the pugs i played in had ZERO communication among teammates. seeing how communication is absolutely necessary for comp play, this kinda made things difficult, not fun, and generally lame.

I guess all i could suggest is if TF2Jump had an amateur team that anyone can join and play in to get a feel for comp play. We could just do pugs or whatever, even if we lose its still getting experience in a setting that is more supportive than just pugging with random people who may or may not talk to you. Think of it as TF2Jump's own recruiting/training team.

Having an experienced comp player like you cbear would be a great way to glue a team of noobs together and get everyone familiar with how comp play works. you can read all the comp guides you want and watch all the youtube comp tutorials, but you really don't have a clue what you're doing until you start playing.

Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
I made a 6s team at one point, and the other members lost interest.  I was in two different highlander teams, which ultimately failed (I also don't really like highlander, so I don't know why I did it twice).  I have about even time playing regular TF2 as I do jumping, and I'd say I'm fairly decent at both.  Plenty of people think I'm amazing at both, but I don't really think so. :x  I've been wanting to play some 6s again because I really enjoyed it.  Most of you won't remember this, but a while ago (about a year, I think), a few of my jumper buddies and I got together and created a team of good jumpers playing in TF2lobby.  That was some of the most fun I ever had in TF2, and I would love to do it again.  I don't remember all of the players who were in it, but I know dellort and Timmy Tissue were, for sure.  If any of you somehow remember that, we should do that again.

tl;dr I love jumping and I love regular TF2 and I would love to have a 6s team of jumpers.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.
Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
I only jump and play comp atm....... you can rarely catch me on pub, playing spy

I haven't started playing comp a long time ago thou.....only been in two 6s season and one highlander
already signed up for another highlander and another 6s....

btw, i play 6s med, and hl spy
Offline  CrancK

ehh... what?
Posts: 397
played comp before with some cool guys, went on for like 1-2 years, then the clan kinda fell apart, and i got addicted to fov 125 too much, so nah... valve is never gonna allow higher fovs me thinks, so not for me ^^

also, i think by now gunboats is banned, which is meh :(, i want my jumpy stuff, doing 27 minimum damage jumps sucks
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 04:52:28 PM by CrancK »

Offline  cbear

Posts: 5
I think the hardest part about comp tf2 is finding/maintaining a team. I know for me, I was on the same team (with a few changes here and there) from a very low level until we made ESEA-invite finals. That's rare. Most teams die off within months, if not sooner. I think finding a pool of jumpers who would like to start a team would be a fun idea. I'd be willing to play a little/mentor/help set things up, if there are players out there that would be interested.

The other hard part about getting into competitive play is just breaking into the community. Most of the upper-mid level players can be dbags and shun 'bad' players. Recently; however, there's been a big push to grow the competitive scene as much as possible -- so finding in-routes isn't quite as hard now as previously.

A good starting point would be to find players that don't rage, who are willing to get crushed in scrims for awhile, are fun to play with 2-3 nights a week and can listen to criticism. If there are those people here, post up! Getting better comes with time and a little practice, and once you find timing and teamwork, it's actually a lot of fun.

I guess I should say that I'm speaking mostly about the North American TF2 scene. I don't know how well this mirrors Euroland but I assume it's about the same. We also do allow gunboats for you rocket-jumping addicts.

I'd also just like to say that cody is bad.
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
I'm too anti-social/awkward.
Plus I'm bad
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 03:10:56 AM by DiddyKong FTW »

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss

Posts: 247
I played 6s as med for awhile before finding a decent team and played a cevo season (back when ppl played in ugc and cevo) with them. Took a little break from the game and the team moved on (vice-presidents).

Tried to get back into it again a few months back and just lost interest. I only can stand teenage drama so long. The time it takes to find a group that is willing to stick with it and actually put time into getting better takes a lot of doing. Dont get me wrong, when you find a good group to play with, it can be a blast (win or lose), but the time it takes find people that dont flake out on you sucks. And before anyone asks, no, i dont have any interest in heading a team. Its kinda like herding cats...

Anyway, I may be interested in something fairly casual, but I doubt Id be up for something to try to get past low/mid. Time is not on my side.. maybe if I was in HS again lol
Offline  EXC0

Posts: 26
I'd love to...

..."jump" into this again.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 07:08:53 PM by EXC0 »
Offline  MIKE`

Posts: 60
such a hater  >:(
Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube
I'd love to...

..."jump" into this again.


i c wut u did ther

also, i think is a great idea to try that
but i'm not playing.......(NA ping is not my friend)
Offline  tordana

Posts: 253
Right when TF2 came out I played in I think 3 seasons of TWL, 2 seasons of CEVO (first in -A, second in -M), and one season of ESEA-O. Was medic on one team, then got cut (assholes) and played scout on a different team. That second one we advertised as mid-, whatever the fuck that means.

I also go to IU's LAN every semester and have been on the winning team at all of them except one (that one we had most of an invite team (lange's team) show up and beat us...) and played soldier and demo.

TF2 comp is still fun, but I quit it for RIFT. What'cha going to do about it.

Offline  Hohen

Posts: 3
When i started playing the game in the beta i got in a smal Bulgarian team, playing against other Bulgarian teams and i thought i was good.When i watched a couple of high level games i realised i was bad and i had to improve , thats when i found jumping, like 3,5-4 years ago or sth like that.Due to it i got better and better but i couldnt really be bothered taking tf2 seriously, even though i did mixes with the best players then , that was like 3 years ago.Now im just playing random mixes and offclassing in some officials in div3 with a couple of mates but if not for jumping i wouldnt even be playing the game right now.
tl;dr Jumping is good, it helps.
P.S: I can help any jumper to get into competitive play aswell just give me a shoutout on steam.And its sad that i haven't been able to jump consistently, but Im following the development of the scene closely and seems a lot new players have improved a lot!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 01:48:14 PM by Hohen »
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